Looking around, the seats were already full!

Of course, about 95% of the people at the scene were all fans and supporters of RN!

Only the pitiful 5% supported the RH team!.......

"Hello, friends in the audience and friends in the online live broadcast room, hello everyone!"

"I am very happy to be here today and explain this wonderful game to you!"

"Hahahaha, hello everyone, I am also very excited today to be here to commentate on this game!".........

Soon, when the entire competition was about to begin, the cameras all around were also turned on simultaneously!

At the same time, players began to pour into the live broadcast rooms of major live broadcast platforms!

At this time, the two commentators today also had smiles on their faces and began to say hello to everyone.

Today we are responsible for commentating the game between Team R and RNG. They are the gold medal commentators of the LPL!

----Miller, Doll.

As very professional commentators, Doll and Miller were specially invited by the officials today.

Of course, after receiving the official invitation today, Miller and Wawa were naturally quite happy!

After all, today’s game is a game that everyone in the LOL circle is looking forward to!

"Can! The long-awaited game finally begins! I don’t know how the RH team will lose today!"

"I've been suffering from anorexia for several days, and I'm just waiting for the RH team to start treatment today. I guess I'll have a hard time eating!"

"hurry up! I can't wait to see the RH team's head smashed by the RNG team!"

"If I, Boss Jiang, hadn't been born, the world would have been dark forever! I still support the RH team! I think it should be....Forget it, I can’t make it up anymore!"

"RNG rushes for me! Today, give the RH team a severe social beating to make them understand their status!"........... at the same time.

As the whole game is about to begin, the players who have poured into the major live broadcast rooms are also quite excited and constantly discussing it!

The barrages jumped one after another, constantly floating across the public screen in the live broadcast room.

Of course, the current situation is quite the same as the scene!

The majority of players support RNG, and only a small number support RH.

Of course, it's not that the RH team has few fans, but that the current players are all indifferent to RH!

Jiang Chuan's reverse operation of introducing foreign aid really made the players explode!

After all, after bringing in two foreign players who are so good at it, who can support the RH team?

After seeing the RH team's starting lineup, this is a very obvious matchup!

At this moment, Jiang Chuan didn't even know that among all the peripheral LOL bets, he was the only one who won by betting on himself!

As for other people, they all bought RNG to win!

So it can be seen that no one is optimistic about the RH team today!

Well, in fact Jiang Chuan is also very unfavorable!

He really pointed at this wave, it was big!

After all, Jiang Chuan has already invested all his worth, if he loses it all.

Tsk tsk, according to the double reaction of the system, Chuan Ke can make a lot of money! soon-----

Now the game has begun!

At this moment, the big screen showed the members of the two teams choosing heroes.

This will be sitting in the background, Jiang Chuan can see through the screen in front of him.

Today's RNG team is very awesome!

They dispatched a complete lineup.

Top laner Lang Xing, mid laner Xiaohu, jungler Xiao Long Bao, support Xiao Ming, and for ADC, then it’s UZI!

After seeing this lineup, Jiang Chuan felt so comfortable that he was half-lying on the sofa.

No more questions.

As for RNG's lineup, Chuan felt that he didn't even have to use the plan he had made before!

Well, originally Jiang Chuan had a plan!

But he hasn’t used it yet!

Because he is waiting for the first game!

If you lose, then everyone is happy.

But if he wins, he will use it.


Win what you win!

How could it be possible to beat RNG with just these two foreign players?

Jiang Chuan thought for a while and felt that he had thought too much!

Hey, just wait and see if you lose!

"It's started! Now the members of RNG and RH are starting to choose heroes from each other!"

"After waiting for so many days, I really don’t know what kind of sparks the RH team can create when it collides with the RNG team today."

"To be honest, I'm looking forward to it, but now I think the RNG team has a better chance of winning.......Cough cough cough!"

Looking at the teams on both sides in front of them, they are choosing heroes, and the commentator Miller and the baby are also constantly talking.

Of course, in his words, he does not have high expectations for the RH team!

"Brothers, although we haven’t gotten along much, please believe me today, there will be absolutely no problem!"

"That's right! I will risk my life to go to Kerry!"

Speaking Mandarin that is not very fluent, RH top laner Liu Shijin and jungler Li Chenghe are still making promises.

It can be seen that these two people are full of confidence now!

"Okay, no problem, it’s up to you today!"

"Yes, since the boss believes in you, we also believe in you!"

"right! We must have fun today! Don't let your boss down! Fuck me RNG!"...........

Soon, several other members of the RH team also nodded in response.

The atmosphere in the entire team is great and everything is in perfect harmony!

Jiang Chuan's original idea that the team members would be unhappy because he brought in two foreign players was completely shattered!

Well, right now, I was sitting in the lounge, staring at my team members, and all of them were talking and laughing.

He also slowly showed a bad premonition on his face.

What the hell is this?

What about the promised team split?

What the hell is this such a harmonious scene! ?

"Huh? This, this is a little bit wrong!"

"Yes, indeed, there is something wrong with this!"

In the blink of an eye, while Jiang Chuan was still cursing here, the exclamations of Miller and Wawa also came from the front of the stage!

At the same time, staring at the screen in front of them, Jiang Chuan was also stunned!............._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share! (

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