Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 73 The old young man

According to Jiang Yu's previous introduction, Zheng Qing thought he would see a young wizard.

But the reality shocked him.

The doctor in front of him, who was less than forty years old, had gray hair, a yellow and haggard face, and two big black bags under his eyes. He looked like an old man in his seventies or eighties.

Zheng Qing remembered very clearly that Dr. Duzem had become a registered wizard when he was less than twenty years old, and it had only been twenty years now.

Twenty years, for the great wizard, might be just a nap.

Even for a registered wizard, it is not a long time.

Registered wizards may have a hundred-year difference in lifespan depending on their promotion status, but the vast majority of registered wizards have a long lifespan of more than three hundred years.

Forty years old, for a registered wizard, is between ordinary human teenagers and young adults.

It was originally a prime age.

Unexpectedly, it was almost dusk.

This left Zheng Qing speechless in shock.

So much so that when the owner of the house grabbed his arm and shook him, he didn't react at all.

However, Dr. Duzem is not an old-fashioned aristocrat who likes to get entangled in red tape.

He didn't pay attention to the rudeness of Miss Jiang's male companion.

He paid more attention to the young witch in red robe in front of him.

"So, the rumors are true. Did you really go to Jiuyou Academy to study?" Dr. Duzem's tone was full of regret: "For a family that has been Alpha for generations, this must be a difficult choice... …The elders in your house must be very troubled by your choice.”

"They don't need to choose." Jiang Yu smiled slightly.

While the two were chatting, Zheng Qing finally came to his senses and began to seriously look at the legendary genius in front of him.

Although there were many wrinkles on the doctor's face, it was well groomed. There was no moustache around his mouth, and his sallow face was pressed tightly against his cheekbones, giving him a skinny look.

He did not wear a white work cap in the study like some old-fashioned researchers, but let his silver-gray hair pile up messily on his head, like a neglected bird's nest.

Compared to his hair, his clothes were even more lacking in care.

The black wizard robe was a little gray after being washed, and the trim on the hood had disappeared, leaving only a dense string of stitches. The cuffs and elbows of the robe were worn shiny, and there was an unknown color stain hanging on the collar.

Just like the iron gate of his house.

It's hard to argue that financial hardship is necessarily related to cleanliness. The doctor's dress is more like a slovenly madman style.

But compared with those crazy people in history who talked about everything, Dr. Duzem seemed a little restrained.

Most registered wizards at his age would always have a decent job. And for one reason or another, the doctor can only rely on funding from the Jiang family to conduct research and live in poverty.

Life had exhausted most of his confidence.

He is not tall, and his back is also severely hunched, perhaps because he works at a desk all year round. Standing in front of Jiang Yu, he always had an almost flattering smile on his face.

There is nothing like the high-spirited temperament of geniuses.

With his stooped body, humble smile, shabby clothes and messy hair, the whole person seems to have been repeatedly washed away by the long river of history, and is full of decadent old age.

Only those silver-gray eyes were always shining.

"This is the first time I've come here since your institute was established." Jiang Yu continued the sterile conversation with the doctor on the side: "When I was at home, my grandmother usually didn't allow me to go out."

"Haha, it's true. Zhongshan is indeed a bit far from Phuket Island." Obviously, Dr. Duzem is not good at dealing with people, but decades of experience still give him some experience, he said haha, Looking at the eldest lady of the Jiang family in front of her:

"Then, why do you two come to the Abnormal Life Research Center? In fact, my research institute only studies abnormal forms of life... People generally disdain normal life, right, hahaha... …”

To be honest, this joke is a bit cold.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but shudder.

But good tutoring still allowed Jiang Yu to maintain a decent smile.

After the doctor laughed a few times, he closed his mouth and looked around the room.

The scene was a little awkward.

Zheng Qing turned his eyes to other corners of the room, trying his best to avoid colliding with the doctor's eyes.

It can be seen that this room, like its owner, is also a bit messy.

The tall dressing mirror on the side is covered with a purple-red velvet blanket, but I don't know what it means.

The most conspicuous thing in the whole room is a banner, hanging on the wall next to the desk, with a white background splashed with ink, and an exquisite frame. It contrasts sharply with the rest of the decor in the house.

The banner read "Different Fireworks, Same Brilliance". There was no signature or signature, and it seemed to be the work of an unknown person.

But this does not mean that the calligraphy is not good. On the contrary, Zheng Qing feels that the calligraphy is excellent.

Zheng Qing has profound calligraphy skills, and he can accurately determine that this calligraphy was written by everyone.

This made him a little happy, and he couldn't help but move to the banner.

After looking around, his attention turned around halfway and was attracted by a glass fish tank in the corner.

Perhaps Dr. Duzem finally noticed that something was not right in the atmosphere in the room, so he turned to look at the old servant beside him: "Constantine, the guests are here, please bring the coffee."

"But Master, we haven't prepared coffee at home for a long time." The old servant looked at his master hesitantly.

"Tea is okay too!" The doctor raised his voice and emphasized his tone.

The old servant was stunned for a moment, nodded meekly, and walked out.

This move made the atmosphere in the room even more awkward.

"What is this?" Zheng Qing's words at this time were just right to resolve the doctor's uneasiness.

He asked curiously, pointing to a bunch of small white bugs clumped into balls in the glass fish tank.

The rectangular fish tank is as tall as one person. Judging from Zheng Qing's gentle tapping, the glass plate used to build the fish tank is also very thick. But in this sturdy fish tank, there are no delicate and beautiful swimming fish.

The fish tank was empty except for a layer of fine black pebbles at the bottom.

A group of small gray-white bugs huddled together like a volleyball and rolled down to the bottom of the tank.

These bugs were motionless, as if they were petrified.

This made Zheng Qing very curious.

"What is this?" He raised his head and looked at the owner of the house: "It looks like a group of small insects."

"It's just bugs... these are corpse-eating beetles." Dr. Duzem quickly walked to his side and explained dutifully: "They are also called burying bugs and are often used to prepare alchemy raw materials... If You want to use a smooth bone surface in your experiment. This is an ideal tool. Most corpse dissolving powders are too corrosive and will damage the bone structure... These little bugs live on dead bodies, wizards and animals. ,It will be all right."

As he spoke, he clenched his fist and knocked hard on the wall of the thick glass tank.

Several corpse-eating beetles crawled away slowly, revealing a white skull wrapped in it.

Looks like a baby.

Zheng Qing had a creepy feeling.

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