"This is a pretty good explanation."

Ye Feng was eating the takeaway while watching the analysis video posted by Dai Xiaomei.

The easter egg at the end of Qing Gangying's video was naturally left by him on purpose.

The purpose was to create suspense for the audience and pave the way for the birth of the source code and the source plan.

Who knew that the audience would focus most of their attention on Qing Gangying's skin.

Fortunately, there was this analysis video, which helped him to draw the audience's attention back to the source code and the source plan in time.


At this time, Ye Feng's mobile phone rang.

The caller ID showed that it was Zhang Sheng, the head of Tencent.

After thinking for a while, Ye Feng pressed the answer button.

Since sending the contact information to Zhang Sheng, Zhang Sheng has called him many times.

But Ye Feng was either busy making videos or dealing with other things, and he had been ignoring him.

If he didn't answer the phone again, even Ye Feng himself felt that it was a bit too much.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Ye Feng? I am Zhang Sheng from Tencent."

Zhang Sheng's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'm Ye Feng, what can I do for you?��"

Ye Feng replied calmly

"Oh, that's it."

"I would like to ask when you are free so that we can meet up to discuss cooperation."

"You see, your dubbing is based on our heroes and skins, and our heroes and skins also need your dubbing to add color. I think we can definitely join forces to make the League of Legends game more perfect."

Hearing what Zhang Sheng said, Ye Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It seems that Mr. Zhang hasn't watched my new video recently."

Zhang Sheng was stunned for a moment.

"What does Mr. Ye Feng mean by this?"

Because he has been busy recently, he really hasn't had time to read it.

But does this have anything to do with their cooperation?

"What you said just now was wrong"

"My voice acting is not based on your heroes and skins."

Ye Feng said calmly.

""What does Mr. Ye Feng mean by this?"

Zhang Sheng was completely confused.

Not relying on their hero skins?

What does this mean?

Could it be that Ye Feng could create a hero or skin himself ?

"You can find out what I mean by watching my new video."

Ye Feng was too lazy to explain so much, and he hung up the phone.

If it was before, his dubbing really had to rely on the hero skins of Tencent.

But now with the skin CG generator, he is no longer subject to these restrictions, and can make new skin videos!

Even if he draws more prizes in the future, he might even be able to release new heroes in advance!

After hanging up the phone with Ye Feng, Zhang Sheng still felt confused.

"What does Ye Feng mean by asking me to watch his new video?"

"Is there any secret in it?"

With such doubtful thoughts,

Zhang Sheng immediately opened the small broken station.

He was ready to study Ye Feng's new video carefully.

At this time, Ye Feng checked the time. There was still an hour before the live broadcast.

It was just right for him to take a shower and wash up.

Although Ye Feng did not consider showing his face in the live broadcast in the short term, after all, there were so many viewers, and he still had to pay attention to his image.

When he came out of the bathroom, it was almost seven o'clock.

Without caring about wearing too many clothes, Ye Feng directly put on a vest and sat in front of the camera.

Anyway, the weather is hot now, and wearing a vest is more comfortable

"Then let's officially start."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng opened his live broadcast room.

Fans who had received the live broadcast dynamics a long time ago immediately flocked to the room.

Dai Xiaomei also immediately rushed to Ye Feng's live broadcast room.

"Wow, the dubbing master has started live!"

"The latest videos are so strong!"

"I want to watch Wanderer!"

"I want to see Canyon Philosopher!".....

Thousands of fans poured into the live broadcast room, and the comments were swiping the screen like crazy.

However, at a certain moment, as if the pause button was pressed, the comments suddenly went blank.

It turned out that Ye Feng had just come out of the bathroom, and his body was still wet.

As a result, his vest absorbed water and was now tightly attached to his skin.

The thin fabric of the vest showed off his golden ratio six-pack abs to the fullest in front of the audience!

"Damn, the voice-over artist actually has abdominal muscles!"

"What a great figure!"

"Who can withstand this!"

"No wonder he voiced the character"

"Even a man like me can’t stand the look of this figure!".....

Ye Feng's unintentional display of abdominal muscles caused the live broadcast room to explode.

Dai Xiaomei's face also turned red at this moment.

"I didn't expect the dubbing artist to have such a good figure."

""It makes me feel embarrassed."

Dai Xiaomei said so.

But her eyes never left Ye Feng's abdominal muscles.

At this time, Ye Feng finally realized this.

So, amid the wailing of countless female fans in the live broadcast room, including Dai Xiaomei, he changed into a loose-fitting dress.

In order to ease the embarrassment, Ye Feng immediately said

"cough cough"

"This was just a small episode, now let's play a game."

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