The key issues have been discussed, and Luo Yun is not very interested in the rest, so the leader of the Fire Dragon Detel can do whatever he wants.

Perhaps he was finally able to discuss with the leader of the Fire Dragon Detel in person. Carlos's interest seemed to be very high, and for a while, no one else could say anything.

Some bored swordsmanship masters turned around inadvertently and saw the supplies squad leader holding a pen and calculating continuously. Finally, he stopped writing and gradually frowned.

The swordsman master calmly poked the leader next to him and motioned him to look at the supplies squad leader.

"What's wrong?"

The leader walked over and asked in a low voice.

The supplies squad leader shook his head and interrupted the conversation between Carlos and the leader of the fire dragon Detel.

"Sorry, Commander-in-Chief, to interrupt. I have a few questions I would like to discuss with Chief Detel."

The leader of the supplies squad is a man with a mustache and a serious look.

Although he is not a professional material logistics expert, it is precisely because of his rigorous work that he was discovered by the research class monitor, the young dragon scholar, and took up the post of materials class monitor.

Carlos looked at the supplies squad leader with some surprise, but when he saw the serious expression on his face, he nodded and gave up his position to him.

"Hello, leader of Fire Dragon Detel, I am the squad leader of the materials squad of the investigation team. Regarding the breeding we just discussed, I would like to know some more precise data."

After Tonkotsu's translation, Leader Detel of the Fire Dragon glanced at Luo Yunhou, who was eating and had no reaction, then turned back and nodded towards the supplies squad leader and started talking to him.

"First of all, have you considered the breeding cycle of herbivorous dragons?"

Herbivorous dragons grow very quickly, just like domestic pigs in the previous life. With abundant forage, it often takes more than a year to grow to sub-adult status, and adult female herbivorous dragons will have multiple pregnancies within a year. It can lay two to three eggs, and each batch can have 8 to 10 eggs.

It is precisely this exaggerated breeding ability that can supply such a large number of large carnivorous monsters in the world and become their staple food.

"We have considered the cycle issue, meow. According to our current speculation, the fire dragon adults will not really be short of food for at least half a year. What's wrong, meow?" leader Deter of the fire dragon replied.

"The problem lies in the breeding cycle." The leader of the material class adjusted his words. He believed that the Fire Dragon Deters did not understand breeding because they had not been exposed to breeding in the past, so he planned to explain it carefully.

"That's right, breeding herbivorous dragons is a long-term process. Starting from the first batch of herbivorous dragons raised in captivity,

Even if no herbivorous dragon larvae are lost along the way, if you want to reach a number that can supply the entire fire dragon group,

I'm afraid it will take at least three years.

And this can only be done under the most ideal situation of not losing any herbivorous dragons. "

When the supplies squad leader said this, he looked at Leader Detel, the fire dragon, who had no other expression after Tonkotsu's translation. He thought he had not realized the seriousness of the problem, so he continued to speak.

"As far as I know, there should be nearly a hundred adult fire dragons in your group, and the number is even more if you include the baby fire dragons. To supply so many fire dragons, the number of herbivorous dragons will be very large. The number. With so many herbivorous dragons, the daily forage consumption in the captive area alone far exceeds the limit that your group can bear, not to mention how much damage such a large group of herbivorous dragons will suffer during the captive breeding process. Monster onslaught.

Therefore, in my opinion, it is almost impossible to save the fire dragons from the plight of food shortage by breeding herbivorous dragons. "

The monitor of the supplies squad said it very directly. He had just calculated that so many herbivorous dragons would consume a huge amount of fodder every day just to eat. Even the current investigation team may not be able to raise them.

What's more, the Deters don't have mature defenses like the investigation team, and they can't protect the breeding farm.

It is simply impossible to rely on breeding herbivorous dragons to help fire dragons survive the past few years.

After Tonkotsu's translation, the leader of the fire dragon Detel pondered in a low voice, and Tonkotsu also expressed his opinion in a timely manner. He also believed that this matter was unrealistic.

The leader of Fire Dragon Detel did not respond immediately. Instead, he showed an expression of confusion and looked at Luo Yun with admiration.

Unexpectedly, Luo Yun would have the same understanding as the investigation team about farming, which was something that the aborigines of the New World had never experienced before.

It's like everyone grew up in this very remote and primitive countryside, but the boss, who is also a country boy, has never been to the city, but has the same thinking as the city people, which shocked the cat.

"That's it, Meow. You have misunderstood Meow."

Leader Deter of the Fire Dragon began to explain: "We don't want to supply the entire group of fire dragons. The breeding only needs to be able to satisfy our ancient tree fire dragons and most of the fire dragon cubs. This is enough. And it doesn't take long, it can Just keep it for three years.”

On the way here, Luo Yun imparted some of his ideas to leader Detel of the Fire Dragon.

The food pressure of the fire dragon group is high, which is based on the need to provide not only themselves, but also the cubs and cats.

Such a supply relationship will become the last straw that breaks the camel's back when prey begins to be scarce, causing the fire dragon group to fall apart.

But if the cats and most of the cubs no longer become a pressure on the fire dragon couple, even if food is scarce, with the strength of the ancient tree fire dragons, whether it is collective hunting to reduce the risk of hunting or spending more time to open up hunting grounds farther away, they can always find a way to survive.

If this is the case, there are still fire dragon couples who can't survive, die in the hunting process, or choose to leave the tribe, Luo Yun will not have any regrets.

What does it mean that they can't survive without worries?

It means that the fire dragon couple in this situation does not have a high risk resistance ability, which means that their strength is insufficient.

And since their strength is insufficient, they are not qualified to become a part of the ancient tree fire dragon group, and they are not qualified to enjoy the cat service brought by this identity.

Luo Yun believes that most of the fire dragons in the ancient tree fire dragon group have enough strength. Since they have such strength, they will not naturally collapse as a whole without considering the survival of cats and cubs.

After all, the arrogance of the ancient tree fire dragon is there. Without any worries, since you can survive and continue to enjoy the convenience of a cat, then naturally I can too. It's just a matter of flying farther and fighting more.

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