"Hey, my next tactic is actually very simple."

"This tactic, I call it [wall book tactic]】!"

"The core of this tactic is the positioning of all of you. I want to rearrange it!"...........

Seeing that all the team members were listening attentively, Jiang Chuan cleared his throat and started talking nonsense seriously:

"First of all, let me separate the bottom duo, and the ADC is responsible for playing the top lane!"

"If you want to support, go to the jungle for me!"

"As for the jungler, go play mid!"

"As for the mid laner, you play the ADC position."

"As the last top orderer, come and play support in the bottom lane!"

"OK, that’s about it for my wall book tactics, the overall core of it is like this!"...........

After saying this, Jiang Chuan snapped his fingers. He felt that his tactic was perfect!

Of course, this tactic is perfect, only for Jiang Chuan!

As for the other team members, it is a nightmare!

After hearing my boss's"wall book tactics", the entire lounge became quiet!

It was as if the air was frozen, and the team members in front of Jiang Chuan stopped breathing.

This, this is the tactic of my boss! ?

This is the tactic that my boss thinks is perfect! ?

Wall book tactics?

What a fucking wall book tactic!

This is a losing tactic, right?!

All the RH team members present were roaring in their hearts!

They really want to cry but they can't!

At the same time, they are even more stupid!

Who can tell them what kind of tactic this is?

Even the manager Wang Dahai, who has always been able to figure things out, his head is also frozen!

Sorry, I'm not a good licker!!

Yes, even if Wang Dahai wants to break his head, he still can't figure out how good Jiang Chuan's tactics are!

Woohoo, is it so difficult to be a licking dog these days?

Standing next to Jiang Chuan, the dumbfounded Wang Dahai cried!

Of course, those who want to cry even more are all the members of the RH team!

After they heard this tactic, they originally wanted to refute it.

But after seeing the look in their boss's eyes that didn't allow for refutation, they could only swallow their saliva and accept it happily!

There is no way, since their boss said this, they think there is a reason!

I especially thought about it, when I went to play against the TJ team, and when I just went to play against the VT team.

Aren’t their boss’s tactics also difficult for people to understand?

So if this is the case now, there must be no problem!

Since their boss has issued the tactics, they just need to work hard and play well where they belong!

He nodded secretly!

Next, the five main players are about to start playing, their faces show confidence!

That’s it, no problem!!

Believe in your own boss and win the championship!

"kindness? ?"

At this moment, Jiang Chuan was just sitting on the sofa, ready to wait for the loss of the game.

When he saw the five main players leaving, they actually started to show confident smiles.......

Jiang Chuan's heart skipped a beat.

"These bastards, couldn't they have come up with something else?"

No, you can't!

Even if you think of something else, it will have no effect!

After all, these main players feel cold, and they are playing positions that they are not familiar with.

If they don't lose, then they will be damned. ?............ at the same time.

When the break is about to end and the second round is about to begin.

Rita and Shuyi, who were sitting in front of the commentary desk and were still analyzing the previous game, were notified again.

Yes, they who were smiling just now and bragging about Jiang Chuan suddenly solidified their smiles.------

Visible to the naked eye, the smiles of Rita and Shuyi disappeared in the next second!

All players:"?????"

What's wrong?

What happened?

Smile disappearing technique?

How come the documents just delivered by the staff made the smiles of the two beauties disappear?

Seeing Rita and Shuyi's smiles, they were completely gone.

All the players who watched the live broadcast also showed curiosity on their faces.

"Director, director, this notification message, is it true?"

After a half-second of silence, Rita and Shuyi almost spoke in sync and asked in disbelief

"It’s true, let’s get the word out now!"

The director standing in the background saw that Rita and Shuyi were already confused. He nodded and immediately replied again.

Of course, while replying to the two of them, the director was also wiping the cold sweat on his face with a tissue.

Damn, the boss of the RH team really has a weird mind!

The substitute players played so perfectly, but instead of beating the VT team in one go, he actually wanted to let the main players play in the second game. Come on?

Boss Jiang, what kind of trick is he playing?........

Even though he had participated in LPL games for several years, he still couldn't guess it!

"Big, everyone, before the game starts, we suddenly got another news"

"Well, um, a friendly reminder, before Rita says this news, I suggest friends watching the live broadcast to sit tight and listen!"

After hearing the director's confirmation, Rita and Shuyi, whose eyelids were twitching wildly, began to look at the camera in front of them and said slowly:..........

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