"Boss, your tactic is to let the substitutes play blindly! ?".........

Wang Dahai was stunned by the tactics Jiang Chuan talked about.

What kind of tactics is this? Could it be that the VT team has cast a spell on their boss?

Isn't it looking for a loss? ?

"What's wrong? What questions do you have about the tactics I'm talking about?"

"No, no problem, boss, your tactic is really great!"

"I, I will convey it right away!"

Seeing that Jiang Chuan's face started to turn cold, Wang Dahai didn't dare to say any more.

He had no choice, he was just a wage earner, and he couldn't influence the situation.

Besides, Wang Dahai was constantly thinking about it now. He felt that his family The boss must have his own intentions in making arrangements like this!

It won't take long!------

Backstage in the team lounge

"What! Are all substitutes allowed in today's game? Is the boss crazy? ?"

"Manager, you are right, right? We are playing against VT today, how can the boss let the substitutes play?"

"It's over, it's over now. Playing against VT and letting the substitutes come in. Isn't this looking for defeat?"...........

After hearing what Jiang Chuan meant, all the main members of the RH team turned red.

Originally, they were planning to work hard to win the VT team today.

But who would have thought that he would be replaced when he came on stage?

Wang Dahai couldn't figure out what Jiang Chuan meant, and their team members were even more confused!

Even most of the main players here doubt whether Wang Dahai has spread false news?

"Hey, I can understand your feelings, but you may have misunderstood the boss."

"I think the boss is deliberately trying to help you by letting the substitutes come on."

Wang Dahai, whose face slowly showed pride and had endless imagination, felt that he might have guessed what his boss meant!

Now he smiled and continued;"Although you won the last time against Team TJ, this time What we are facing is the VT team!"

"Who is Team VT? They are notoriously cautious!"

"I think after you crushed the TJ team last time, the people from the VT team must have been studying and analyzing you!"

"So the boss may have guessed that side, and today he will fully target the five of you!"

"Therefore, the boss chose to reluctantly replace you and let the substitute take over!"

"As for the substitutes, although they have information, they will definitely not study it too much, so if they come on the substitutes, they may be killed by surprise!"

"Ahem, and more importantly, you lost today, and with the substitute taking the blame, you will definitely not be scolded."

"If we win, we will all be happy!"

"So to put it all bluntly, the boss is taking care of you!!"...........

What Wang Dahai said at this moment was tear-jerking. The entire team lounge fell silent.

Men were silent and women were crying.

The players who just felt it was unreasonable were completely brainwashed.

Not to mention, they felt that their manager's analysis was correct!

And based on their understanding of their new boss, it was indeed possible!

Now he might be enduring the criticism and deliberately protecting himself and others!

"Damn it! I must have been blessed in my previous life to have such a boss!"

"Although I can't play today, I will still train hard and try to win a championship for my boss this year!"

Captain Xu Sheng couldn't help but cry, and said with great gratitude.

"That's right! I must get a trophy back to my boss this year!"

"We’ve got the trophy!"

The other main players also nodded and couldn't help but echoed.

And soon-------

While the main players were still swearing excitedly, Wang Dahai also left and came to the next door.

In the blink of an eye, there was a commotion in the benches' lounge!

When the five people found out that Jiang Chuan asked them to play today, they cried with excitement!

As the five members who have been guarding the water cooler all year round, they can finally take the field today!

And this is not a rubbish team, but a very famous VT team!

Especially today's game, it is still a game that everyone is paying attention to!

So if they play today, if they really defeat the VT team.

Doesn't it mean that their water cooler career is over?

"Very good! I didn’t expect that the boss would value us so much! We will definitely not disappoint the boss!"

"I'm already number one on the H server! My daily private practice is really useful, and today it's finally my turn!"

"I won’t pretend anymore, I’m going to reveal my cards now. I’m the best fighter in the country, manager, just let the boss take notice!"

"Yes, I am training secretly every day, and I have also studied a lot of LPL opponents. The boss will not be disappointed this time!"...........

No more pretending! The five substitutes are no longer low-key!

After seeing their boss letting them play, everyone began to show their cards one after another!

Either the strongest king, or the top mid laner, and the substitute commander here has mastered all the LPL teams!

"Hahahaha, good, good!"

"The boss really saw you right!"

"Don’t let your boss down today!"

"The boss said that he doesn't want to work overtime today. Do you understand what this means?"

"The boss has high expectations for you! So this time I won the VT team 2-0!"

"The boss also said that when he gets back, he will take you to have a big meal!"

Wang Dahai was quite excited to see his substitutes performing better than the others!

His boss is really awesome, no wonder he had to let the substitutes come on just now!

It turns out that he already knew that these bastards were hiding something Strength!

And soon, as the members of the RH team changed���, after all substitutes came on the field.

Now an urgent document is sent directly to the explanation desk..........

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