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"Your prediction of W is very clever.……"Mingkai smiled.

If Centaur didn't learn the E skill to increase his movement speed, it would be impossible to run to the predicted position of this W. In other words, Chen Ziyou predicted that Frozen Sunset would choose to use Q to upgrade the soldiers to level 3 to escape.

From this W skill alone, it can be seen that Chen Ziyou has a deep understanding of Ekko.

This wave of ganks was successful, and Mingkai smiled happily and gave the kill to Ekko.

Because the whole gank process was too smooth, he returned to the jungle very quickly at this time, and the opponent's jungler had no time to counter his buff. This wave was pure profit. When the jungler goes to gank the line, it depends very much on the operation, control and cooperation of the line.

Sometimes, this wave is clearly expected to kill without using flash, and can kill without holding the tower, but often due to coordination errors, various problems will arise, such as being shown off, being counter-killed, and being delayed.

But every time Mingkai comes to gank, Chen Ziyou can play the ideal effect.

This is also the reason why he likes to gank more and more recently... It can support his father and brush up the data of the success rate of ganks. Isn't it wonderful?

After getting the first blood, Chen Ziyou did not choose to return to the city, but continued to push the line and develop.

The gold coins on him would not give him anything good even if he went home, and Ekko's health and mana were very healthy now, so there was no need to go back. Centaur had only killed less than ten soldiers, and including wild monsters and automatic jumping money, it was less than 300 yuan. There was no need to worry that he would suppress Ekko's equipment when he came out.

As for the money waiting for dozens of seconds at home?

In the early stage of the rhythm, what is the difference between choosing to wait for money and hanging up? You will lose more things!

Sure enough... when Centaur rushed to the top lane, it was still the crystal bottle that went out.

The equipment of the two was still the same, but Ekko maintained a level 1 lead, and Centaur could not exchange blood.

Ekko, a hero, only needs to consume, and there are too many AOEs, so he can't control the line.

So Chen Ziyou simply didn't control the line, but kept playing three rings to consume blood, push the line, and obtain the line right, and then disappeared from the field of vision, giving the opponent huge pressure.

At the same time, on the middle line, the effect of giving the fat general a counter position also came out, and Syndra suppressed Viktor tightly.

The two lanes, mid and top, have control of the lanes at the same time.

This means that EDG has the initiative to invade and roam the jungle.

……If I roam and you collect the troops, then your teammates will suffer a loss, which may be the loss of troops or wild monsters.

……I roam, and you follow me, then you will lose a wave of soldiers under the tower.

If this continues, the economic gap will continue to widen.

This is the advantage of mastering the line control.

Lingyao is in a difficult situation.

The factory manager is unreasonable and keeps going in and out of his upper jungle, killing several groups of wild monsters. His upper jungle is probably full of the opponent's vision.

Looking at his teammates in the middle and upper lanes, Lingyao feels even more uncomfortable. Wushuang is still at his peak at this time, and he is not yet the"Tai Shang Lao Jun" in the future. Even if he gets a disadvantageous hero position, he still clings to the development gap between him and Pwan. There is only a difference of seven or eight knives, but there is no line control.

But in the top lane……

"Sunset, why are you thirty knives behind?.?"

"Some knives, I dare not mend them.……"

Ice Sunset was also helpless.

As long as his Centaur dared to go forward to last hit, he would definitely be hit by a set of three rings.

Reaper was a person who paid too much attention to details. Every time he hit the three rings, he could use acceleration to dodge Centaur's backhand (Q). Sometimes Sunset predicted that Ekko would E up to hit the three rings, and predicted Q at the moment when Ekko E was used, but saw that Ekko's S key was paused in place, waiting for him to finish Q and then EA to hit the three rings.

Reaper's monster-like reaction was too difficult to deal with...

Before, he heard other teams' top laners shouting"abnormal", and he thought that those guys were floating recently and couldn't even mix.

Unexpectedly, the situation changed and it was his turn.

As for Centaur using E to kick Ekko and force a set... Don't be ridiculous, Ekko can use W on the spot and exchange blood with you without any loss, and once Centaur is stunned, he may be ganked to death by Zz1tai.

Since Reaper joined EDG, the factory manager's"just gank the bottom lane and it's done" has become"just gank the top lane and it's done", and the bottom lane duo has gradually developed a steady development.

Originally, Deft was not known for his strong line-up, but now EDG's teammate attracts enemy firepower, he develops secretly, and takes over team battles in the middle and late stages. The butterfly effect of all this is the opening of the game -"swing position BP".

Who would have thought that Ekko could go to the top lane?

Who would have thought that Ekko is so good at beating Centaur?

Ten minutes into the game, no one was killed on the scene.

However, the economic gap has unknowingly pulled to around 2,000.

This 2,000 economy is purely due to the comprehensive development lead of the top, mid and jungle.

