Mortal blood!

Chapter 1660: Market, the middle volume of the Supreme Spiritual Refining Technique

"Brother Lin, the city in front of you is a city under the command of the Earth Demon Clan. In the Immortal Prisoner Cage, it is also a medium-sized city."

"How about we rest here for a few days and wait for Fairy Fanlong and the others?"

Cui Yuru looked at Lin Fan and smiled.

"Fairy Cui, it's up to you to decide this matter. It's my first time to come to a city under the command of the Disha Demon Clan, so I just happened to go for a walk. See if there is anything else to gain," Lin Fan said.

Soon, after disguising themselves, the two of them entered the city in front of them.

In the Immortal Prisoner Cage, although there are many Tianyun Realm immortals entering the Immortal Prisoner Cage.

But the people living in this city are all powerful demons.

Especially the strong ones from the Earth Demon Clan.

Lin Fan glanced around with his clear eyes.

It was discovered that there were many strong men disguised as Earth Demons.

But these people all looked anxious.

It seemed that they were all busy with their own affairs and were in a hurry to leave.

Only Lin Fan and Cui Yuru were wandering around the city in front of them. It seems a bit different.

After the two of them wandered around for a day, exploring the entire city, and taking the opportunity to leave a contact code, Lin Fan pointed at Fangshi not far away and said with a smile: "Fairy, are you willing to go to Fangshi with me?" Take a walk?”

"Brother Lin, I've been here before, so I won't go. Besides, I'm waiting here for Fairy Xiao Xiao and the others." Cui Yuru said with a smile.

Lin Fan nodded.

He left immediately in a flash.

Not long after, they came to an auction house with a very luxurious decoration.

Before he could enter, a demon female cultivator with a voluptuous figure and slightly dark skin walked out with a smile.

"Junior Qianqian, I have met senior. Did senior come to participate in the auction at our Disha Auction House?"

"Haha, fairies have good eyesight. Just take me in."

Lin Fan smiled and nodded.

Qian Qian looked overjoyed, and quickly took Lin Fan's hand, pressed her full body against Lin Fan's arm, and led Lin Fan inside affectionately: "Senior, in our Disha auction house, there are not many good things. Not to mention ordinary heavenly materials and earthly treasures, even Taoist weapons have appeared before, and you will definitely gain something when you come here."

Lin Fan smiled slightly and pushed Qian Qian away with a gentle push of his arm.

"Fairy, I'm just here to attend the auction," Lin Fan said.

This time, Qian Qian's pretty face suddenly turned red.

Soon, she smiled again and said: "Senior, don't worry, I know I was wrong. Senior, please come this way."


Lin Fan nodded.

He followed Qianqian directly into the auction house.

Soon, they arrived at the box reserved for those who were in the Da Luo Jinxian realm and above.

Every box here has a layer of formation arranged outside to isolate it from prying eyes.

It is difficult for ordinary Daluo Jinxian's spiritual thoughts to penetrate it.

But Lin Fan secretly activated his Qingming Spiritual Eyes, and could clearly see that at this moment, there were many old monsters from Daluo Jinxian, sleeping and flying with the maids from the Disha Auction House, playing all kinds of tricks.

"Even after reaching the Da Luo Jin Immortal realm, they can't give up these desires. These immortals, I'm afraid their realm can only stop here."

Lin Fan secretly complained, and when Qian Qian took him to the box No. Bing37, Lin Fan casually waved his hand and threw several magic crystals directly to the demon girl who was waiting here.

"Everyone, please step back. I don't like this. If necessary, I will give you instructions."

The demon girls who got the magic crystal all thanked them profusely.

Only Qian Qian hesitated for a moment and finally stayed.

When Lin Fan saw this, he didn't say much.

He glanced around and lay down directly on a large soft couch in the box.

Seeing this, Qian Qian hurriedly walked to Lin Fan and brought the unique spiritual fruit of the Immortal Prison Cage to Lin Fan's mouth.

Lin Fan smiled slightly and took a bite.

A stream of cold, sweet juice instantly made Lin Fan feel relaxed and happy.

"Huh? Is this the meditation fruit?"

Lin Fan said in surprise.

Meditation fruit!

This is a good thing that many immortals use to stabilize their Taoist hearts when they attack higher realms.

If placed in the thirty-third heaven, each one would require several pieces of low-grade immortal crystals.

Unexpectedly, in the Disha auction house, it was placed in a box for guests to enjoy as they pleased.

This kind of generosity surprised Lin Fan.

"Senior, these are indeed meditation fruits. If you are interested, senior, I can get you some more!" Qian Qian smiled.

Lin Fan nodded: "Then Fairy Lao."

It was a bargain that Lin Fan didn't want to miss.

Soon, Qian Qian left for a while and walked in again.

This time, she had a storage ring in her hand.

Inside, there are more than a hundred meditation fruits.

The condition and quality of each piece are excellent.

Lin Fan made a rough estimate and found that the value of these meditation fruits alone was no less than several hundred pieces of low-grade immortal crystals.

"A small profit. Even if I don't buy anything at the Disha auction house this time, my trip will not be in vain." Lin Fan secretly said with joy.

Lin Fan was not stingy this time.

With a casual throw, he threw twenty magic crystals directly to Qian Qian.

