"Brother Seven, you want to trick me again!"

Seeing the factory manager roaming around in the blue half, Xu Mo always had a very bad premonition.

"Don't be so sensitive, I'm just here to farm the jungle."

The factory manager said this leisurely.

Smeb is scared now.

At this time, he didn't even dare to stand under the tower. He felt very uncomfortable being trained by the opponent's top and jungle.

The key point is that Smeb's Kennen is only level 5, while Jayce is already level 6. The level gap has been opened by one level. For the top laner, this is really fatal.

But there is no way.

In this game, Smeb himself knew that he was completely defeated.

Even if the opponent's excavator didn't come to gank, he still couldn't beat Jayce, but he could still hang around in the top lane.

Thinking about it, Smeb felt helpless.

He thought he was strong enough. He had been playing professionally for so long and had faced countless top top laners. Many times, Smeb relied on absolute strength to win the laning.

But now he realizes that there are mountains beyond mountains and people beyond people.

The Jayce on the opposite side is much stronger than him.


"Look, even the opposing Smeb is afraid of you!"

"Now you just don't come out, playing tricks"

"I'm going to kill him under the tower this time, so you don't need to come over, Brother Seven."

At this time, Xu Mo had already started to push the line of soldiers directly to the tower. At this time, Smeb had been watching him push the line, not daring to move forward at all.

Smeb took a look at Xu Mo's last-hitting.

From the beginning of his push to now, he had not missed a single soldier.

Up to now, Jayce's last-hitting is actually 12 ahead of Kennen. Although it seems small, if you count it carefully, you will find out how exaggerated this lead is.

You know, in the early stage, Jayce directly let Smeb have 15 soldiers, plus these 27, which means that he has 27 more soldiers at level 6.

It's quite terrifying!

Although Jayce only has a Serrated Dagger at the moment, Jayce is already one level ahead of Kennen, and Kennen, who is not yet level 6, faces such a big disadvantage.

Smeb has no doubt that Jayce has the ability to kill him under the tower.

KT jungler Zac has already rushed to the top lane, ready to support Smeb at any time. Obviously, Score is also very clear that he must help Smeb to survive this wave.

Kennen, who has reached level 6, still has a certain amount of room for operation, but before reaching level 6, it is very difficult.

In the middle lane,

Scout is very clear about the advantages of his teammates. He doesn't need to do anything. His Taliyah only needs to push the line to hold back Fat General's Corki and prevent Fat General from having a chance to support.

Being able to do this is already helping the top lane.


"EDG is now training smeb like crazy, but I don't know if this wave can still succeed."

"KT's jungler Zac was waiting here early. Fortunately, Zac has not reached level 6 yet, but even so, he still needs to be careful."

Anyone can see that this wave of top laners should be ready to kill Kennen at any time.

After all, Kennen is quite weak at the moment, and he has no flash and is not level 6. There is a chance to kill Kennen.

And once the kill is successful, Kennen will be completely destroyed, and it is estimated that there is no way to turn the game around.

"See if Killing and the factory manager can do a better job of the details"

"We really need to be careful in this wave. I even think there is no need to take risks."

Miller continued what Wawa said.

Although EDG's top and jungle have a considerable advantage at the moment, it does not mean that KT has no chance to resist.

On the contrary.

Kennen and Zac's defensive ability under the tower is absolutely very good.

At this time, the director's camera was given to the top lane again.

I thought that the bottom lane would at least occupy a part of the focus of this game, but perhaps even Deft and Mata did not expect that this EDG bottom lane duo is too wretched.

In addition, Zac could not help gank the bottom lane in the early stage, which directly led to KT's bottom lane being unable to play more advantages.

The focus is all on the top lane.

On the live screen, it can be seen that there are only three soldiers left in front of the defense tower on the KT top lane, but at this time these three soldiers are under a large wave of EDG soldiers.

The rhythm of waves, the situation is quite tense



A lateral blast, with a terrifyingly fast speed!

Smeb, who had already been hit by the shadow, quickly used E to dodge at this time, because simple movement could not dodge this guy's Jayce cannon.

It is only possible to speed up.

But... it seems that this lateral blast is a bit off.

Smeb saw the direction of Jayce's attack, and looked back to find that Zac was hit by his cannon and lost a large amount of blood.

Score's Zac, who was standing in the bush next to the stone man, was exposed at this time.

In this case, score simply did not stand here, but walked directly to the side under the tower, and simply stood in front of the tower to help Kennen eat this wave of soldiers.

This is also a good way


"KT also played very smartly, knowing that EDG wanted to kill Kennen, Zac came over to help Kennen eat this large wave of soldiers."

Seeing this, Miller also felt that there was no chance.

It's impossible for the two of them to kill each other under the tower?

Obviously, this kind of gank is unnecessary.

And speaking of it, KT's top and jungle have already compromised. This wave of Zac's experience on Kennen will basically be divided up, and the next laning will only be more stressful.


"Brother Seven, I know you're going to trick me"

"But I won't give you a chance this time, I want to get the kill!"

Xu Mo said leisurely at this time.

He was waiting for his skill CD to expire, while observing the situation on both sides.

"I'm withdrawing! I won't cheat you!"

"You can't join this wave either!"

As soon as the factory manager saw Zac appear under the tower, he was ready to leave.

"Can kill with force!"

"Zac now has 29 minions. He ate five minions in the top lane and killed six groups of wild monsters. He needs at least four more minions to reach level 6."

"Even if there is a level difference experience supplement reward, at least the defense tower must kill more than 6 soldiers for the opponent's Zac to reach 6."

Whether it is F6 or red buff, it is counted as 4 soldiers, so Xu Mo can easily calculate Zac's experience value.

Listening to Xu Mo's calculations and analysis, the factory manager was stunned for a moment.

Then he turned around and quickly started to go to the top lane.

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