Just as Zhang Sheng and the Tencent staff were all shocked by the source code of Qing Gangying,

Ye Feng's video had already started to cause a stir on the Internet.

"Holy shit! I've never seen this skin before, is it a new skin?"

"This skin is so cool! It has a cyberpunk feel!"

"The sound effects of the mechanical voice are so cool!"

"I'm going to say this, if Tencent dares to release this skin, I will definitely buy it no matter how much it costs!"

The comments section began to tag Tencent, eager to see the new skin come out.

Of course, in addition to fans and viewers, major anchors were also conquered by the new skin of Qing Gangying.

"Damn, the source code of Shen Gangying is so cool!!"

"Sure, as long as the official releases this skin, my favorite hero in the future will be Shen!"

After watching the video, Sister Zhou made the decision on the spot

"Vayne: ???"

"Sister Zhou is too much"

"Hetui, a fickle woman!"


Fans expressed their disdain for Sister Zhou upon seeing this

"Brothers, as a gold medal mentor, my vision is still very accurate"

"Ye Feng's skin is awesome! We can tell from its sound effects that it will be a breeze to play!"

Da Sima's eyes lit up when he saw the skin, and he boasted in front of the screen.

"Yaer, why is this skin so handsome!"

"Brothers, I can't stand it anymore. I have to communicate with the official. I feel uncomfortable without this skin!"

PDD said as he picked up his phone and swiped it seriously.

Dai Xiaomei looked at the video on the phone with admiration on her face.

"Wow, Boss Ye Feng is so awesome!"

"This is not only about analyzing the Easter eggs, but also the new skins have been made directly!"

It feels like Ye Feng is omnipotent. Not only is his dubbing level extremely high, but he is also very good at playing games.

Now even the new skins have been made by him, and they are high-quality skins with impeccable special effects, modeling, and lines!

At this time, Dai Xiaomei also noticed that many people tagged her in the video comment area.

Of course, they tagged her small account.

Everyone hopes that she can release an analysis video to find out if there are any hidden Easter eggs in the video.

So, the stupid little sister went online again

"We mentioned in the last video that Shen has teammates, so the source code is likely to be a series of skins."

"In this video, other members of the source code also briefly appeared through infrared scanning images."

"The one on the far left looks like a mermaid, so it is most likely Nami the Tidecaller."

"The one on the far right can be seen from her headdress. With such a special hammer head shape, it is most likely the Frost Witch Lissandra."

"The physical features of the remaining two heroes are not very obvious, I can't tell them clearly"

"But they are so slender, I think they should be female heroes"

"If you have any different opinions, you can also raise them and discuss them together."

Dai Xiaomei is worthy of being Ye Feng's ten-year old fan.

She observes every detail in the video very carefully.

And she basically guessed the heroes she analyzed correctly.

It is precisely because of this.

Dai Xiaomei is very curious about who the remaining heroes are.

People are like this.

If you know nothing, it's okay, you won't have any ideas.

But once you know some of them.

If you don't figure out everything, the whole person will feel as uncomfortable as if your heart is broken.

Dai Xiaomei is in this situation now.

At this time, Tencent.

When Zhang Sheng saw that the source code of Qing Gangying was very popular on the Internet, he couldn't sit still.

After all, apart from the invisible traffic heat, skin is the biggest source of income for League of Legends.

Ye Feng has now made such a popular hero skin on the entire network, and they at Tencent must strive for it no matter what!

But this matter is too big, and the interests involved are a huge piece of cake.

He alone can no longer make a decision.

So Zhang Sheng decided to return to the headquarters immediately to seek the opinions of the top executives.

At this time, Dai Xiaomei, who couldn't bear her curiosity, had sent a private message to Ye Feng.

"Boss Ye Feng, can you tell me who the remaining heroes in the Source Code series are?"

Dai Xiaomei's tone was urgent and pleading.

"Sorry, not for the time being."

Ye Feng replied without hesitation.

What a joke.

The Origin series skins are a great weapon for him to gain fame in the future.

And it is also his trump card for negotiating with Tencent in the future.

If it is leaked now, there will be no way to play.

"Well, then, okay."

Dai Xiaomei's reply clearly showed her disappointment.

This made Ye Feng feel a little embarrassed.

After all, Dai Xiaomei had helped him a lot in the early days, and now they were neighbors across the street.

"I have to keep the information about the Source series skins confidential."

"But I can tell you some information about the video I will post next."

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