Sindra’s head is given to the stateless fox.

The fox has a higher level than a wine barrel, and without deliberately letting or robbing people’s heads, heroes with high levels are easier to get heads.

In this case just now, it is naturally impossible to make people’s heads, and if people have problems, they will be confused.

After killing Sindra, there was no flash of the barrel without E skill, and naturally he could not survive, and the blind man finally took the head of the barrel~.

One for one.

Two stages for four levels.

Play wild for single.

No matter how it is calculated, OMG is on its side – steady profit and no loss.

And in the process of killing Sindra, Li Mu ate the experience of natural death of several small soldiers, and he could almost reach level 3 if he lost it, sometimes don’t underestimate this experience, the key moment can become a subtlety of twisting and turning.

After Li Mu’s wine barrel was resurrected, his own three wolves and toads had been refreshed.

Li Mu eats the toad first, because he has punishment, and he can punish the toad to get the toad to get the toxin buff and improve the efficiency of brushing,

In addition, in the upper half of the wild area, he can’t just give up. So instead of brushing the three wolves first, the toads were brushed first.

After brushing the toad, it was successfully upgraded to more than level 3, and after eating the three wolves, the wine barrel walked towards the wild area in the upper half of his house.

This version purchased the prosthetic eye lasts for three minutes, and if the blind monk previously purchased the prosthetic eye inserted in the red upper half of the field, it should still be present.

If it’s a free trinket eye, which lasts one minute before level nine and two minutes after level nine, it should disappear.

Under normal circumstances, the blind monk’s free jewelry eye is not used for vision, but is reserved for emergency backup.

Li Mu thought for a while, and scanned it with a scan between the outside of the F4 bush and the wall path of the second tower.


I saw the false eye inserted by the blind monk.

At the same time as the drain, it also exposes the location of the barrel.

He did not choose to brush F4, but inserted a prosthetic eye that he had purchased earlier on the F4 side, against the side wall of the red buff.

This location is generally not scanned (the old version of the designated location scan, not the current one-of-the-go scanning), can detect blind monk invasion.

Then turn to the stone man.

During the whole process, Li Mu walked into every passing grass, and did not find the true eye on the other side.

At the same time, as Li Mu walked towards the stone man, Gogoing said, “The big tree on the opposite side has returned to the city. I pushed the line of troops and returned to the city for a wave. ”

This is the first time that the two sides return to the city, stuck in the time of level five to return to the city, and then teleport online, in the rank game, if the opposite single does not choose to return to the city in time to get out of the equipment, at level six, there is a great possibility to achieve a single kill.

Of course, the small routine of the game game is generally ineffective, and the upper order will deliberately leave the teleportation to support, and after returning to the city to get out, rely on the double hoof to return to the line.

Soon, Gogoing’s weapon master pushed the line back to the city.

At the same time, Li Mu’s wine barrel E skill passed, crashed into two stone people and wild monsters, and began to brush stone people.

Li Mu deliberately pulled the stone man, and while entering the side to take a look, there was no real eye.

At the same time, stick the real eye on the body in the grass, and see if there is a false eye, to give Gogoing a field of vision and prevent him from being crossed by the blind monk from this position.

No opposite prosthetic eye was found.

“There shouldn’t be any other prosthetic eyes here.”

While brushing the stone man, Li Mu recalled that when he encountered the blind man in the middle before, he clicked on the blind man’s equipment bar before he died, and found that the blind man still had a false eye on his body, which means that there is a high probability that there is no false eye inserted by the blind man here.


When the barrel beats the stone man to the residual blood on the edge of the grass,

A large tree appeared in the view of the barrel from the direction of a tower of triangular grass on the upper road,


The big tree flashed W directly, and the twisted tree spirit turned into a twisted energy, quickly rushed to the side of the wine barrel, tied Li Mu’s wine barrel on the spot, and the EAQ was hit at the same time!

Almost at the same time as the big tree W,

The blind monk flashed from behind the side wall of the stone man!


That’s right

It is to flash over the wall, not to touch the eye W over the wall, is to flash!

The moment the blind monk flashed across the wall, he sent a punishment to punish Li Mu’s big stone man to death (this version of the stone man will not split)!

Blind Monk Q skill hit the wine barrel,

E. Tiamat, R.Q,

A set of skills, with the big tree, will kill the barrel in seconds!

·· Ask for flowers…


This scene appeared, which directly made the scene boil again.

“inSec and Shangdan Cola flashed at the same time and killed Li Mu’s wine barrel!”

“This is also too aimed at Li Mu, right?!”

“I’m afraid the barrel is level 3 and a half, right? The blind man is already level six! A whole gap of 3 levels, how to fight this?! ”

“The barrel is 0-3, the blind man is 3-0, leading by 3 levels, next, even if Li Mu’s operation is highlighted, I am afraid that he will not be able to return to the sky!” This is the first time I’ve seen Li Mu so miserable! The first wave was flashed by the female tan! Now it’s being bundled by a big tree flash! ”

“No matter how high the martial arts are, they will also be hacked to death by a kitchen knife! Allowing Li Mu to be proficient in eighteen martial arts, I am afraid that this one will also fall at the feet of the inSec Saint Monk! ”


The exclamations of the scene sounded in pieces,

Li Mu’s wine barrel is too miserable!

The headwind is so bad that you can’t go against the wind anymore!

“Come on inSec!”

“I like to see Li Mu being beaten!”

“Li Mu don’t cry, stand up and stroke!”


inSec fans shouted continuously, and the idol finally raised his eyebrows, and stepped on Li Mu, a popular celebrity.

“I really didn’t expect that inSec would flash over the wall to kill Li Mu so decisively.”

On the commentary table, the three commentators were also full of surprise.

Miller continued, “This wave is another planned conspiracy, a conspiracy completely against Li Mu! ”

“That’s right, the royal family’s side seems to like to target Li Mu very much.” The doll took the topic and continued,

“Li Mu’s consciousness here is already very in place, all the way to scan the real eye, all the way to do it perfectly, but…

Li Mu would never have thought that at the entrance of the second tower of his house, there was an extreme card slot prosthetic eye inserted before the big tree! It was not illuminated by Li Mu’s true eyes!

I want to change to anyone, and I can’t think that in this position, there will be a prosthetic eye that is about to disappear.

Li Mu didn’t really open the hanging, he was just a humanoid hanger, and he was also a human! ”

[Third change.] Ask for full subscription, ask for subscription!!! Factory]_

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