Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 53 Belladonna Juice

The news that the opening ceremony of the school hunting party was postponed spread a lot on Thursday morning.

There are all kinds of rumors in the school.

From the monsters attacking the school's stronghold in the Mariana Trench, to the indigenous people of the New World launching a massive uprising, or the resurgence of the Silent Forest this year bringing some terrifying creatures, the school's top leaders have all To suppress the restlessness of the forest.

In short, there are endless strange remarks.

Even after the pharmacy class started, there were still people whispering in the audience and discussing this issue.

Professor Li had to stop his opening remarks and first announced the school's announcement to everyone - he originally planned to inform everyone about it after class.

"I know that many people have their own opinions on the postponement of this hunting party... This is not a reason for you not to take classes seriously." Professor Li's thin voice floated in the classroom, looking like he would hold his breath at any time.

This also forces many students to abandon their concentration and try to catch every word the professor says.

"Due to the recent tense security situation in the school, after careful discussions between the professors' joint meeting and the school working committee, in order to ensure the personal safety of students on campus, the opening ceremony of this year's school hunting party has been postponed to mid-October... The specific time has not been determined yet. But it will definitely be held before frost comes.”

"You should be able to get more detailed information from your counselor at the weekend class meeting."

"Okay, that's all I know."

"I hope that everyone can maintain an active learning state in the following classes and not let external factors interfere with the matters that you really need to pay attention to."

Having said this, Professor Li picked up the tea cup on the lecture table and slowly took a sip of tea.

Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he put his hand into his robe, fumbled around for a long time, and then lifted up a small glass bottle.

There was a small half bottle of purple-black liquid inside, which shone with a mysterious color in the sunlight.

"Does anyone know what this is?" Professor Li asked in a long voice, looking at the young wizards in the classroom with inquiring eyes: "If you are not sure... oh, everyone knows it."

The second half of his sentence was interrupted by the arms raised in unison in the front row of the classroom.

Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows in surprise.

There are many dark purple liquids, such as grape juice, potassium permanganate solution, litmus test solution, etc. Just based on the small bottle the professor held up, looking at it from a distance, there was no way to clearly determine what was inside.

But beyond Zheng Qing's expectation, almost all the girls in the classroom raised their hands.

In contrast, only Xiao Xiao raised his hand among the boys - this is not surprising at all, Dr. Xiao Da can even explain the popular perfume color, flavor and style this year clearly.

"What's in the bottle?" Zheng Qing pushed the doctor next to him with his arm.

Fatty Xin and Zhang Jixin, who were sitting in the front row, also very cleverly turned their bodies to the side and pricked up their ears.

"Belladonna juice." Xiao Xiao's lips wriggled slightly, and he explained quickly: "Belladonna, also called belladonna, is a perennial herb of the genus Belladonna in the Solanaceae family. It is native to Europe. It likes warmth and avoids cold and high temperatures. , the smell is slightly bitter and pungent; the ripe berries are spherical, smooth, purple-black, and the juice is purple.”

"But there is a lot of purple liquid!" Fatty Xin finally couldn't help it, turned his head and retorted in a low voice: "I can read you a long list without reading the encyclopedia..."

"But the most popular purple liquid in school these days is belladonna juice." Xiao Xiao glanced at the fat man with a blank expression: "This is why the girls can recognize it, but you don't know. "

"Why?" Zheng Qing asked curiously.

"Because belladonna juice has the effect of beautifying contact lenses." Xiao Xiao shrugged and said the answer easily: "This is a very ancient makeup method, which first emerged in the Apennine Peninsula...In medieval Italy, women wanted to make themselves look beautiful. My eyes look bigger because I put belladonna juice in them... In fact, belladonna is spelled belladonna in Italian, which means beauty."

"belladonna?" Zheng Qing read this familiar word and felt that it seemed familiar.

"Mrs. Bella?!" Fatty Xin looked like he'd seen a ghost: "Mrs. Bella, you mean beautiful? ... No offense, I didn't notice how beautiful she is at all."

"Pfft." Zheng Qing lowered his head and his shoulders shook violently.

Mrs. Bella is the head nurse of the school hospital.

She is a tall, strong female nurse.

Just like Fatty Xin said, there is indeed a big gap between this name and the word beauty.

"Everyone's name is entrusted with good wishes, but not every good wish can come true." Zhang Jixin stopped several boys from laughing and said in a very serious tone: "The name is a very serious carrier. It's very rude to laugh at someone's name."

"Sorry." Zheng Qing suppressed his smile and expressed his apology with a serious face.

Fatty Xin snorted twice and quietly turned back to the front row.

On the podium, Professor Li did not seem to notice the whispers between several boys in the corner of the room. After naming a few girls to ask for answers, he waved his hand and motioned for the others to put their arms down.

"I should have expected this result." The professor smiled softly, his eyes sliding across the faces of the young wizards, and he slowly explained:

"As some students have answered before...this is belladonna juice."

“Potions made from the juice of ripe belladonna berries as the main raw material are often used by therapists in antispasmodic, analgesic, and antiperspirant prescriptions, and are very effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal colic and excessive gastric juice secretion. … Belladonna is included in the standard wolfsbane potion, which can, to a certain extent, curb the werewolf’s manic urge to eat and the pain during transformation.”

“Of course, girls should be aware of another side effect of belladonna juice—pupil dilation.”

"That is, mydriasis... belladonna juice can expand your pupils to a certain extent, achieving the effect of non-physical contact lenses."

"But I singled it out today, not to recommend this ancient herbal essence to everyone..."

The professor's statement was very interesting, and there was a burst of suppressed laughter in the classroom.

“Belladonna contains a variety of alkaloids—including hyoscyamine, scopolamine, and, in small amounts, atropine—which, in certain doses, are lethal venoms.”

"Even if the dose is strictly controlled, long-term mydriasis can cause the eyes to lose focus, reduce vision, and even lead to intermittent blindness in severe cases."

"As far as I know, no wizard has been able to obtain a registered wizard's certificate while blind."

"...Perhaps because of the school hunting party, the trading volume of herbs with certain beautifying effects like belladonna juice on campus has increased rapidly recently...but Uncle Stendhal from Baicao Garden is not happy at all."

"This is not good news."

"You should focus more on your that when you actually become a registered wizard, your appearance will still be the same in a hundred years, and you will have enough time to dress yourself up."

"If you don't become a registered wizard, it won't take fifty years for you to lose your appearance and look old."

The classroom was quiet, everyone held their breath and listened carefully to the professor's threats.

Especially girls.

Zheng Qing noticed that Li Meng was clutching her cousin's robe tightly and her face turned pale.

Her pupils also look slightly larger than usual.

I wonder if belladonna juice was used.

On the podium, Professor Li’s earnest teachings have not stopped.

"... You have to know that the school hunting party is just the beginning of the hunting moon, and the dance is not the whole of the hunting moon... The hunting moon is a long activity that lasts for a whole month... There are also hunting painting exhibitions, hunting song competitions and many other activities ”

“Don’t blind yourself to the wider world.”

"...Of course, at the end, I would like to remind everyone...especially the ladies in the class."

"You are all young, and you are very beautiful with your smooth skin and shining eyes - youth is the best beauty medicine. You are very charming even without dropping belladonna juice in your eyes."

"Beauty maintained by potions is as addictive as the poppy."

"It will kill you slowly like a poppy."

"Remember, everyone has the desire for beauty. But don't do anything you regret in order to maintain your beauty and youth."

"This desire cannot be eliminated with a drop of venom. You will pay a high and heavy price for it."

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