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【Reward 1: Congratulations to the host for getting the chance to super-enhance two heroes. 】

Holy crap!

Xu Mo was shocked when he heard about this reward.


There were already four before, and with these two, this time's global finals, it is already completely enough. From now on, even if Xu Mo doesn't get too cocky, it is estimated that it will be enough for him to use in this global finals.

Six super-enhancement opportunities.

How difficult is it to win the global finals championship?

As long as you use the super-enhanced heroes at the critical moment, you can definitely do whatever you want in the top lane, and even perform the most crazy operations and output in team battles.


【Reward 2: Host's overall situation +10%, team battle +10%, prediction +10%】

These three aspects have been strengthened.

It's so wonderful.

Although it's only 10%, for Xu Mo, these three items have already reached a very high level. The higher they go, the harder it is. Even if it's only +10%, it's a big improvement.

After getting the reward, Xu Mo didn't worry about anything anymore.

Next, he began to devote all his energy to training. At this time, there were only a few days left.

The teams in the group stage are currently preparing very actively.

The S7 World Finals is also very important, mainly because the current version is more inclined to fighting, and it is no longer an operation route like in the past few seasons.

For many European and American teams and LPL teams, this is a very advantageous point.


"System, help me call up the three major mall panels."

Xu Mo is now starting to do his last preparation before the group stage.

That is, the use of 120 million expansion points.

At this time, there is no need to save.

Xu Mo plans to spend all the 100 million expansion points to strengthen all the top heroes, and the remaining 20 million will be used as a backup.

Be prepared for emergencies at any time.

After getting the command, the expansion becomes stronger. The system quickly called up the three major mall panels.

Basic attribute mall, special attribute mall and advanced enhancement mall.

The basic attributes of the hero. Before this, Xu Mo had enhanced many of his top heroes, but it was difficult to reach a higher level at that time.

Even now, Xu Mo can't reach the full level of basic attributes.

Only It may reach the highest 95.

But it is enough to do so.

Olaf, Mundo, Dog Head, Master Yi, Alchemist, Troll, Titan, Qing Gangying...

When Xu Mo was really categorizing, he suddenly began to find that there were far more top lane heroes than he had imagined before.

The total number could even reach 46.

But it didn't matter. Xu Mo now had a lot of expansion points. In addition, some top lane heroes had been strengthened. Now the expansion points required for strengthening and upgrading again were not that high. Simply.

Xu Mo strengthened a total of 42 top lane heroes in one go.

If he was not afraid of wasting too many expansion points, Xu Mo would have directly strengthened top lane heroes like Garen and Teemo.

42 top laners, all with basic attributes reaching 95.

Xu Mo spent 20 million expansion points for this.

It's really crazy enough!

Then, Xu Mo started the next step of strengthening, because he had already completely strengthened the special attributes of 6 top laners.

So now, Xu Mo only needs to strengthen the remaining 36 top laners.

Special attribute strengthening, basically the expansion points required for this item are relatively less, but because the total amount is large enough, the expansion points consumed by Xu Mo still reached 30 million.

He took a look.

These two items have already consumed 50 million expansion points.


Xu Mo is feeling a little bad now.

It feels like he has been underestimating the consumption of expansion points.

The most headache is.

The advanced strengthening mall, extreme operation skills + hegemonic attributes, is now open to the full level, but Xu Mo calculated that the 50 million he was going to use The swelling point is not enough.

When there is a need, a high -level reinforcement will be performed first.

Xu Mo has six super -reinforcement opportunities on hand, which can be thrown out again.

Xu Mo's 100 million expansion points were all spent.

But the harvest was very rich.

His top lane hero pool was now unmatched in the world.

Even those players with a sea of heroes could not compare with him.

Xu Mo himself was quite satisfied with this.

After doing all this, Xu Mo completely relaxed.

Now he was ready for everything except the east wind.

He was just waiting for the crazy abuse in the group stage.

���EDG's opponent


On October 5, 2017, the much-anticipated S7 World Finals group stage really started.

In the first game,

RNG took the lead.

The game that attracted countless people finally arrived.

Just like the WE team, RNG also successfully defeated the FB team in the first game of the group stage and got off to a good start in the group stage.

For many domestic fans, this makes them look forward to this World Finals even more.

And at eight o'clock in the evening,

EDG finally played, and the first game was against TSM in North America.

Netizens are looking forward to this game.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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