"Hmph! Your shop can be closed tomorrow. Don't let me see you again."

Wu Fan was still angry. After snorting at the shopkeeper, he turned around and walked out, not even wanting the talisman.

Of course, he didn't want the ordinary talisman, and he didn't want to be said by outsiders that he was robbing others for nothing.

Zhao Yue on the side saw this and quickly stood up to follow.

As for the shopkeeper, his face turned pale with fright, but the next moment his face became full of bitterness, so he quietly started to pack up his things and prepared to close the business. Today, he was considered innocent and was harmed by Chi Yu, but there was no way. It can only be considered bad luck for him.

At this time, everyone in the room had strange expressions on their faces and quietly walked out.

After a while, in a deserted alley, Wu Fan stopped and turned around slowly.

"Thank you so much, Uncle Master, for helping me just now. Zhaoyue is very grateful."

Wu Fan suddenly stopped and was almost hit by Zhao Yue, who was following closely behind. Fortunately, the woman reacted quickly and hurriedly stopped. Then she expressed her sincere thanks to cover up her embarrassment.

This woman was a little absent-minded just now, and she didn't know what she was thinking about. Now her face was extremely red, and she took two steps back without leaving any trace.

"Miss Zhaoyue, you don't have to be polite. You and I were good friends back then. Since I encountered you being bullied today, I naturally won't sit idly by and watch."

Wu Fan waved his hand and said with a smile on his face.


Zhaoyue lowered her head and murmured softly, with a hint of disappointment in her watery eyes.

"Then I won't be polite to my uncle. But today, my uncle offended Master Bai Yue because of me. You won't be in trouble in the future, right?"

Soon, Zhaoyue's expression returned to normal, and she asked with a worried look on her face.

"Trouble! Haha, there should be some, but it doesn't matter. He can't do anything to me yet, so you don't have to worry."

Wu Fan raised his eyebrows when he heard this, then chuckled and said nonchalantly.

"That's good, I'm relieved now!"

Zhaoyue felt relieved and couldn't help but pat her towering chest, and a smile finally appeared on her charming face.

"By the way, Miss Zhaoyue, I have two talismans here. They are much better than the one you were interested in before, so I will give them to you. With these two talismans, as long as you are not chased by the late Jindan cultivators, , it should be no problem to save one life.”

As if Wu Fan remembered something, he turned his palm and two threatening talismans suddenly appeared in his hand, so he handed them forward and smiled slightly.

"This..., this is absolutely impossible. How dare I accept such a valuable thing so easily? Master, uncle, I'd better take it back."

Zhaoyue was shocked when she heard this, and waved her hands repeatedly, looking flattered. This kind of talisman was really too precious for her.

"Haha, accept it. This talisman is of some use to you, but it is dispensable to me. You and I have known each other, so giving you two talismans is nothing. As for your future here, Whether you can survive this catastrophe depends on God’s will.”

Wu Fan shook his head and smiled, said in an unquestionable tone, and directly put the talisman into the woman's hand.

"This..., well, thank you, great uncle, for your kindness."

Looking at the talisman in her hand, Zhao Yue hesitated for a moment while her eyes swayed, but the next moment she no longer shied away and agreed with a look of joy, because she could see that Wu Fan gave him the talisman sincerely.

"Okay, go back, I still have things to do. Oh, by the way, don't go out for a while, I'm afraid that woman will be angry and cause trouble for you."

Wu Fan nodded and was about to get up and leave, but the next moment he stopped, looked at Zhao Yue and said seriously.

"I know, uncle, don't worry."

Zhaoyue was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then bowed.


Wu Fan said nothing more, nodded with a smile, walked away without looking back, and soon disappeared into the alley.

After Zhaoyue stood there in silence for a long time, she also left with a bitter smile.

In the following time, Wu Fan did not return to his residence immediately, but continued to wander around the city, and even went to the city wall, during which he kept using the Demonic Eyes.

But this city was so big that even if he walked around for a whole day, he only covered a small area, and this area was really insignificant compared to the entire city that stretched for countless miles from east to west.

However, under his Demonic Eyes, he discovered many strange things. Not to mention other things, just the several large formations hidden here made even him feel palpitations. In several other places, he He even sensed several powerful auras hidden underground. Although he couldn't see what they were, it was obviously some kind of hidden treasure.

It seems that the coalition forces have also deployed a lot of back-ups here, which makes Wu Fan feel more relaxed.

But what he didn't know was that while he was leisurely wandering around, something happened in a three-story attic not far away from this area, and it was related to him.

"Ugh...! Father, you have to make the decision for your daughter. You don't even know that damn Wu Fan really killed me. If my husband hadn't rescued me in time, you would never see your daughter again. ”

Next to the chair above the attic hall, the woman in palace clothes was crying bitterly, with a look of grievance on her face. She was kneeling on the ground and crying, holding one thigh tightly with her hands.

The person whose thigh she was holding was sitting on a chair, with an extremely gloomy face and a look of distress in her eyes. She was gently stroking the woman's hair with her palms.

This is a thin white-haired old man with a wisp of beard hanging down his chest. Although this man is old, he has a ruddy complexion and bright eyes. He does not look old at all. He looks decent and even energetic. He was full of energy, but at some point, there was a cunning and sinister look in this man's eyes, which really didn't match his appearance.

You don't need to think about it to know that this person must be Master Bai Yue.

"Asshole, this Wu Fan is so arrogant. As a powerful ancestor, he even wants to kill a junior. Ping'er, didn't you mention me to him before?"

As soon as the woman in palace clothes finished speaking, Master Bai Yue slapped the table next to him angrily, lowered his head and asked angrily.

"I said it, but he didn't care at all. He even said harshly that if father is not convinced, you can go to him. I think he doesn't take you seriously at all. Moreover, he threatened to kill me, saying I was so scared that I didn’t dare to say a word. There were so many people around, and you didn’t know how embarrassed I was at that time. How could I have the nerve to go out to see people in the future!”

After hearing the words, the woman in palace clothes hurriedly embellished the narration. At the end of the story, she burst into tears again. She was so aggrieved that even if an outsider saw it, they would probably feel distressed.

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