Monster Hunter: This fire dragon has special characteristics

Chapter 99: Hunters from Yanhuo Village, the traces of the Yanwanglong (4k)

Chapter 100 Hunter from Yanhuo Village, traces of Yanwang Dragon (4k)

Just as the Ancient Tree was steadily developing in a new direction, deep in the wasteland of the Great Ant Mound.

This time the investigation team sent a total of 16 hunters and their respective followers, plus four editors, to go deep into the wasteland of the Big Ant Mound to find the location of the Yanwang Dragon.

At night, the evening wind took away the last trace of heat in the wasteland, and the temperature in the entire anthill wasteland dropped sharply. Creatures that lived in the wasteland all year round returned to their nests early and huddled in their nests to maintain their body temperature as much as possible.

The members of the investigation team were chatting around the campfire. Compared to other areas in the Big Ant Mound Wasteland, the temperature here seemed to have not dropped as much at night because of the presence of the Flame King Dragon.

As an ancient dragon of flames, Yanwanglong would raise the temperature in that area just by staying there without deliberately condensing its power.

During the day, unsuspecting people accidentally entered the area where Yanwangsaurus was, and even had the illusion that today was an extremely sunny day.

"Hey, Falcon! Are there many such tooth hounds in your hometown?"

Falcon, who was grooming the tooth hound, looked up at the person who asked the question and nodded gently.

"There are many of them. Teeth hounds are docile and loyal by nature. In my hometown, they are every hunter's good partner and an indispensable helper when we hunt."

After hearing what Falcon said, the toothhound with a cross pattern on its forehead gently licked the back of its master's hand and put its head on his crossed legs.

"Huh? Then don't you have any Elu cats there?"

"Yes, there must be. In our village, there will be professional people responsible for training tooth hounds. The Ellu cats also have specialized teachers for follower training."

"Hey! So, wouldn't it be possible for the hunters in your village to be equipped with Ellu cat followers and fang hounds at the same time? This should make hunting a lot easier, right?" Hearing Falcon's answer, the hunter said with some envy.

Then his eyes fell on the toothhound lying quietly, his eyes shining.

You must know that from the time he left the stronghold and came to this area, Falcon basically rode on a tooth hound when he was on the road.

This small fang creature is not only very powerful, but also has excellent physical strength and endurance. No matter what kind of terrain it encounters, it can keep up with the team with a falcon.

Even on flat sections, you still have enough energy to continue sprinting.

It can be said that after so long, everyone was exhausted from searching this area on foot for a long time, but Falcon still looked that relaxed, in sharp contrast to the hunters who were traveling with him.

Having such a partner can greatly relieve fatigue before hunting and allow hunters to have more sufficient physical strength to fight.

Falcon just smiled gently at the hunter's words.

For the hunters in Yanhuo Village, having two followers really makes their daily hunting tasks much easier.

However, that nightmare that happens every fifty years is always a sharp sword placed on the heads of everyone in Yanhuo Village.

Every time a hundred dragons walk at night, it will bring huge losses to the village.

This is also because obviously with the help of two kinds of followers, hunters can protect the safety of the village to a greater extent, but Yanhuo Village has still failed to develop after so many years.

"Speaking of Falcon, is it difficult to breed this kind of tooth hound? I had never even heard of it before I met you."

"No, the training success rate of tooth hounds is almost the same as the pass rate of the follower training of Ellu cats. The reason why you haven't heard of it is probably because my village is too remote. Even if there are extra tooth hounds, basically They are all supplied to Elgard across the sea first.”

"That's it." The hunter nodded thoughtfully, and then sighed.

"Oh, what a pity for such a good hunting partner. How great would it be if we could also find tooth hounds in the New World? Even if they are substitutes, how much more mobility would we need to improve in this way?"

"Actually, it's not impossible." At this time, the katanaji, who had been silently listening to the two people talking, suddenly spoke, attracting the attention of several people around him.

There was no way, Falcon's fang hound was really too dazzling when he was on the road. They were all very interested in this kind of Wangjiang that could not only serve as a mount, but also assist in hunting, and was also very loyal.

