Moonlight’s Korean Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 485: Don't dislike O'Neill's saliva

"Wow, Na Eun, you are interested, did you do this?"

Jin Xiayan held the chopsticks and looked at the food box in front of her. Every girl group knew her. Even if Apink, a fan girl from Taiyan, Na Eun, she still knew the captain Pu Churong. When she was a trainee at JYP, Jin Ha Yeon met. A group of girls listened to Jin Ha Yeon’s bragging MV shooting for a while and they all left. Tara had to prepare for the recording, and the others had to visit each other. It was Park Tae Yeon. Mimei, because she didn't see her idol still staying here.

"No, I don't have such good craftsmanship. Now many specialize in making aid food boxes."

Sun Naen blushed directly, not to mention whether the craftsmanship is good or not, whether it will be a problem for all generations.

"Yeah, thank you, otherwise we can only go to the cafeteria."

As soon as Jin Xiayan finished speaking, she saw the two walking by side by side. She glanced at the lunch box, and immediately caught her chopsticks, got up and walked towards Park Taiyan.

"Na Eun's meal for you, oh, try it!"

Just seeing Sun Na Eun nodded, Park Taiyan subconsciously opened his mouth and ate the game, but before he could chew, he heard a strange sound coming from the face.


Zheng Xiuyan pursed her mouth, her lips trembled, her little hand pressed her nose firmly.

"I'll come here later, and you'll rinse your mouth later, or else I'd rather not dance."

Jung Soo-yeon turned around and walked away.

Park Taiyan already knew what was in his mouth, and the smiling Jin Xiayan stared fiercely, and walked over to take a tissue and spit it out.

Then, looking at the aggrieved Sun Na-eun, she explained: "Sika is allergic to cucumber and can't smell it. It's still half an hour for me and her to record."

Sun Naen quickly patted her head: "Ah, I know this."

"Hehe! I pretended to be her, so I really can't smell it!"

Park Taiyan gave her a fierce look again, walked to the coffee table and did it, looked at it and directly chose a box of dishes without cucumbers and brought it to him.

"Na Eun, when will your stage be recorded?"

"Behind you and Senior Sika."

Park Taiyan nodded, his eyes kept looking at Sun Na Eun's playing costume, until he was embarrassed to look at her, his hands kept churning in front of her.

"Yeah, don't be like a pervert. Others think you are going to do to your fans." Jin Xiayan came over and slapped him on his forehead. His popularity really made her feel ashamed. What should I do if my many fans are scared away.

Pu Taiyan held his forehead, bit his chopsticks in his mouth, and smiled awkwardly.

"It's just that they look familiar with their playing costumes, but suddenly I don't remember where they have seen it."

Sun Na'en looked back in the mirror when she heard the words, thinking about whom she had hit in a song suit.

Jin Xiayan just glanced, looked at Sun Na Eun's face, raised her little hand and snapped her fingers.

"It's no wonder that when you look at Na Eun, you will think of it, it was the stage when you settled the injury in the first half of 2009, silly Pa, your school girl, and the Oh! Mylove costume of their JTS team who was afraid of cucumber jumping."

Sun Na'en looked in the mirror with a bright eye: "Yes, I remember it too, it seems that the dress winks are different, right?"

"Well, they are light blue, and..." Looking at Sun Na'en's arms and thighs for a moment, he still didn't say the rest.

When Jin Xiayan saw his eyes, she knew what he wanted to say.

"Na Eun, your "mymy" seems to have a similar style to SES's "Oh! Mylove", and this big satyr wants to say that you need to control your body shape."

Park Taiyan immediately looked at Jin Xiayan and shook his head: "I didn't say it, you said it."

Seeing Na Eun embarrassedly embracing her shoulders and covering her arms, Park Taiyan finally said, "Does your company require you to control your body shape?"

"Our captain loves to eat, so take us with..."

"Forget it, don't care about these, you are still young, to Kim Taeyeon and the others, it was wrong, but Kim Taeyeon was also fat..."

Park Taeyeon felt that he really couldn't speak ill of others behind his back. Looking at the reflection in the mirror, Kim Taeyeon, who was standing at the door, had cramps. He felt that he couldn't stop doing it.

Pretending not to see it, he lowered his head and clamped a big piece: "Girls are the cutest with some baby fat. I like the appearance of Taeyeon when she was in Girls' Generation."

Jin Xiayan covered her mouth and felt that she was going to laugh crazy. She stretched out her little hand and waved at the door: "Euny, have you eaten? Come in together!"

"Senior Taeyeon, hello!" Sun Na Eun hurriedly saluted.

Kim Taeyeon looked at each other and nodded: "apink's..."

"Na Eun, Sun Na Eun."

Kim Taeyeon clapped her hands and looked like a female gangster: "That is, the facade of Na Eun apink, how could I forget how beautiful it is."

Jin Xiayan bumped Park Taiyan and asked him to sit down, and beckoned her sister to sit over.

Kim Taeyeon walked over slowly, unwillingly, her small eyes kept staring at Park Taeyeon.

"Oba, you have to eat first, and I have to go back and make preparations. Goodbye, senior, goodbye, Xiaobu!"

Sun Naen looked at it and left directly.

Sitting next to my sister, she was directly stuffed with a prawn: "Oba? What do you call you kid?"

Just as Park Taiyan wanted to speak, he was kicked lightly by Kim Ha-yeon.

"Call me my little sister! Ernie, you look good in song clothes." Kim Taeyeon put a side of her blonde hair, holding the probe with her hand to enjoy her sister's feeding.

When Park Taiyan heard the words, he turned his gaze and looked at her exposed jawline and white skin. He felt a little dizzy. Compared with her two years ago, she was really too mature.

Seeing her in hot pants, Park Taiyan looked back, took a blanket and handed it over.

"Be careful in the cold weather, or you will get an occupational disease in the future."

Kim Taeyeon stayed for a while, then nodded, let go of her hair holding her hair, and put her hands over her legs.

"OK, thank you!"

Listening to her sister Jiao Didi's gratitude, Jin Xiayan looked left and right, the corners of her mouth were greatly raised, and she directly picked a shrimp and handed it to Park Taiyan's mouth.

"A reward for you."

Kim Taeyeon just put the blanket on, watching her sister put another one to give it to her mouth, Kim Taeyeon hesitantly watched the chopsticks not moving.


"No chopsticks? I'll do it myself."

Jin Xiayan heard the words and looked at the chopsticks in her hand, then stuffed it into her mouth, took a bite, and then rolled her small tongue in front of the chopsticks.

Kim Taeyeon stared wide-eyed as she watched her sister once again took the food and handed it to her mouth, blinking and blinking.

"Eat, if he loses his saliva, don't you still dislike me?"

Kim Tae-yeon stared at her pocket when she heard the words, Kim Ha-yeon looked at her sister's slightly opened mouth, squeezed her eyes and hands quickly, and then pinched the same dumbfounded Park Tae-yeon's mouth.

"Oppa is better, I don't dislike O'Neill's drool."

"..." X2

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