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"The opponent played Shen, but Guangjiang actually chose Maokai?"

"Oh shit!"

"If this were Brother Zhang, he would have taught them a lesson with Teemo."


In the BP phase of the third game,

Xu Mo was sitting here at ease, but the girl next to him started to complain.

The key was to say"Fuck", which made Xu Mo's scalp numb.

"This young man, isn't he arrogant enough!"

Then, she said leisurely.

Xu Mo couldn't help laughing.

He was right next to her. Did she not recognize him or didn't notice him, or was she doing it on purpose?

Anyway, Xu Mo was a little confused.

But this girl seemed a little fun.

Two minutes into the game

"Oh my god, I’m being suppressed by Shen?"

"If it was Brother Zhang, he would not be suppressed unless he deliberately let the opponent win. He even crossed the line and pressed the opponent's top laner to the ground."


Xu Mo couldn't help but smile bitterly again.

At this time, he glanced at the girl next to him.

He looked very seriously, but Xu Mo didn't know this girl at all. At this moment, Xu Mo felt very complicated. He originally sat here and watched the game peacefully.

Unexpectedly, he seemed to be affected by the complaints of a little girl.


"I'm not showing off, but if this guy was facing Shen, he would have already got a triple kill at this point."

"Guangjiang is still too bad!"

When Xu Mo was watching the game seriously, the girl next to him started talking again.

She seemed to have endless complaints about the game.

With her like this, Xu Mo had no intention of watching the game at all.

Xu Mo couldn't laugh now, and even felt a little uncomfortable. Hearing others talking like this, he felt a little strange.

Get up!

Xu Mo decided to change his seat. It was really impossible to watch the game here. He was too affected by the girl next to him.

""Handsome guy, where are you going?"

At this moment, Xu Mo heard a familiar voice. He turned around and saw the girl next to him looking at him with a smile.

Xu Mo touched his nose.


"I'd like to ask"

"Do you know me?"

Xu Mo asked politely, without any impolite words.

"I know you!"


"The famous expansion brother"

"The world's top laner Xu Mo"


Xu Mo's eyes widened when he heard her answer. He was completely stunned.

Could it be that this girl did it on purpose?

In fact, Xu Mo could have guessed the reason for her smile at the end. It was obvious that she knew he was sitting here, so she complained like this.

"You know me, you know I'm here, but you still say these things on purpose?"

Xu Mo asked in disbelief.

"Ha ha!"

"My way of greeting is very special, isn't it?"

The girl next to him smiled and nodded.

Xu Mo was speechless.

This greeting is indeed very special.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Ye Wanting!"

Seeing Xu Mo's angry look, the girl next to him took the initiative to smile and extend her hand and introduced herself. He shook hands with her casually.

Xu Mo didn't want to stay here for too long. If he kept listening to her complaints, he might feel it was a little fresh at first, but it would feel weird after listening to it too much.

Anyway, Xu Mo felt a little uncomfortable.

But he didn't intend to offend a girl who was considered his little fan, because there was no need to do so.

So after shaking hands, Xu Mo still insisted on leaving.

"Brother Zhangpeng, we will meet again soon.

Seeing Xu Mo walk away, the girl also stood up and said with a smile

"You seem to be more arrogant than me!"

Xu Mo replied with a wry smile, and then walked away. Sitting in this position to watch the game, and encountering this incident, it really made him feel uncomfortable.

But after changing his position, Xu Mo found a corner for himself, and he felt much more comfortable watching the game.

He felt that he would question Manager Bu later. He didn't know whether Abu deliberately let him sit in that position and run into such a little girl. In short, Abu was very suspicious.

On the big screen.

At this time, the game had been going on for 15 minutes.

In the top lane, G2's top laner Shen did suppress Mouse's big tree. It was his first time to appear in the knockout round of the global finals, and Guangjiang seemed to be a little nervous.

However, in this game, EDG obviously did not rely on the performance of the top lane. The factory manager has been protecting Bottom lane and help the bottom lane gain an advantage.

So far, it's still okay.

If you want to win next, you can only look at the team fights later.

When it came to 18 minutes.

There was a wave of dragon group on both sides. EDG relied on the team fights of iboy and scout to play 1 for 3 despite the unfavorable situation.

Finally, the team advantage was established.

The audience at the scene saw this and cheered warmly. Xu Mo felt very refreshed listening to it here.

After this wave of team battles, EDG began to gain an advantage.

From a certain point of view, G2 is indeed not EDG's opponent. Even if they don't play, it will be difficult for them to defeat the four people including the factory manager, scout, iboy in the bottom lane, and Meikou.

Mouse is a little weak, but this doesn't affect anything. Although he is at a disadvantage in the top lane, he didn't collapse. The tree is useful in teamfights.

After several teamfights, the game finally ended at 35 minutes.

In the end, EDG successfully won the match point game with a steady advance, and finally won the BO5 with a score of 3 to 0. It also means that

EDG has entered the semi-finals of this year's global finals.


"3 to 0, no doubt! This is a complete victory of strength"

"Let us congratulate EDG!"

"Congratulations to EDG for reaching the semifinals"


The commentary booth was already boiling with excitement at this time.

Not only them, but also the audience in the live broadcast room were like this. Many netizens were very excited at this moment because EDG successfully passed this level.

They broke the previous curse of the quarterfinals.

This is definitely a huge breakthrough for EDG.

And off the court.

Xu Mo listened to the huge cheers from the audience and his whole body was boiling with excitement. This feeling was really great.

But... the next game will not be fun! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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