The vines in the botanical garden gave way to a door. The Manspeaker's vines covered the entire botanical garden. If the Mansplainer did not give way, it would be difficult for Suellen to find other exits.

Su Lun was very interested in the origin of this Manspeaker. Monsters in those areas outside were considered childish. This huge vine monster had been growing here for who knows how many years.

But now was not the time to talk to the Whisperer. He walked through the passage opened by the Whisperer, while paying very careful attention to his position.

It was unclear whether the vine monster was friend or foe, and he couldn't completely trust him.

Moreover, the bone rose he created using the ritual was completely insignificant compared to this vine monster, and had almost no resistance.

Su Lun encountered no obstruction when leaving the botanical garden. The last area of ​​the biological garden was the aquarium area.

Before he reached the aquarium area, his nose could smell the smell of blood. The closer he got to the aquarium area, the stronger the smell of blood became. The smell of blood mixed with the fishy smell became extremely unpleasant.

Su Lun frowned and hurried over quickly. The door to the aquatic area was fully opened and red blood continued to flow out from inside.

Just when Su Lun felt extremely strange, a strange sound of footsteps came from inside. He quickly stopped and prepared to fight. It was obvious that there was something wrong in front of him.

He was holding a sharp iron rod picked up from the side. The Bone Rose next to him also felt threatened and stretched out the thorns dissatisfied with the sharp thorns on his body.

I saw a strange creature coming out of it. This monster had the lower body of a human being and walked precariously forward on two legs, but its upper body was the body of a giant fish. It was a half-human, half-fish monster.

The monster's fish head kept turning as if it was out of water, its gills kept opening and closing, and its walking movements were very uncoordinated.

The monster rushed up immediately after seeing Su Lun, because the mermaid almost fell down when running without arms, but this was not at its running speed.

Su Lun frowned. This monster was exactly the same as the rumored mermaid. He had also seen the upper body of the mermaid, which was the huge fish he saw on the beach at that time.

I didn’t expect that the rumored mermaid would be like this

The weird mermaid rushed over. There was no place on its body that could be attacked, but Su Lun did not take it lightly.

Su Lun stabbed the mermaid with an iron rod, and the thorns of the Bone Rose also wrapped around the mermaid's thigh.

The mermaid, who was already unsteady, was blocked by thorns and immediately fell to the ground. Bone Rose took the opportunity to wrap the mermaid's body with thorns.

This mermaid only looks scary, but in fact its combat power is very low. It can't even stand stably, let alone attack.

The mermaid kept struggling, not caring even if her body was pierced by thorns.

When Su Lun got closer, he discovered that the joints of the monster's body were simply sewn together. The human body and the fish's body were sewn together. This simple method actually succeeded. It was a miracle that the mermaid was able to jump around.

Su Lun felt his hair stand on end. This mermaid was probably the creation of the biology teacher, and the various monsters in the biology park were probably the creations of the biology teacher.

The other party has mastered some kind of ability to splice biological organs, and mermaid may be just one of them.

Su Lun didn't know what to do with the mermaid in front of him. He couldn't determine whether it was a human or a fish, and he couldn't determine whether the mermaid had human thoughts.

He put the mermaid aside and walked towards the aquarium area.

Su Lun's pupils shrank after passing by, and the scene in front of him could only be described as hell.

There were many human limbs and fish carcasses in front of him. Both humans and fish were separated into two halves. They were almost the same as the mermaids I saw before. The difference was that they were connected mermaids, while this was a separate body.

There were four or five human corpses and they all looked very young.

Su Lun soon discovered that these were the missing people, but the strange thing was that she did not find Bai Ze or the biology teacher.

He walked to the center of the aquarium area. There was an operating table in the center, and there was an unfinished mermaid on the operating table.

It was a human woman, except that her upper body was a mermaid and her lower body was a fish. She looked slightly more normal than the previous mermaid, but she was still a monster.

Su Lun put his hand on the other person's neck. There was no warmth on the other person's body, and there was no pulse and his heart stopped beating.


Su Lun frowned and looked at the pile of drawings next to the operating table. He had seen these drawings, which were almost the same as the mermaid images Shirakawa once drew.