After Chen Ziyou pushed another wave of lines, he finally chose to return to the city, and almost everyone was staring at this Ekko's return action.

Mid-lane AP Ekko has already become popular all over the world. After hitting the three rings, the damage is terrifyingly high, the W stun time is extremely long, and the ultimate move has a high fault tolerance rate. It has become popular in the Rank games of major servers around the world.

I heard that Riot will continue to make changes to Ekko in the next few versions...

Mid-lane Ekko may be nerfed badly, so……

——How to play Ekko in the top lane? Is he strong? What equipment should he buy?

This is what everyone is curious about.

"Eh? Did Ekko make Slag and Radiance? Miller raised his glasses and said,"I wonder what the effect of Ekko with half-tank equipment will be. You can look forward to it."

Just as he finished speaking, Chen Ziyou saw the people in front of the top lane tower who were collecting the line and had not yet updated their equipment. He felt murderous.

A red whirlwind appeared on the soldier who was being attacked by the defensive tower.

"TP minions?!"

Xi Yang was slightly startled.

In the current version, TP has a mechanism, that is, TPing the defense tower will reduce the cooldown of the skill, but TPing minions and wards will not.

Therefore, when returning to the line, basically everyone TPs the defense tower.

Only when choosing to attack will they TP minions and wards.


Want to kill me?

Xi Yang took a look at the Centaur, which was just over two-thirds of the health bar, which can be said to be very healthy, and the ultimate skill is also good.

How do you kill him?

There was no sign of the factory manager in the surrounding field of vision.

After the TP bar finished, Ekko landed, and used EQA to enter the tower to kill Centaur, and directly hit the face with three rings. This set, because of the Radiance, directly knocked off a large part of Centaur's health.

When Centaur saw Ekko defending the tower, he immediately felt that there was room for show.

After using W to directly use QA to hit three rings, Ekko triggered the acceleration and retreated at a very fast speed, leaving the defense tower.



This wave of evacuation from the defense tower is just to allow the soldiers under the tower to output more damage to Centaur.

The control of the line of soldiers and the output of soldiers has always been a part of Chen Ziyu's invincible ability online.

Escape After losing aggro from the tower, Ekko immediately reentered the tower.

He kept a very clever distance. At this distance, unless Centaur used E to hit him, he could not touch Ekko.

He was waiting...waiting for the cooldown of the passive three rings, and also waiting for the cooldown of his own skills.

When the skills were ready, Ekko used EQA again to get close to the face and hit the three rings.

But this time, after the three rings were triggered, Ekko did not escape, but continued to stand close to the face and fight.

The slag continued to cause damage to the Centaur.

The tower also damaged Ekko, and in terms of blood loss speed, Ekko's blood loss was faster.

Calculating the time, Ekko swung the stick.

——【Time Interlaced (W)]

When Ekko raised his hand to use W, both the enemy and the opponent could see it.

Centaur also knew that Ekko used W, but he didn't know where W would land.

Xiyang began to panic. He activated his E skill, fearing that he would be predicted again, and paid full attention to the landing point of W.

Because of the deceleration of Ekko's Q skill, Centaur couldn't run fast, so he had to turn around and EA Ekko, causing a displacement.

At this moment, the landing point of W appeared.

——It was behind the Centaur!

The predicted position of Ekko's W was wrong!

Xi Yang's eyes lit up, and he realized that he had found an opportunity to counterattack.

The two stood there and fought, neither of them was afraid of the other.

Xi Yang knew that Ekko still had the R skill and could leave the tower at any time, so he stared at Ekko's health, ready to use the R skill to scare Ekko the moment he reached the kill line.

Even if Ekko used the R skill to escape in advance, this wave of Ekko crossing the tower would be declared a failure.

However, when Ekko's health was low to the kill line, Chen Ziyou had no intention of retreating.

""Why don't you run?"

Xi Yang used his R skill without hesitation.

Here, he used a trick.

Centaur's R can have a large AOE range, and the place where his R can target is exactly the circle around him.

Even if Ekko uses flash to show off himself, there is a high probability that he will be hit by his R.

——Shadow Strike (R)

With a flash of golden light, Ekko used Flash.

The position was behind the Centaur, and he was unable to avoid the person.���R of fear!

Seeing that Ike was frightened and could not use R, and was about to be killed, [Time Intersection] was triggered!

A layer of silver shield surged on Ike's body, allowing him to withstand the last bit of damage.

A trace of blood, really a trace, less than 20 points of blood!

——【Time and Space Fracture (R)] After using his ultimate, Ekko disappeared in the Summoner's Rift in an instant, escaping the hatred of the defense tower, and went back to five seconds ago through the time tunnel.


Xi Yang's palms were sweating, and he knew that he couldn't run away. Three seconds later, Ike used his last set of three rings to take down the Centaur and complete the single kill.

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