Let's go back to Dai Xiaomei's live broadcast room

"Hello, dubbing artist"

"I...I didn't expect you to come to my live studio!!"

Seeing Ye Feng admit his identity, Dai Xiaomei was both shy and excited, and even stuttered when she spoke.

In fact, as early as when she saw the first video, Dai Xiaomei was already impressed by Ye Feng's dubbing.

The perfect music, the clever scenes, and the ever-changing voice.

Who wouldn't be confused after watching this!

It's just that Dai Xiaomei has always wanted to be reserved and didn't admit it.

So to some extent, this is completely a large-scale fan idol meeting

"Hahaha, the old woman is shy!"

"Why does Dai, who is fearless, become so intimidated when he meets the big voice-over artist?"

"This may be a case of one thing defeating another."

"Okay, okay, I’ll support this couple first!"......

The comments set the pace as usual.

From time to time, some lewd words popped up.

Seeing this, Dai Xiaomei couldn't help but blush.

Ye Feng was also a little embarrassed.

Seeing the atmosphere in the live broadcast room being distorted by the comments,

Ye Feng knew that if he didn't say something, he and Dai Xiaomei's child might be born.

"Ahem, nothing else this time."

"You recommended my video last time, so I'm going to return the favor by making it super popular."

Ye Feng directly stated his purpose.

"The dubbing master is too polite"

"Your video is great, it will definitely be popular even without my recommendation!"

Now it was Dai Xiaomei's turn to feel embarrassed.

As one of Ye Feng's fans, she knew very well how good Ye Feng's videos were.

With this level of quality, it would be popular no matter where it was placed! Her forwarding recommendation was just the icing on the cake.

Moreover, as the owner of the live broadcast room,

Dai Xiaomei had long discovered that after Ye Feng came, the popularity of her live broadcast room suddenly soared to over 10 million!

This was a peak she had never reached!

So to be honest, it was Ye Feng who made her successful, not her who made Ye Feng successful.

"I was touched|"

"I didn’t expect the dubbing artist to be so approachable!"

"It’s much better than other UP hosts with millions of followers!"

"There is nothing much to say, I have become a fan!"

Because of Ye Feng's actions, the audience's favorability increased.

Many people even paid tribute to him and sent super rockets one after another.

For a while, the live broadcast room was full of gifts, and it took a long time for it to slowly calm down.

"By the way, do dubbing artists usually do live broadcasts?"

Dai Xiaomei suddenly became curious about this.

Because many UP hosts, in addition to making videos, will choose to live broadcast their daily lives or other content.

This not only can narrow the distance between them and their fans, but also maintain their popularity.

Moreover, the gifts during the live broadcast are also a good income, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

Therefore, Dai Xiaomei naturally subconsciously thought that Ye Feng would also do a live broadcast.

"Yes, yes, yes, when will the boss start the live broadcast?"

"I really want to see the true face of the dubbing master"

"The dubbing is so good, I am looking forward to what the original voice is like"

"One person wrote in blood asking the boss to start live broadcast!"

"Same as above".......

Dai Xiaomei's question made the live broadcast room lively again.

Everyone wanted to watch Ye Feng's live broadcast.

"Live broadcast?"

After being asked by Dai Xiaomei, Ye Feng also fell into deep thought.

Making videos can indeed bring high fame and popularity, there is no doubt about that.

But compared with live broadcast, which can communicate with fans online, the interactivity is still too poor.

After all, if making videos, Ye Feng can only be a behind-the-scenes person.

It will make fans feel distant, which will undoubtedly greatly reduce the stickiness of fans.

It is not as close as live broadcast, you ask and I answer, it feels like face to face with fans.

And just now Ye Feng also noticed that the popularity of Dai Xiaomei's live broadcast can exceed 10 million!

Although his videos are very popular on the Internet, it is impossible for 10 million people to watch his videos at the same time!

"I really should consider live streaming."

"It’s just that this little broken station can’t broadcast live, which is a bit troublesome."

Ye Feng thought to himself.

Then he sent a barrage reply:

"As for live broadcast, it should be available soon."

"As for the details of the live broadcast, I will send a dynamic notification to everyone at that time."

Seeing Ye Feng's answer, Dai Xiaomei was very surprised.


"Then the boss must notify me when the time comes, I will definitely be the first to show my support!"


After replying calmly, Ye Feng left the live broadcast room.

But Dai Xiaomei was very excited.

"Hey, how are you guys?"

"Now I am the only one who knows the boss's live broadcast time, so you still call me an old woman?"

Dai Xiaomei looked smug, causing the barrage to explode immediately

"Damn, she actually pretended to be like this!"

"I will never sell my soul for the live broadcast time of the big boss, don’t you think so, little fairy"

"I don't know why, but my view of A instantly turned to D."

Ye Feng naturally didn't know about these episodes, because after leaving the live broadcast room, he received a call.

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