The eyes of a group of people fell on him, and his body froze for a moment, and then he coughed lightly and said, "Have you forgotten the Fire Dragon Detel warriors from the Ancient Tree Fire Dragon Clan in the stronghold?"

After the film operator said this, everyone instantly understood what he meant.

Each of the Detel warriors who call themselves Fire Dragon Detel is equipped with its own thief dragon.

Those guys who were usually sneaky and aggressive, not only became very docile under the taming of the fire dragon Detel, they even lost the timidity when hunting.

Judging from the current performance alone, although it is not as humane as Falcon's tooth hound, it also has unique fighting skills.

But these can all be obtained through training.

In other words, those thief dragons they have always looked down on can actually have the qualifications of a tooth hound?

The hunters felt hot in their hearts, but then they thought about the thief dragons in the stronghold who were kept in captivity and stored in specially designated fences. No one except the fire dragons, Detel, paid attention to them.

Even the researchers who fed them food in the past, they just ate silently without even making a look.

Can the investigation team really tame such a thief dragon?

Seeing the hunters sitting back one by one, the one-handed master rolled his eyes and coughed loudly on purpose, attracting everyone's attention again, and then said in a tone of disappointment; "I know what you are thinking, it's nothing more than that we can't communicate with the thief dragon ourselves, we can't even do the first step of taming, let alone the subsequent training, right?"

"You know it and still ask."

Everyone nodded.

"Alas, I say, can't you use your brains? Don't you want to think about who these thief dragons belong to?" The one-handed master put down the kettle, with an expression that he really couldn't do anything with you.

"Who else can it be? It's the fire dragon Deter." The hunter who wiped the battle axe with his muscles snorted coldly.

"Don't interrupt me if I say you're stupid!" After the one-handed user retorted, he looked at most of the hunters who were thinking, and continued: "Although we can't tame the thief dragon, the fire dragon Deter can. Don't forget, we are allies with them!"

"We understand! You mean we can entrust the fire dragon Deter to help us train a group of thief dragons! Is that right?"

The one-handed user nodded and spread his hands and said: "See, it's such a simple thing. With the help of the fire dragon Deter, isn't it easy to tame the thief dragon? As for the subsequent thief dragon training plan, isn't Falcon here? When the time comes, refer to the training content of their village, can't we come up with a feasible training method?"


Some people have already applauded excitedly.

That makes sense! !

At the outermost edge of the temporary camp, the swordsman master also listened to the conversation completely. He turned his head and looked at the dragon hunter beside him who had begun to think.

Although there are scholars in the first group, the brain of the first group is actually this dragon hunter who is not good at speaking and has strong strength.

"What do you think?"

"It is very feasible. After this mission is completed, we can hold a meeting to discuss it. The young scholar from the second-term group who took over the research class may be able to improve this idea." The dragon hunter responded.

The young dragon scholar from the second-term group not only arranged the research class properly in this short period of time, but also thoroughly sorted out the personnel arrangement of the entire base, the subsequent plan progress, resource allocation and other aspects. He is a rare elite genius.

If this matter is handed over to him at that time, he will definitely give everyone a satisfactory result.

The swordsman nodded. He just mentioned it. He is a pure hunter. This aspect is not what he is good at. Since the dragon hunter said so, there must be no problem.

The hunters began to discuss the matter of the fire dragon Deter helping to tame the thief dragon. The mood in the camp suddenly became much better, and the psychological fatigue brought by a day of exploration was also relieved a lot.

"By the way, Falcon, why did you come to the New World?"

At this time, the hunter teammate in the same group with Falcon asked curiously.

This is basically the most common question in the investigation team.

Most hunters come here to hunt for ancient dragons, but a few come here for other purposes.

So although this topic is the most common topic, it is also the hottest topic.


Falcon looked up at the starry sky, and the gentle smile on his face disappeared without a trace.

His tone was a little heavy, as if he was missing his hometown, or recalling something.

"The Yanhuo Village where I live is a very small village. Hunters trained in the village often don't leave the village for too long. At most, they will only go to nearby villages or Elgard to carry out some trade tasks. The village chief said that I am the most adventurous hunter in the village, and my life should not be bound there, so with everyone's support, I took Yaya to bid farewell to the village and sailed across the ocean to East Doruma."

