Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Chapter 134: I have a lot of services

  Chapter 134 My Services Are Many

  Obviously, the black general is not very satisfied with the speed of Odaishan's research and development.

  "The monsters did not come. Maybe they dare not come after knowing my product." Odaishan said proudly.

   "I don't think so. That thing is definitely not an ancient monster, let alone a product of modern pollution. They don't even belong to the earth, so since it appears for the first time, the second time will not be far away."

   "Your point of view is very similar to that of my bodyguard." Odaishan glanced at Jin Si.

  The black general glanced at Jin Si, marveling at Jin Si's body shape: "You are very suitable to be a soldier. How about you become my subordinate."

   O'Daishan immediately dissatisfied and said: "General Stek, you can't do business with me and dig my corner. This is very immoral."

  The black general named Stek smiled: "I just provide a guarantee to reduce the risk of unemployment."

  "Can you provide me with a monthly salary of one hundred thousand dollars?" Jin Si looked at Stek with a smile.

   "Um...Ms. O'Daishan, your bodyguard has a monthly salary of 100,000 US dollars? You know, 100,000 US dollars is enough for you to hire ten SEALs."

  "The main reason is that he eats a lot. I will cover his board and lodging."

  "Boss, I have a lot of services. If you need it, I can also be responsible for warming the bed." Jin Si grinned.

   "So, with a monthly salary of 100,000 U.S. dollars, I found a guy who thought about touching your room in the middle of the night?"

   "I have a gun on the head of my bed." Odaishan said disapprovingly.

   "Don't worry, under normal circumstances, I won't touch the boss's room."

   "Under normal circumstances? When is the abnormal situation?"

   "For example, my boss is bankrupt, and she can no longer provide me with food, drink and lodging."


  A few months later, the second monster launched an attack as scheduled.

  Humans still took a lot of effort to kill the monster.

   "The 189th experiment."

  A dozen scientific researchers stood in front of a huge robotic arm.

  One of the shirtless participants in the experiment was wearing a nerve sensor device on his head and body.

  "Okay, let's try to make a fist." One of the researchers gave instructions.

  The shirtless man tried to make a fist.

  The huge robotic arm also makes a fist at the same time.

  Jin Si and Odaishan stood on the high iron bridge and looked down.

   "It looks like the experiment is quite successful." Jin Si said.

  Odaishan wrapped his arms around his chest, looking down without a word.

  But at this moment, the participant suddenly knelt on one knee.

   seemed to be collapsed, his face was pale, and his nosebleeds flowed down.

  The medical staff hurried forward to check the physical condition of the participant.

  After a while, a researcher came over with a copy of data.


  "How is the progress?"

The scientific researcher looked a little embarrassed and shook his head: "It is not ideal. After the nerve sensor device is connected to the machine, the burden is too great. If it is a simple machine, it is fine, but if it is a complicated machine, such as the huge one. The operator will obviously feel laborious and unable to operate for a long time."

  "Is this progress three months ago, three months later, or this progress? No progress?" Odaishan frowned and asked.

   "Sorry, boss."

"If an ordinary person feels strenuous, let a professional person, such as a soldier, do the operation, and this thing was originally developed for the military. Compared with ordinary people, soldiers are far better than ordinary people in terms of physical fitness and willpower. Ordinary people, and if one person can’t do it, you can try two people to cross-operate and connect the neurons of the two people through the device.” Jin Si said: “Of course, I’m talking about if it can be done technically.”

  Odaishan couldn't help but look at Jin Si, and the researchers also fell into deep thought.

  It seems...this idea is feasible.

  "Do you want to play with that nerve sensor device?" Odaishan suddenly suggested.

   "It's still not necessary, it looks dangerous."

  "All of them who are engaged in scientific research dare to try, what is there to be afraid of for a man as big as you."

  "This kind of equipment, no matter if I am big or small, the danger is the same for everyone." Jin Si said of course: "Besides, you won't pay me an extra salary."

The researchers next to    looked at Jin Si contemptuously.

  At this moment, a huge truck passed by below.

  There is a huge piece of meat on the back of the truck.

  The piece of meat is still dripping with blue liquid.

  "Is that the body tissue of the monster?" Jin Si asked.

   "To be precise, it is the brain tissue of the monster." The researcher said.

  Jin Si got off the iron bridge and came to the truck.

   Jin Si was about to reach out, but was stopped by the staff next to him.

  "You'd better not touch it with your bare hands. Monster Blue Poison is extremely polluting and toxic. If you touch it with your bare hands, it will cause extremely serious allergic symptoms."

   Jin Si felt the extremely powerful vitality and spiritual power contained in the flesh and blood of this monster.

  These monsters are the products of alien clones.

  They are endowed with huge vitality by aliens.

  Aliens in order to remotely control them, they have given them huge mental power.

  This also means that if Jin Si has the opportunity to gain unlimited vitality and spiritual power.

  At least, before Jin Si's vitality and spiritual power reach the upper limit, Jin Si can be obtained endlessly.

  And spiritual power and vitality, it is precisely the necessary products for the evolution of Shao Lun Yan.

  "You seem to be interested in it." Odaishan did not know when he came to Jin Si's back.

  Jin Si turned his head and glanced at Odaishan: "I will cooperate with you in the experiment. If there are corpses of these monsters in the future, how about you help me get them?"

   "I can't help it. The government strictly controls the corpse of the monster. I also did brain wave research, so I got the brain of a monster."

  Jin Si curled his lips and said, "Then this belongs to me?"

  "It’s not possible for the time being. I finally got it from the government. It’s impossible to study it and give it to you. And...what are you using it for? You can’t eat it."

  In fact, the flesh and blood of monsters can be eaten. In the first part of the Pacific Rim, there was a black market merchant who sold various organizations of monsters to civilians, because the flesh and blood of monsters can strengthen the body.

  The fusion of the blood of the monster and the rare metal can also create a rocket booster that is extremely liquid fuel, far beyond the most powerful fuel that humans can make at present, and can even be used as a rack.

  These monsters and mechas are all of the same type, and they are all manual operations.

  It's just that the monster is alive, and the mecha is dead.

  Monsters are controlled by their creators, aliens named Pioneers, and mechas are controlled by humans.

  "Can you achieve neuronal interaction between people, right?"

  Odaishan glanced at Jin Si: "What do you want to do?"

   "Let me interact with this monster's brain."

"are you crazy?"

   "I want to see what this monster ate last night."

  Odaishan gave Jin Si a roll of eyes: “If you don’t want to tell the truth, I’m afraid you will never want to know what it ate last night.”

  (End of this chapter)

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