This made Qian Qian extremely happy. When she looked at Lin Fan, her smile became even sweeter.

He also took the initiative to introduce Lin Fan to the Disha Auction House.

This made Lin Fan gain a lot of knowledge.

After just waiting for a cup of tea, a cheerful fairy sound sounded in the Disha auction house.

Everyone's attention was attracted by Xianyin.

At this moment, in the box where Lin Fan was, a huge light curtain suddenly appeared out of thin air.

From the perspective of Lin Fan, who was lying on the couch, it was very comfortable.

Not long after, a charming demon woman with a charming figure, wearing only two pieces of animal skins and covering her key parts, appeared on the light curtain.

After she smiled sweetly at everyone, she smiled and said, "Welcome all seniors to my Disha Auction House. I am Yu'er, the host of this auction. I hope many seniors will support us."

"Next, the first item we auction is a replica of a Taoist weapon - the octagonal Tianyan fan."

While speaking, Yu'er threw it casually, and a palm-sized fan suddenly appeared in the void.

Immortal power was quickly injected into the middle of the fan.

Eight-color light continued to radiate from the fan.

A hot force of fire rules also filled the auction house.

Even Lin Fan, who was lying on the couch, was under great pressure at this moment.

"It is indeed a replica of a Taoist weapon. I didn't expect that the Disha Auction House is so generous. Even replicas of Taoist weapons are for sale."

"I just don't know if I will meet the one I like next!"

Lin Fan muttered secretly.

But he didn't mean to bid.

He already had two replicas of Taoist weapons in his hand.

The addition of an octagonal sky-flame fan was not very helpful to him.

However, this is also a rare good thing for other powerful demons.

Fairy Yu'er just announced the reserve price, and the voices of bidders rang out one after another.

Soon, the price of this replica of Taoist weapon rushed to tens of millions of magic crystals.

This made Lin Fan frown.

"A replica of Taoist weapon actually requires tens of millions of magic crystals? But I don't have many magic crystals in my hand, what should I do?" Lin Fan said secretly.

Soon, Lin Fan looked at Qian Qian and smiled: "Fairy, I wonder if your auction house accepts immortal stones?"

"Senior, our Disha Auction House has transactions with Tianyun Realm. If you don't have enough magic crystals, you can settle with immortal stones."

"Oh? In addition to your auction house, can immortal stones be used to settle in other places?"

"Senior, in many big cities in our prison cage, immortal stones and immortal crystals can be used to settle. Of course, if immortal stones are used to settle in some places, you may suffer a loss. After all, immortal stones in the prison cage are not very useful."


Lin Fan nodded and said no more.

After a moment, the octagonal Tianyan fan was bought at a high price of 80 million magic crystals, and then the second auction item appeared.

"Fellow Daoists, the next auction is a good thing. Let Yu'er keep it a secret. You will know when you see it!"

Yu'er smiled mysteriously.

With a casual throw, a golden page of Tianque appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this, Lin Fan was also surprised.

"Tianque Gold Page? Haha, it's something I must buy. I just want to know how much this thing is worth!" Lin Fan said.

Soon, other powerful demons also recognized the Tianque Gold Page.

Everyone naturally knew the value of the Tianque Gold Page and urged Yu'er to make an offer.

"Seniors, the base price of this Tianque Gold Page is one million magic crystals, and each increase in price must not be less than 100,000 magic crystals."

As soon as the voice fell, countless bidding voices also rang out.

"One million and a half million!"

"One million and six hundred thousand!"

"One million and nine hundred thousand!"

"Two million and a half million!"


In the blink of an eye, the value of the Tianque Gold Page was raised to five million magic crystals.

But at this time, there were still many people participating in the bidding.

Seeing this, Lin Fan said without hesitation: "Make an offer for me, six million magic crystals."

"Yes, senior!"

Qianqian looked overjoyed.

He quickly pressed a button in the box for Lin Fan.

Instantly, Yu'er's loud voice sounded: "The senior in Box C37 bid 6 million magic crystals. I wonder which senior is willing to increase the price?"

Instantly, countless divine thoughts quickly swept towards the box where Lin Fan was, but they were all blocked by the protective formation outside the box.

This made many powerful demons who wanted to find out Lin Fan's identity so angry that they almost grabbed wildly.

However, Lin Fan's big move of directly raising the price by one million shocked many powerful demons.

Next, the powerful demons who participated in the bidding were few and far between.

There were only two people who competed with Lin Fan for two rounds.

After seeing that Lin Fan's price increase was no less than one million each time, they gave up the competition directly.

In the end, this Tianque Golden Page was bought by Lin Fan at the price of 11 million magic crystals.

"Congratulations to the senior in Box C37 for winning a copy of the Golden Page of the Heavenly Palace at the price of 11 million magic crystals."

"Next, we will auction a very powerful technique. Please take a look, seniors."

The moment Yu'er's voice sounded, someone handed the Golden Page of the Heavenly Palace to Qianqian.

Qianqian then handed it to Lin Fan.

After Lin Fan paid the immortal stone and magic crystal, he looked into the void. Instantly, he locked onto the yellowed technique book floating in the void.

Looking at the several golden seal characters that appeared on the technique book.

Lin Fan's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Is this the middle volume of the Supreme Refining Spirit Art?"

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