"My purpose of coming to the New World is very simple, just to become stronger and to learn more hunting experience. When I retire in the future, I can return to the village to teach the younger generation and train excellent hunters for the village."

Falcon stroked the sideburns of the Fang Hound, and he had something to say.

He will never forget the Hundred Dragon Night Parade nineteen years ago. His father, an ordinary person, went to the defense point with a gentle smile, but never came back.

He also can't forget the terrifying monster with purple ghost fire around him, which rushed into the village and wreaked havoc with the Hundred Dragon Night Parade.

If it weren't for the strongest hunter in the village, Uncle Daowen, who tried his best to repel it, the village would probably be completely destroyed by it.

Seeing that Falcon was a little depressed, everyone looked at each other and changed the topic, but everyone's voices were much lower.

Seeing that his master was in a bad mood, Yaya nudged his belly with his head, as if to comfort him.

"I'm fine, I really miss the dumplings in the village. Forget it, Aunt Cat's stewed meat cat rice is better. Yaya, what do you think about us taking back an Elu cat who can cook cat rice?"

"Woof!" Yaya shouted in agreement.

The village is good everywhere, the only drawback is that no one has a talent for cooking!


Early the next morning, everyone dispersed in groups of four and began to look for the traces of the Flame King Dragon in this area again.

The Great Ant Mound Wasteland is very large, even if it is just one area, 20 people scattered in it, it will not make much waves.

Not to mention that there are many underground caves in the wasteland. Yanwanglong will also enter those caves to rest at night or when resting.

This makes the investigation team's search even more troublesome.

The investigation team at this time has not yet thoroughly penetrated into the ancient tree forest and the large ant mound wasteland, and has not contacted the Deter group deep in the wasteland. In addition, there is a shortage of manpower. Therefore, it will consume a lot of time and effort when carrying out the investigation mission. energy.

This situation continued for many years and began to improve when manpower became more abundant.

"This is? The thorn of that unknown ancient dragon?"

The swordsman master dug through the yellow sand, pulled out the bone thorns, and handed them to the editor in the team to ask.

The editor took the thorn and opened the notebook to find a simplified picture of the intact thorn that the grand leader was holding before he passed out. After careful comparison, he nodded towards the sword master.

"Yes, most of the characteristics are consistent. Except that the texture is not as hard as the thorn brought back, there is not much difference."

After listening to the investigator's words, the sword master slowly exhaled.

"Since the ancient dragon has left traces here, I'm afraid the Flame King Dragon is not far away from us. Everyone, cheer up. This time we may face two ancient dragons at the same time."

The swordsman master looked at the wasteland covered with yellow sand and felt the abnormally high temperature in the air. He had a premonition that they would soon meet the Yanwang Dragon.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Three red flares shot into the sky.

Falcon, his teammates and followers drank the cold drinks they had prepared, and looked warily at the pile of sand not far away, where the giant creature was squatting quietly at the top, as if leisurely basking in the sun.

The other party just stayed there quietly, but like a second sun, the air around him began to distort due to the high temperature. The cactus nearby could not withstand the high temperature, and the water evaporated quickly, making it look awkward.

"Is this the Flame King Dragon? It's strange. He doesn't have the legendary bad temper. He clearly found us, but he didn't have the slightest intention to attack. Why?"

The katanaji was a little confused. When he saw Yan Wanglong coming out from behind the pile of sand, he was frightened and even prepared to fight to the death.

As a result, the big flame cat just glanced at them, then walked to the top of the sand pile to bask in the sun leisurely, without paying any attention to their existence.

"I don't know, but this can be considered a good thing. Let's wait and see what to do after the sword master and the others arrive."

Chapter 4k, the next step is to start updating the code.

Thank you for being the leader of @JiHanHan大哥, thank you very much!

At present, the monthly ticket exceeds 4k, which means I owe four chapters, plus one chapter for the leader, a total of five chapters are owed.

It will be paid off within this month.

The next chapter may not be finished tonight, so friends don’t have to wait.

It will be sent out during the day tomorrow.

Good night everyone~~

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