These are detailed structural diagrams of humans and fish. If you can see these structural diagrams here, it means Shirasawa is also here.

The person on the operating table now is probably a failure, as the living mermaid outside is proof.


There was a slight sound from the side, and Su Lun walked over cautiously.

There was a pile of debris there, and the sound came from inside.

Su Lun used the iron rod in his hand to push aside the debris in front of him, and found that underneath the debris was Shirakawa who was tied up.

Shirasawa was tied with a rope and couldn't move, and his mouth was sealed with tape, so he could only whine.

Su Lun quickly stepped forward and untied the rope. After Shirazawa was freed, she immediately threw herself into his arms. Her body was very cold and she had obviously stayed here for a long time.

Shirasawa sobbed softly and said, "It's so scary here. I want to leave here."

She usually knew nothing about the other world, but the situation here immediately pulled her into the other world. Anyone who suddenly saw this scene would be frightened.

"Who brought you here?" Su Lun frowned and asked Shirazawa.

He saw that there were no wounds on Shirazawa's body, so he probably wasn't hurt. He was probably just frightened by the situation here.

Shirasawa said tremblingly: "It's Xia Yang. He got angry after taking my painting, and then I was caught here."

"I saw him experimenting and he took my words just to make monsters out of them."

She started crying as she spoke, and the only person she could ask for help here was Suellen.

"Let's leave here first." Su Lun said and took Shirazawa to prepare to leave.

This is the last area of ​​the biological park. It is already at the end and there is no way to move forward, but Xia Yang is not found here.

There are fish tanks and pools around here, and various fish are kept in them. However, these fish are not well managed, and most of them are dead.

Su Lun was about to leave when he suddenly heard a loud sound of bubbles coming from the pool next to him, and something was coming out of the water.

He protected Shirasawa and backed away slowly, holding the iron rod in his hand tightly. A strange creature climbed up from the water.

Su Lun was shocked. This was actually the biology teacher Xia Yang.

Xia Yang's clothes have rotted, and his body is covered with gray-white fish scales. There are even fins growing on his elbows. Compared with the weird mermaids outside, Xia Yang is more like a fishman, with fish features on his body that are more human-like. To be more, only one human face remains.

"The power of the deep sea is endless. You should join me in accepting the power of the deep sea."

Xia Yang said in a strange voice. The changes in his body were frightening, like a fanatic of a certain god.

Su Lun retreated step by step, Xia Yang had probably lost his mind.

Just as he was thinking about how to deal with it, Xia Yang had slowly walked over.

"As long as you accept the deep sea, you will become like me." Xia Yang looked at Shirakawa and said, "Your drawings have deepened my understanding of the deep sea, and I will also help you appreciate the power of the deep sea."

Su Lun stopped, there was no way out behind him.

As soon as he thought, the Bone Rose next to him immediately rushed towards Xia Yang.

Bone Rose's body was covered with thorny thorns, and Xia Yang was quickly tied up all over.

But Su Lun was not happy. Xia Yang's power was stronger than imagined, and he could still move after being bound by the Bone Rose.

The thorns of the Bone Rose were torn apart in the blink of an eye. The Bone Rose without thorns was just a useless grass and was quickly thrown aside.

Su Lun came forward with an iron rod. If he didn't take action now, he would have no chance.

Now he only has the strength of an ordinary person, but his fighting spirit is still there.

Su Lun stabbed Xia Yang in the chest with his greatest strength, but Xia Yang waved the iron bar and it was knocked away.

Xia Yang's power was too great. The powerful power brought great speed, and even Su Lun was caught directly without being able to react.

He looked at Su Lun and said, "You are something special. The deep sea needs you."

He grabbed Su Lun and walked towards the operating table. The body on the operating table was thrown aside like garbage.

Xia Yang cut the big fish in half alive, and then came to Su Lun with a scalpel.

Su Lun knew without thinking that this pervert was going to turn him into a half-human, half-fish monster.

Although he had been a monster in the past, he was not willing to do this involuntarily. It was just that Xia Yang was too powerful, and his powerful power overwhelmed all strategies.

Although Su Lun had many options, he couldn't do anything without enough physical strength.

