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"Is this game played by humans?"

"It hurts!"

When the two sides started laning, Xu Mo complained in the team voice chat.

The tree on the opposite side looked tanky, let alone fighting.

This was also a point that made Xu Mo very uncomfortable to play, and even a little desperate. The most difficult thing was to use this hero with low damage to face the super tanky top laner.

Seeing that he couldn't beat it with one skill, facing the tree with all the talents, runes and equipment, it didn't hurt at all.

In this case.

It was really uncomfortable to be on the line.


"The killing in the top lane is very good because of the long-range advantage. Although heroes like Maokai are not very tanky, as long as the damage is enough, it is still very impressive."

"This wave of thunder is quite good."

At the beginning of the laning.

Xu Mo had already dealt a wave of thunder damage to the big tree.

Guan Zeyuan was also commenting on the game screen at this time. Everyone knew that the focus of this game was on Xu Mo in the top lane.

His performance was often directly related to whether EDG could win.

Meikou heard Xu Mo's words and took a special look at the top lane.

With the big tree being so tanky, this guy had already consumed a small grid of the opponent's blood. He still felt that it was not enough?

He was only level one, what else did he want?

Xu Mo, this guy, didn't want to be a human being.

For Xu Mo, if it was other heroes, he could completely hit the opponent with more blood with his consumption method.

But Lulu obviously couldn't do that.

This was very uncomfortable.

But since this hero has been selected, there is no way, and there is no problem in playing his own suppression power online.

Many people affectionately call FNC's top laner Soaz"Sister-in-law".

And because of his stable performance in the game, coupled with this nickname, Sister-in-law has attracted a lot of attention.

Now, the laning against Xu Mo has attracted even more attention.

But now.

Soaz was facing Xu Mo's Lulu, and he already felt the pressure of the laning phase.

Judging from his past games, this guy almost crushed the opponent's top laner in every game, which was very scary to watch.

Perhaps it was because of this that Soaz seemed a little cautious at this time, and when he was consumed by Lulu, he was not easy to fight back.

But Soaz found that the guy on the opposite side was really too much in consuming.

He was greedy for the ultimate damage of basic attacks.

It was as if he had to deal the ultimate damage within a specific time.

Just look at the previous wave. If it was changed, if he played Thunder, he would definitely stop, but he didn't. After the Thunder, he still greedily hit two basic attacks. It was really cruel!

The key is that because Soaz wanted to make up the soldiers in this wave, even if he was consumed, the opponent's Lulu was not attacked by the soldiers.

This is a bit uncomfortable.

In the next laning phase, Soaz helplessly found that the guy on the opposite side was simply insatiable.


At this moment.

While playing, Xu Mo discovered the fun of this kind of laning.

Before this, he really felt quite uncomfortable, because in order to kill the opponent's big tree alone, it would take a lot of consumption.

But now Xu Mo suddenly didn't want to kill alone.

He was playing to the limit.

On the premise of ensuring that he didn't lose much, he compared and calculated the cost-effectiveness of attacking more and attacking less. He chased the big tree and attacked as much as he could

, and it seemed very cool!

Xu Mo successfully found the fun point of this game for himself, otherwise Xu Mo really felt that this game would be quite boring.

Now, it is much more comfortable.


He began to calculate frantically.

The top single Lulu, or the mid-single Lulu, with Thunder, is basically a flat AEQ, which is a very conventional way to fight Thunder.

But in order to be greedy for damage.

AE is released at the same time.

Lulu's skill mechanism can completely achieve this, so that in the consumption, the actual effect obtained is


When Thunderbolt hits, the Q skill slows down the opponent.

Then, a basic attack is performed, which directly adds two more basic attacks.

····Asking for flowers 00

When Lulu was at level 2, Xu Mo's plan was like this.

When Lulu reached level 3 and had the W skill to turn into a sheep, he had a more exciting time playing.

The previous part remained unchanged.

When the tree wanted to run or fight back, he would use a W to turn into a sheep, chase and hit A twice, and then when he turned back, he would use Pix to hang on the tree and use the Q skill.

Full damage!

Soaz has now seen the strength of the guy on the opposite side. When facing a shameless hero like Lulu, the tree seemed so helpless.

Charge forward and be turned into a sheep.

Retreat, he can be infinitely greedy for damage.

Soaz felt that his tree had completely become a tool for this guy to deal damage in the laning phase of this game..............

It's really too much!


"You will find that the player Killing is a level higher than his opponent in terms of laning pressure."

"This is particularly obvious."

Guan Zeyuan saw the Lulu in the top lane was consuming and hitting the tree at level 3. You have to know that Soaz's tree is absolutely tanky. It is definitely not easy for

Lulu to deal so much damage in this wave of consumption.

"I have commented on several Killing games. Not only does he have an unfathomable hero pool, but the key is that as long as he takes out a hero, no matter what it is, he can completely suppress the opponent."

"I have seen this ability in Faker."

Guan Zeyuan praised Xu Mo.

Then, the commentator Zhihuan also praised Xu Mo. In the past games, Zhihuan had praised Xu Mo a lot.

And sometimes, he even praised him in fancy ways.

This game was obviously no exception.

In the game

, Xu Mo had more and more fun watching his consumption. It turned out that greed could be fun sometimes.

It was really interesting.

However, Soaz on the opposite side was very uncomfortable. He never thought that he played a big tree, and the opposite side's Lulu could deal such exaggerated damage._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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