Mortal blood!

Chapter 979: Forced attack, array soul

"Fellow Daoist Lin, are you serious?"

An Xin was overjoyed.

The Lost Heart Gu is her life-definition Gu.

It has always been controlled by Lin Fan, which is a great threat to An Xin.

An Xin can only breathe a sigh of relief if she gets the Lost Heart Gu as soon as possible.

"Fairy, we have known each other for a while. Do you think I am a joker?" Lin Fan said casually.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, I also like to hear your words. In this case, I will tell you in detail about the life-definition Gu worm of Senior Sister Xiao Yuer."

"I would like to hear the details."

Lin Fan was overjoyed.

An Xin, who was about to leave, sat down again.

With her beautiful eyes sweeping over Lin Fan, An Xin smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Lin, you may not know that Senior Sister Xiao Yu'er's natal Gu is of great origin. It is said that it was cultivated from a drop of blood essence bestowed by the Insect Fairy. Its power is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary Gu insects."

"But Senior Sister Xiao Yu'er boldly took this holy Gu for herself. Moreover, she raised it as her natal Gu."

"Moreover, Senior Sister's Gu insect is very powerful. It can spray out a kind of venom that corrodes everything. It is quite lethal to the natal things of immortal cultivators."

"Fellow Daoist Lin, it's a good thing that you didn't meet my senior sister, otherwise you would definitely not be able to escape."

An Xin seemed to be talking casually.

But her words could not be hidden from Lin Fan.

"An Xin is now choosing things that I want to hear. Is she sure that Xiao Yu'er's death is related to me?"

"Or, has she already known that Xiao Yu'er's Gu worm is in my hands?"

After thinking for a while, Lin Fan could not be sure what An Xin had seen from him.

But, Lin Fan did not intend to waste this opportunity.

After patiently asking An Xin about Xiao Yu'er's Gu worm, he took out the Losing Heart Gu.

"Yes, this is the fairy's Losing Heart Gu. Although I have not raised the Losing Heart Gu in these years, it seems to be full of vitality."

Lin Fan chuckled and threw the jade bottle containing the Losing Heart Gu to An Xin.

An Xin's beautiful eyes bloomed with an irrepressible joy.

Especially after checking the Losing Heart Gu and seeing that Lin Fan did not seem to have tampered with it, she was even happier.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Lin." An Xin said excitedly.

"You are so polite, fairy. By the way, if the Immortal Worship Conference is about to start, fairy, please remember to inform me as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist Lin, I will take care of this matter. Besides, I will also attend the Immortal Worship Conference. When the time comes, let's go together."

"That's great!"

Lin Fan nodded.

And An Xin also left with an excuse.

Nothing was said for a while. After An Xin left for a long time, Lin Fan suddenly frowned.

"Did you hear our conversation just now?"


In an inconspicuous corner, a yellowed book was instantly opened.

Not long after, the book soul jumped out of the book eagerly.

"Master, I heard it, everything. According to what the fairy said just now, if the master wants to integrate the Gu worm into the natal formation, he only needs to use external force to force it to integrate."

"This process is like completely refining this holy Gu."

Lin Fan thought secretly for a while.

After carefully considering the pros and cons of this method, he nodded seriously.

"In this case, we might as well do it directly. That holy Gu is actually related to the insect fairy."

"If I integrate it into my natal formation as soon as possible, even the real fairy can't do anything to me."

Lin Fan's face lit up.

With the book soul, he flashed and entered the Lingmiao Fairy Picture directly.

Not long after, Xiaohuo and Xiaojin appeared beside Lin Fan happily.

"Meet the master!"

Xiaohuo and Xiaojin said in unison.

"I summoned you here this time to let you help me."

"Master, don't worry, the two of us will do our best." Xiaohuo said.

"Well, you wait on the side first. When you need to take action, you just need to keep spitting out the beast fire."

Lin Fan ordered, looking at the book soul.

"Let's start!"

"Yes, master!"

The book soul agreed, and quickly pointed his finger in the void. Soon, the area within a radius of dozens of miles was cut into an independent space.

Even Lin Fan was surprised by this precise control of the power of space.

However, Lin Fan did not ask any more questions.

After the Book Soul had prepared everything, he immediately scattered the Soul-Falling Sand into the independent space cut out by the Book Soul.

At the same time, the Gu worm of Xiao Yuer, which he had sealed, was also thrown into it.


In the Soul-Falling Sand, the wind and sand were blowing everywhere.

The Gu worm trapped in it was suddenly shocked.

It roared madly at the sky full of mad sand.

Seeing this, Lin Fan smiled coldly.

The power of the Heaven-Slaying Crazy Killing Array was suddenly exerted.

It took only a moment to consolidate, and the Gu worm suffered a lot.

"I know you have some background. But your master is dead. Next, if you still want to go against me, don't blame me for being rude!"

Lin Fan's face turned cold.

The sky full of mad sand shrank rapidly.

The strange power that attacked the Yuanshen made the Gu worm tremble.

But Lin Fan knew very well that the insect in front of him would not truly submit to him.

Only by making this insect suffer the most would it willingly serve as the soul of his own formation.


Lin Fan shouted.

Xiaohuo and Xiaojin spurted out several balls of flames in succession, falling towards the insect.

The Gu insect, which was about a foot in size, screamed and bared its teeth as it issued threats towards Lin Fan.

Lin Fan turned a blind eye.

After Xiao Huo and Xiao Jin used fireballs to hit them for a full hour, causing the spiritual power in the Gu insect's body to become disordered, Lin Fan spoke again: "I wonder how long you will continue to persist?"


The Gu insect let out a harsh hiss.

There was a hint of fear in Lin Fan's eyes.

For a moment, it became completely quiet.

Lin Fan felt happy when he saw this.

On the surface, he still pretends to be cold.

"Don't worry, I won't erase your intelligence. But I will put a restriction in your body. From now on, you will become the formation soul of my natal formation."

"In this way, as long as I can ascend to the True Immortal Realm, you can be regarded as ascending to heaven."

The Gu insect screamed a few times but did not object.

Such a smooth scene actually surprised Lin Fan.

"Could it be that Shuhun and I thought it was too complicated? I didn't expect that it would be so simple to make Gu insects become formation souls?"

Lin Fan was secretly puzzled.

But at this moment, he didn't dare to be careless.

Just wait for several restrictions to be placed inside the Gu insect's body.

Moreover, after completely integrating the soul of the Gu insect into the Soul-falling Sand, Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's done! From now on, my natal formation also has a formation soul."

"When I face enemies in the future, I only need to throw out the soul-falling sand, and the formation soul will automatically attack the enemy for me."

Lin Fan was secretly happy.

Just when he thought he was done, he suddenly found that the Gu insect that had completely integrated into the soul-falling sand and became the formation soul cast a strange look at him.

At this moment, Lin Fan felt that his mind was about to be seen through under the other person's gaze.

Inexplicable fear suddenly erupted from the depths of Lin Fan's heart.

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