Xia Yang's scalpel immediately penetrated Su Lun's body. He had already performed several such transformation operations, and one of them was successful. Now his technique was very skillful.

He also picked up a bottle of potion and said, "This is the healing agent I extracted from the deep sea. This transformation will definitely be successful."

In his hand was a bottle of black liquid that didn't look like normal medicine.

The severe pain made Su Lun almost jump, but because Xia Yang was in control, his body could not move at all.

"No, if this continues, I will really become the other party's test subject."

Countless thoughts flashed through Su Lun's mind. At this moment, Shirazawa rushed over and dragged Xia Yang and said, "Stop!"

Her strength was nothing compared to Xia Yang. Xia Yang immediately pushed her away and said at the same time: "It's not your turn yet."

Just when Xia Yang turned around to continue his transformation, a sharp iron rod immediately pierced his eyes.

Xia Yang's distraction just now was Su Lun's great opportunity. Su Lun found the right opportunity to stab him, and the sharp iron rod immediately passed through his eyes and penetrated into his brain.

Seeing that Su Lun had succeeded, he still did not relax his vigilance. He vigorously stirred the iron rod in his hand, turning Xia Yang's brain into a paste.

Xia Yang fell down straight before he could make a sound, but when he fell, the black liquid in his hand spilled onto Su Lun's wound.

Su Lun suddenly felt an unprecedented feeling, everything in front of him became extremely chaotic, and his thinking became blurred.

"It's the same feeling as before."

Su Lun knew what was going on. He lost his mind, so his whole body was affected.

He immediately took out the sedative from his pocket and drank it, but the sedative had not yet taken effect. His eyes had turned dark, and his brain could not even do the most basic thinking. Both the world in front of him and his mind had become blurry. Chaos.

Su Lun soon lost consciousness and passed out. Blood was dripping from his wound. If it was not treated as soon as possible, he would die here.

Shirazawa endured the pain in her body and walked over. She shook Su Lun but Su Lun didn't react at all.

She knew it would not work like this, but she had no way to treat Su Lun, so she could only go outside to find help.

"Wait for me, I will definitely find someone to help you."

Shirakawa muttered silently in his heart and ran out of the biological park as fast as he could.

She did not encounter any obstacles along the way. The few monsters in the biological park had been subdued. The Manspeaker did not move because he had a deal with Su Lun.

Shirazawa quickly rushed outside. It was time for get out of class to end. Shirazawa's panicked expression and blood all over his body quickly attracted everyone's attention.

Soon a teacher came over and asked, "What happened to my classmate?"

He knew something big had happened when he saw the blood on Shirasawa's body, but they didn't understand the situation in the other world.

Shirakawa immediately said: "Go in and save people!"

She didn't know how to explain it, so she could only pull the person inside.

The matter of the biological park immediately attracted the attention of the school, and the police also rushed over.

Because Shirakawa is a missing person, his sudden appearance will definitely alert the police, not to mention the blood of unknown origin on Shirakawa's body.

The condition of the biological park made everyone vomit. It was a hellish scene inside.

If they could see the other world, the situation in the other world would be even worse, and the outer world would be just an appearance.

They can also see mermaids in the outside world, but the mermaids they see are different. Xia Yang is still a normal human being in their eyes.

However, Su Lun was moved out from inside and immediately sent to the hospital for treatment.

The entire school was cordoned off by the police because they found all the missing people in the biology park.

These people were all sewn into mermaids. In their opinion, Xia Yang could only be regarded as a pervert. They did not know that the mermaids created by Xia Yang were alive.

Only a few people know the situation, but these people will not speak out, and speaking out will only cause greater confusion.

Shirasawa is a survivor who can still communicate, so she is often called by the police for interviews.

She recounted everything she saw in the other world, but few people believed her. The police preferred to believe that she was frightened, so her words were incoherent.

Lin Yun also rushed to the scene. She never thought that Su Lun would be injured here. When she saw the mermaids sewn together, she remembered Su Lun's words, mermaids are the key to the disappearance case.

"It's all my fault. If only I had discovered the problem earlier."

Lin Yun cursed herself in her heart, and now she deeply blamed herself.

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