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Gangying made a mistake in his positioning!

In this situation, if Qing Gangying moved towards the highland tower, or even walked against the wall, there would be no problem.

As long as Qing Gangying waited for his E skill and then ran away.

Xiaohuasheng knew that he had no way to deal with Qing Gangying by doing this.

Because the fight just now had already shown that even with Qing Gangying's HP, his troll still couldn't beat him.

After all, one was level 7 and the other was level 5.

The difference was too big.

And from Xiaohuasheng's observation, Qing Gangying had not used his ultimate skill until now, and even his flash had not been used.

This was also a very scary point.

His troll was completely unqualified to PK with Qing Gangying at this time.

However... after Qing Gangying's position just now, the situation was different.

At this time, Xiaohuasheng even showed some smiles on his face. He thought that this wave was another blood loss, but now it seems that there is still a chance to make up for it.

Even if he could kill Qing Gangying, it would seem that he could still make a lot of money.

Peanut found the right position and threw out the Troll Pillar.

With one block, the Blue Steel Shadow was directly trapped in the range of the defense tower.

This is exactly what Peanut is most happy about.

He saw the opportunity, found the right time, and then made a decisive move, and the position was very good.

Seeing that the Blue Steel Shadow was stuck in this position, Peanut was very happy.

In this position, as long as the Blue Steel Shadow can withstand two more hits from the defense tower, then Peanut's Troll does not need to take action himself, and the defense tower can take him down.


"This wave of peanuts is very clever in positioning."

"He didn't even go up, and didn't give Qing Gangying a chance to use his Q skill shield, and just blocked Qing Gangying's position."

PDD was a little impressed when he saw this.

From the current point of view, Xiaohuasheng's choice was really wise, but it was also really heartbreaking.

This wave of Xu Mo chasing Wanli and rushing to the high ground to kill Jayce alone was really exciting, but now the situation seems to be reversed.

"Little Peanut is very naughty!"

"Just stand here and return to the city?"

On the live broadcast of the game, at this time, you can see that the little peanut troll standing under the highland tower showed his appearance of returning to the city. The commentators said it was naughty.

However, the fans thought that this was definitely a counterattack against Xu Mo.

Or, in other words, a reverse taunt to Xu Mo.

At this time, the first attack from the defense tower had already hit Qing Gangying, and Qing Gangying's health was only a little bit left.



"I was originally planning to use my flash to escape, but now, I would be sorry if I didn't kill them all."

"Do you think this is a dead end? Haha, maybe you know how good my Shen is!"With

Xu Mo in this position, if he walks away before the first attack from the defense tower arrives, he can basically leave the attack range of the defense tower.

But he has changed his mind now.

In this situation, it would be a bit unfair to himself if he doesn't show off.

And now.

SKT's second tower in the top lane, the second attack from the defense tower is already coming towards Shen.

As long as the attack damage hits, Shen will die.

Judging from the live broadcast, this seems to be an unsolvable situation. If Shen flashed in the first time, he might have a chance to walk away.

But now, he has already suffered the first damage from the defense tower, and the second one is about to come.

This is a dead end!

"Rushing to the high ground and killing Jayce alone is indeed a morale booster, but if you get killed alone in this wave, it would be a bit of a loss."

"But it doesn't matter, the suppression of the top lane has been formed, and the next laning against Jayce is completely out of the question."

Even the commentator Miller has given up a little bit at this moment.

The second attack of the defensive tower is very close to the Blue Steel Shadow, it seems that it has hit him!

But... the next moment.

Under the gaze of everyone, Xu Mo played a shocking operation.

He flashed.

The attack of the defensive tower was already chasing the Blue Steel Shadow.

What does this guy want to do?

Many people were puzzled when they saw this scene. They really couldn't understand why Xu Mo would give up his death flash at this time.

According to his personal operation level, he would not make such a low-level mistake.

But the next moment.

Xiaohuasheng himself was also confused.

The position he stood in was obviously far enough away. Why could this Blue Steel Shadow still come up after enduring the second attack from the defensive tower?


He didn't endure the second attack at all!

At this time, Xiaohuasheng was in a bad state. Although he didn't see clearly what happened, he knew that he was in danger this time.

Blue Steel Shadow's ultimate move framed the troll



"Didn't think about it! Here I come!"

Seeing the troll who was a little stunned at the first time, Xu Mo knew that Xiaohuasheng probably didn't expect that he would play such an operation. He was probably a little dumbfounded.

AQ was played.

The death sickle kicked out by Qing Gangying instantly took the life of the troll.


Just like that, it was counter-killed in a way that everyone found incredible.

Until now, there are still many people looking at the computer screen without reacting.

The most shocking thing is that after Xiaohuasheng's troll was counter-killed under the highland tower, the attack of the highland tower also followed.

But Qing Gangying still didn't fall down.

Many people can understand this part, because Qing Gangying's passive is adaptive shield.

The general attack launched against the enemy hero will provide a layer of shield specifically absorbing this type of damage based on the hero's damage type, physical or magical, and the health value of the shield is equivalent to 20% of Camille's maximum health, which lasts for a short time.

It was this shield that helped to resist the damage of the highland tower.

"Oh My God!"

"The killing Qing Gangying not only killed the troll in a desperate situation, but the key is that Qing Gangying did not die."

Wawa has already roared.


Absolutely Tianxiu!

Many people are really stunned now.

At this time, they just want to watch the replay carefully, how exactly did Xu Mo's Qing Gangying do all this just now.

It's too scary!


"How to blow this wave?"

"I was really confused. My eyes widened and I was stunned. The most important thing is that I have no idea how Killing did it.

Miller was really confused.


PS: I'm having a bit of fun playing in Yunding, sorry, I've been updating a bit slowly recently.

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