Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 71 Terry Duzem

Terry Duzem, a publicly funded student from the Alpha College of First University in 1980.

During the independent enrollment of the Alpha Academy, at the age of seventeen, he became the most dazzling rising star of the First University with his super-S-level alchemy talent.

Everything seems to be taken for granted.

Duzem had already begun to audit the junior year's courses during his freshman year, and completed all studies for registered wizards during his sophomore year. In his junior year, he co-submitted a T-level paper "About Degradation" with Professor Monteria as the first author. Divine substances appearing in the spiritual process and their storage, release and inhibition mechanisms.

In the same year, Terry Duzem was invited to speak at the opening ceremony of the International Congress of Young Alchemists.

Soon after, at the age of twenty, he was recruited by the director of the Alchemy Research Institute and became the youngest distinguished researcher at First University at the time. He also had an exclusive room named after him in Alpha Castle. Laboratory - Duzem Alchemy Laboratory.

A year later, when his classmates began to worry about their graduation thesis or internship workplace, Duzem had published several high-factor papers in succession, and successfully added 'dr.' in front of his surname. prefix.

The critical publication "Magic Wand" of Daiichi University once made an exception for him and listed Duzem, who had no experience in clubs or organizations and no deep network background, in the Major Arcana sequence, codenamed "Star", which means hope.

This means that "The Wand" sees it as the hope for the future of the wizarding world.

In the reasons for the recommendation, the editor-in-chief of "Magic Wand" asserted that Duzem will win the Logic Award within ten years and become the youngest member of the Grand Wizard Council.

And this sentence has become the biggest stain since the publication of "Magic Wand".

Just five years later, First University released a piece of news that shocked the entire wizarding world: Due to some special reasons, First University would terminate the employment relationship with Dr. Terry Duzem and prohibit Dr. Duzem from participating in Any magical research activity that the First University is involved in.

This is nothing more than a blocking order.

Everyone was stunned by this, and the public opinion in the wizarding world was also agitated. The Alchemist Committee of the Wizards Alliance even sent a letter to First University to inquire about relevant matters.

But what is surprising is that both parties involved, including First University and Dr. Duzem, have remained silent on this.

Thus, a much-anticipated supernova, the hope for the future of the wizarding world, sadly withdrew from the scene after the ban, disappearing from public view without a trace.

Nothing more was heard from it.

On the campus of First University, there are many opinions about the reasons for the death of this rising star.

Some people say that a serious safety accident occurred in the laboratory run by Dr. Duzem, which caused heavy losses to First University and was therefore completely banned.

Some people also say that Dr. Duzem only accepted the secret research plan of First University. For this reason, he had to remain anonymous and became a legendary "Unknown Person" - it is said that this so-called "Unknown Person Project" is directly under the First University. The President of the University has jurisdiction.

Others say that Dr. Duzem was corrupted by demons in the laboratory, degenerated into a lich, and was imprisoned in a mysterious black prison without the possibility of parole for life.

But no matter how convincing the rumors are, the only fact is that the genius wizard who was regarded as the hope of the wizarding world by "Wand" and who may win the 'Logic Award' has completely disappeared from people's sight. .

It's like it never existed.

No one would have thought that this genius wizard lived in the west end of Beta Town, just across the wall from the First University; no one would have believed that this legendary genius was now trapped in his ancestral home, with a family. The two old servants depended on each other, worrying about food and experimental products.

"But why do you know?" Zheng Qing couldn't help but look at Jiang Yu curiously.

While waiting for the old servant's report, Jiang Yu briefly introduced the tortuous and bizarre identity of the visiting doctor to Zheng Qing in a few words.

This surprised Zheng Qing: "In addition, why was he banned by First University in the first place?"

"I don't know why he was banned." Jiang Yu also looked a little confused: "But I know it should be related to the experimental accident that happened in his laboratory. There were also several First University students who disappeared with him that year. Researchers and professors, I don’t know what’s going on with the others, but I know that this legendary genius magician has no hope of breaking through the shackles of a registered wizard and will never be able to become a great wizard.”

"As for why I know," Jiang Yu smiled slightly: "Every wizard family with some background knows this news. But the First University issued a blockade order on this matter that year, and it was a spell cast by the three principals of the school. , so no one talks about it in public... The Jiang family has some research contacts with Dr. Duzem, so they can barely break through this blockade order. "

Zheng Qing licked his lips to calm down the shock in his heart.

"Why can't he break through and become a great wizard?"

"Because his soul has been damaged." Jiang Yu's face was full of regret: "He is truly jealous of talents. Ordinary people are probably unable to take care of themselves if they are hurt like that. And Dr. Duzem can still conduct research. , chasing his dream.”

"His dream?"

"...create gods."

Not to mention that outside the black iron door, a young wizard was shocked by Dr. Duzem's great dream.

Inside the iron gate.

In a three-story gray building.

In an old study.

Dr. Duzem was lying on a recliner, his legs resting on a large desk, his body covered with a thin fleece blanket, snoring lightly.

At noon, it was his daily rest time.

As a wizard who has lost almost all his talents, the only thing he has is the 99% sweat.

To this end, he sat behind his desk all day and all night, using a quill pen and ink to calculate the seemingly endless formulas on the scratch paper.

For the dream that seems to be out of reach.

On the wall next to his desk hangs a beautiful poem:

"Different fireworks, the same brilliance"

This sentence has become the biggest motivation to support his research.

"Even without my original talent, I am still Terry Duzem. I can still make the most beautiful fireworks bloom in my life."

He said this to his old servant more than once.

In response to this, the old servant always smiled honestly and nodded firmly:

"No problem, Master."

"Sure, Master."

"You are right, Master."

Now, Dr. Duzem, who was in his sleep, seemed to hear the old servant's monotonous and repeated address:


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