
The plane shook violently again.

In the dead silent cabin, the death that everyone imagined did not come.

When everyone opened their eyes, they saw a scene that made them stay where they were.

Just as the plane was about to hit the mountain, the nose of the plane quickly pulled up and passed by the mountain.


The plane continued to shake.

Everyone dared not make a sound and held the seat armrests tightly.

In the cockpit.

Liu Mu pulled up the joystick with both hands, his expression was extremely solemn.


The cold wind whistled past.

Liu Mu's facial muscles were blown and squirmed.

At this moment, a mosquito emitted a faint blue light, forming an energy shield to isolate the cold wind.

Good luck!

Liu Mu was relieved when the plane entered level flight.

If he had been a step later just now.

Everyone on the plane would have died.

Even he was no exception.

Although the intelligent micro-robot can open the protective shield, there is an upper limit to the defensive power of the protective shield.

The protective shield may not be able to defend against the force generated by the collision between the plane and the mountain.

"Liu, Mr. Liu!"

A trembling voice sounded behind Liu Mu.

The stewardess who took a photo with Liu Mu was staring blankly at Liu Mu who was controlling the plane.

Behind the stewardess, there were other crew members standing.

"Don't come here."

Liu Mu looked back at everyone and said solemnly, "The cockpit is depressurized. You have no protection measures. If you are not careful, you will be sucked out."

As soon as Liu Mu finished speaking, everyone was frightened and retreated one after another.

"Great, Mr. Liu will fly the plane, we are saved."

The stewardess said with tears in her eyes.

"Hurry, let's go back and comfort the passengers."

The chief stewardess and others walked quickly to the cabin.

Because they were too excited, several stewardesses accidentally fell.

"What happened? How did the plane return to normal?"

"Can anyone tell me if this is a dream? Am I dead or alive now!"

"Wow, I will never take a plane again."

"Go home, I want to go home."

Tears were on everyone's face.

Although the plane returned to normal, everyone's mentality was completely broken after a trip from the gates of hell.

"Don't worry, the plane is fine now."

The chief steward said excitedly, "There is a young man who can fly a plane. He will lead us to a safe landing."

"Really? That's great."

"As long as I can go back alive this time, that young man will be my reborn parent."

"Beauty, tell the hero not to be nervous. We all have our lives in his hands."

Everyone cried with joy, and hope rekindled in their eyes.


Magic City Airport.

Firefighters, police, and medical staff have been waiting at the airport for a long time.

All planes on the runway have been cleared.

Just to make enough landing space for Shancheng 8668.

Inside the tower.

All the leaders of Shanghai are here.

A group of people stared at a display screen intently.

"The signal of Shancheng 8668 has been restored."

The tower staff exclaimed.

Suddenly everyone became nervous.

"Notify everyone, be on alert."

A middle-aged man in an executive jacket said in a deep voice.

"No one can enter the runway."

The middle-aged man's name is Hu Yueguang, the number one leader of Shanghai.


As the staff went to convey Hu Yueguang's instructions, a plane also appeared over the airport.

However, the plane was shaking violently and showed signs of insufficient power.

"No, there seems to be something wrong with the power unit of Shancheng 8668."

The tower staff said palely, "Without enough power buffer, Shancheng 8668 will not be able to land normally, and will even... crash in the end."

"Damn it."

Tower commander Wu Gang clenched his fists and said, "The people on the plane will be safe soon, why did the power unit have problems at this time."

"Is there no other way?"

Hu Yueguang said with a grim face.

A plane crash is a big deal at any time.

What's more, there are more than a hundred passengers on the plane, more than a hundred lives.


Wu Gang sighed and shook his head, "At this point, we can only pray for a miracle."

Wu Gang stared at the display screen.

The power of the plane was getting weaker and weaker, and the jet engine was emitting a lot of black smoke.


"Quick, evacuate quickly."

Inside the runway.

People from various departments were retreating to a distance.

Among them, the media personnel broadcast the scene live.

Shancheng Expo Center.

Su Yao stopped the press conference halfway through.

Just becauseThe people in the hall had no intention to listen to what she said.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the projection screen in the hall.

On the projection screen, the scene of the Magic City Airport was being broadcast live.

Looking at the rapidly falling plane in the picture, everyone's face was very pale.

"It's over now. At this falling speed, the people on the plane have no chance of survival."

"It must be okay."

"It's useless. The captain of Shancheng 8668 has tried his best."

"The jet engine is broken. Even if the fighter pilot comes, it will be useless."

Everyone's eyes were full of pity.

Although there were no family members on the plane.

But they were also very upset when their compatriots died.

Behind the booth.

Nangong Ye and Zhu Kang were also watching the live broadcast.

Seeing the plane getting closer and closer to crashing, Zhu Kang gloated, "That's it, let that guy die in the plane."

"Mr. Zhu is a little too proud."

Nangong Ye said slowly, "He is already dying, Mr. Zhu doesn't need to say some useless words, lest someone with ulterior motives hears and makes a fuss about it."

"Brother Ye is right."

Zhu Kang looked around and saw that there was no one else. He raised the corner of his mouth and said, "That guy is against us, this is his retribution."


As soon as Zhu Kang finished speaking, the whole exhibition hall suddenly boiled.

"What the hell did I see!"

"Miracle, a miracle has appeared."

The sudden boiling voice made Zhu Kang and Nangong Ye stunned.

The two hurriedly looked at the projection screen.

At this sight, the pupils of the two contracted and they were dumbfounded.


Over the Magic City Airport.

The plane suddenly spun 360 degrees like a drum at a height of one kilometer from the runway.

With the force of the rotation, the plane fell faster.

The plane was about to hit the ground.

The nose of the plane was pulled up at 90 degrees. As the nose was pulled up, the tires came into contact with the runway and rubbed at high speed.

The terrifying inertia made the plane unable to stop at all.

Just as the plane was about to hit the runway, the nose was pulled up again, but this time the angle of the pull was greater.

At the same time, the plane left the runway, circled a few hundred meters in the air, and tried to land again.


The jet device was completely shut down, the tires of the plane came into contact with the runway, and without power and terrifying inertia, the plane slid smoothly for a few meters and stopped.


Whether it was the scene or the major live broadcast rooms on the entire network.

There was silence.

It was not until the door of the plane was opened and a series of embarrassed figures fled out of the plane that everyone came to their senses.

"Hurry up and save people."

The leaders of various departments screamed loudly.

Medical staff, uncles in hats, and firefighters ran desperately towards the plane.

The major media personnel also followed immediately.

In the tower.

Wu Gang sat exhausted on the chair.

"Miracle, this is simply a miracle."

"Hurry, go and greet our hero."

Zhao Yueguang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "He saved more than a hundred passengers on the plane with his own strength. The captain who drove Shancheng 8668 this time is destined to go down in history."


"Ugh, I survived."

On the runway.

The surviving passengers vomited uncontrollably.

Although they saved their lives this time, the experience during this period was enough to make them have a psychological shadow on the plane.

"Where's the hero? Has the hero come out?"

"Thanks to the hero, we were able to reach the ground alive this time."

"Having said that, did the hero fly a fighter plane before? This is too exciting, I was scared to death."

Ps: The plot of the novel is purely fictional!

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