Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2880 Conspiracy

Xiao Xiao's speculation turned out to be a prophecy.

In the following days of the sixteenth week, chaos arose one after another on Phuket Island—on Wednesday, students from two extreme sects in Atlas staged a full-scale martial arts showdown in the cafeteria; on Thursday, a kappa was thrown away with its skull uncovered. At the door of Wandering Bar, when the bartender who got up early found it, the big frog at the door had already licked the kappa's brains dry.

This makes retrieving memories impossible.

"It's unjust! I'm so unjust!"

When the amphibian was taken away by the black robes of the Beta Town Management Committee, it cried loudly, and its two big eyeballs that were already very eye-catching became more and more swollen: "——I just dreamed about the owner when I was dreaming. I was given a bowl of crab roe tofu, and when I woke up, its empty head was in front of me... It really wasn’t me!”

Although the authenticity of its words cannot be ruled out.

But considering that when pedestrians passing by in the morning found the dead kappa, the big frog taking a nap next to it still had a suspicious white residue hanging on the corner of its mouth, even if the owner of the wandering bar had a lot of face on the street, it would not be easy to leave. He defended it in full public view.

"I believe you." The wandering wizard patted the big frog's head in relief, turned to look at the wizard in the management committee, raised his hand and tugged on the brim of his hat: "——Thank you for your hard work."

No one could ignore the overtures of a great wizard.

Especially since the great wizard still had a bad reputation.

"It's not hard, it's not hard." The two young men in black robes hurriedly waved their hands, carefully pulled up the rope that bound the big frog, and left the scene quickly.

The onlookers gradually dispersed.

The owner of Wandering Bar never left. Instead, he kept raising his head and looking at the stars that were lighting up one after another in the darkening sky. After a long time, he sighed softly.

"——Mars is getting brighter and brighter."

Zheng Qing didn't believe that the school's great diviners would turn a blind eye to the anomaly that even Xiao Xiao could detect.

But according to Xiao Xiao, what is happening now is a complete conspiracy.

Whether it is the Alliance, Phuket Island, or First University, the internal affairs are not monolithic to begin with. There are entangled interests and conflicts among different groups. When the high-level wizards have the same attitude, they can still suppress these chaotic voices, but at the moment In this sensitive period - the relationship between the three legendary wizards is delicate, and the Fringe Academy is about to be established - with a little provocation by someone who is interested, the sparks hidden under the withered grass will quickly turn into flames.

But in the face of these flames that seemed to start a prairie fire, all high-level wizards seemed to have become deaf and blind overnight, silently waiting for the final result to appear.

After all, whether it was the tragic death of a kappa, a fight between students, or the indignation of the Beta Town business group, in their view, it was just a petty fight between children and a scabies disease.

Those who truly determine the future of this island and First University are always those powerful wizards who are above fate.

"——So, we don't need to worry too much about these things. Just let nature take its course."

Xiao Xiao was sitting behind the desk in dormitory 403. His whole body was drowned by the tall textbooks. Only a slightly tired voice came from behind the wall of books. After a brief analysis of the current situation, he warned a few people with some anxiety. A companion said: "The final exam is just over a week away. Don't bother me with such trivial matters!"

Sorting through other people's two-year courses in less than two weeks is a heavy burden even for Xiao Xiao. His temper has become visibly worse these days.

The doctor's temper was bad.

The fat wizard has a good temper.

At this moment, the fat wizard holding the cat glanced at the wall of books opposite the desk with some pity, and shook his head slightly: "——Really, why bother? We are all adults. No need, no need "

It seems to be commenting on the one after another riots on Phuket Island.

It also seemed like he was complaining about Xiao Xiao's decision to accept the school's suggestion and graduate early.

Tuantuan curled up on the fat man's lap and meowed in agreement.

Dr. Duzem stood in front of the small bronze door and looked around nervously.

The corridors were empty.

He withdrew his gaze and focused his gaze on the knocker beast at the head of the small door. He watched the beast that looked like a cow but not a cow chewing the copper ring in its mouth. He hesitated for a moment and finally picked up the copper ring.


Unexpectedly, the sound of the copper ring tapping was particularly dull.

It was very similar to his mood at the moment.

The small door opened quietly, revealing a dark room, like a monster with a bloody mouth. Dr. Duzem suddenly regretted his choice.

"Please come in...I'm sorry, I'm not in a good condition right now, I'm sorry."

A slightly cold voice came from the room, interrupting the doctor's thoughts - now that he is here, don't think so much - he comforted himself in his heart, took a deep breath, and bent down Entered the small door.


The small bronze door closed heavily behind him.

A somewhat putrid smell immediately filled Dr. Duzem's nasal cavity, causing him to subconsciously hold his breath. In the dim light around them, Duzem saw test benches that were clean and tidy, but seemed to have been unused for a long time and lacked popularity.

Then he looked in the direction where the sound came from.

A tall and thin figure sat upright behind a desk not far away. Although he looked like an ordinary person, in Du Zemu's spiritual perception, he felt that the figure was particularly tall, and he looked like a little mouse standing in front of him.

This is the greatness of the great wizard.

He sighed in his heart for a moment, and immediately restrained all his emotions, raised his hand and waved.


A shadow flew out of his sleeve, as fast as lightning, but in a moment it hovered steadily in front of the owner of the office, revealing its dark, hard metal shell.

It was a small box.

"- I brought the things, and the transaction between us ends here." Dr. Du Zemu said with some helplessness and determination: "Originally, there was no after-sales service for this matter."

The figure behind the desk did not speak.

He raised his arm, and the wide robe sleeves slid down a little, immediately revealing a pale hand with skin and bones, and then the hand lightly touched the black box.


The lid popped up, revealing a small piece of dead wood inside.


A rough inhalation sounded clearly in the room, and Dr. Duzem could vaguely see a cloud of silver-gray smoke like mist rising from the small piece of dead wood and sinking into the wide hood of the office owner.

The hood was lifted up by the violent breathing.

A shrunken face like a skull was revealed underneath.

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