Monster clones from all over the world

Chapter 102 Mechanical Dinosaur 2

What Su Lun did was completely beyond Shockwave's understanding. Shockwave watched Su Lun leave on surveillance and did not immediately stop him.

Shockwave is not only a scientist, he is also the military commander of the Decepticons. His logical thinking circuit is very calm at this time.

Shockwave immediately called up the surveillance records of the entire Cybertron and traced Suellen's origins.

Surveillance records showed that Su Lun walked out of a meteorite, which caused different fluctuations in Shockwave's thinking circuit.

Selun's appearance is completely different from that of all Cybertronian beings. It is easy to tell that Selun is not a mechanical life form of Cybertron.

Shockwave drew his hand in front of him, and a 3D model of a blue planet appeared in front of him. This blue planet was the Earth.

He has been eyeing the earth a long time ago, using the earth as a place to live after the fall of Cybertron, and has been observing the earth.

The humans on the earth who evolved from monkeys looked exactly like Suellen. The shock wave quickly connected Suellen with the earth in front of him.

But the Earth he discovered was still in the period of the Industrial Revolution and had no ability to navigate space at all. It was impossible for humans to come to Cybertron.

What he didn't know was that the earth Su Lun was on was not the same place as the earth in this virtual world.

The shock wave brought the scene back to where Su Lun was, and the recoiling remains of the body were still on the ground.

The mechanical insects are recycling the fire of Recoil. As long as the fire is not extinguished, Recoil will not die.

Shockwave leapt into a Cybertronian vehicle, moving quickly as the Decepticons issued orders.

"Huntianbao team immediately sent troops to the experimental area."

His words were brief, but the Decepticons were quick to spring into action.

Su Lun moved very quickly. There were many traps and Decepticon troops in this place, but these could not stop him at all.

The hard shell of the Decepticons was nothing in Su Lun's eyes. If it were in reality, he might still be wary of it, but in the virtual world, he could feel like he was in no one's land.

Su Lun came to an underground building, surrounded by scattered energy blocks, and a large number of mechanical insects carrying these energy blocks.

This is not only a place where the Decepticons conduct experiments, it is also an energy mine.

In the middle of the vein, a tall red machine was restrained on a huge stone.

Various pipes were connected to the machine, and it was obvious that some kind of experiment was being conducted, and the experiment was not over yet.

This tall machine is Grimlock, the leader of the Dinobot Squad.

This world is the world view of the Transformers game. It is different from the world view of the movie. The mechanical dinosaurs in this world were originally an ordinary Autobot team. They were later captured and transformed by Shockwave, and finally formed the mechanical dinosaur team.

Su Lun stepped forward and removed the restraints on the cable. To his surprise, the cable actually woke up at this time.

"Who are you?"

The steel cable made a thick mechanical and electronic sound, and he fell from the huge stone pillar with one hand on the ground.

Because of Shockwave's experiments, he has poor control over his body.

He is equivalent to changing his body. Both the body's deformation ability and the weapons on his body are very unfamiliar.

Seeing that Steel Cable persisted in this situation, Su Lun took a high look at Steel Cable's will.

He took out a black chip and said at the same time: "I am your master."

After Su Lun said that, he immediately stabbed the black chip into the steel cable. The current situation was similar to the previous dart situation. The black virus immediately spread to the fire of the steel cable.

The only difference is that the steel cable is not unconscious now, which is completely different from the dart.

However, the effect of the virus has already taken effect, and Steel Cable will be affected by the virus even if he does not lose consciousness.

Tightlock's thinking circuits are constantly colliding, and the virus has changed his memory module, making his already chaotic memory even more confusing.

When Shockwave was researching and transforming Steel Cable, he also changed Steel Cable's memory module and tried to turn Cable into a Decepticon.

According to the normal plot development, Steel Cable will gather five mechanical dinosaurs and escape from the Decepticon siege.

But now because Su Lun intervened, the plot completely changed.

Now there is only one sentence left in Steel Cable's memory module, and he will fully comply with Suellen's orders.

"Where is this?"

The cable stood up unsteadily. Whether it was the surrounding environment or his body, everything was very strange to him.

Su Lun looked around and explained: "You were captured by the Decepticons for research, and I saved you."

"Now we go to find your companions."

Su Lun released the dart from the space device, and now the dart has woken up.

Darts are much smaller than steel cables and have completely different characteristics.

The explosive force can be felt in the steel rope, and the powerful speed can be felt in the dart.

There is an inexplicable connection between the tightrope and the dart, a special bond left behind when they were once a team.


Steel Rope thought of something, but because the things he thought of were too vague, he didn't know what he was thinking of. He only knew that the dart was with him.

At this time, a large number of mechanical insects came over, preparing to launch a wave of attacks on Su Lun.

Steel Cable and Dart realized there was danger and rushed forward immediately.

Although their condition is not very good, they are natural warriors and are very good at fighting. Mechanical insects will not threaten them at all.

But there were too many mechanical insects, densely packed like a tide. Even if the steel cable crushed ten of them to death, there would still be a large number of mechanical insects crawling on him.

The goal of these mechanical insects is not to kill Steel Cable, but to delay Steel Cable and Su Lun until Shockwave and the Huntian Leopard team arrive.

It didn't take long for Cable and Dart to be at a disadvantage because the mechanical insects were outnumbered.

Seeing this scene, Su Lun couldn't help but think of the mechanical insects he made in reality, which were not much different from the mechanical insects here.

While the Tightropes were stuck at a disadvantage, they simply didn't live up to their true potential.

Su Lun directly said loudly: "Hurry up and transform. As long as you transform, you will be able to deal with these mechanical insects."

In addition to transformation, Su Lun can also directly modify the strength of their abilities to make them stronger.

But only their own abilities can be easily mastered by them, so Su Lun did not choose the second method.

Grimlock heard what Suellen said, and he and Dart immediately tried to transform.

There was a metallic clashing sound immediately on their bodies, and every part of their bodies was trying to change.

Transformation is a major feature of Transformers, and every powerful Transformer will transform.

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