MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 951: Oolong

Same as last time, Li Yao's performance is really amazing, most of the audience are paying attention to Li Yao.

Many viewers who met Li Yao for the first time were also very excited about it.

The ancient gods are really too difficult. Whether it is killing monsters or pk, they require high skills and skills, and they can't be rampant just by being equipped.

It is too difficult to practice techniques, let alone to study new techniques.

At this stage, it is still a dream for most players to single-handle bosses. At this stage, only top masters can single-handle bosses who are not at the Warcraft level. This is a super master.

This has caused the audience to pursue highly skilled players. Li Yao is relatively famous in China, and even a bit internationally, but I don't know that Li Yao is still the vast majority.

Needless to say, those who know Li Yao have been completely conquered in just half an hour. No matter what administrative region they belong to, there are limits at this moment. They gave up their original position and all I hope Li Yao will succeed and create a miracle.

Li Yao released the Shadow Warrior, still running fast, and still staggering and about to fall, but the audience was numb.

Seeing that Li Yao was approaching Xinghuo's stronghold, a commentator suddenly said: "We have all overlooked a problem. All three Liaoyuans are using Drunken Steps."

Then the screen transitioned, and the audience saw the three Li Yao staggering in the same way but advancing wildly at an unabated speed.

"One mind and three uses at the same time to use this kind of intoxication step, this..."

Many people also suddenly realized that this is the real multi-tasking, especially the incomparable excitement of many hunters, who are also hunters, and Liaoyuan is so powerful enough to show that hunters are powerful.

A shadow warrior summoned by Li Yao has seen the fierce battlefield, and the battle between Xinghuo and those guilds has been in full swing.

As the sky became brighter, many guilds who sensed the situation here have already rushed towards this side.

And basically maintained a tacit understanding, the guilds outside did not fight, but they all wanted to destroy the strongest enemy of Xinghuo.

The Xinghuo stronghold has been besieged from all sides, and as the battle continued, almost all of the Xinghuo personnel joined the battle.

Especially on land, the enemy is simply inexhaustible.

Although the battle didn't last long, because of Spark's weapons of mass destruction and Li Yao's destruction of a guild by himself, the points had already soared to the top of the list.

Moreover, it is the top position of the four camps. Even if there are many alien guilds, Xinghuo has improved its military merit and ranking like a rocket.

Now, Xinghuo's points have exceeded 50,000, and at least 30,000 players have died in Xinghuo's hands, and the number of crossbow hunting and battles continues to grow wildly.

The second place is only 40,000 points, and the remaining top 30 are Qingyishui's alien guilds, and until the 31st place is the guild of the other three camps.

In this situation, the bigwigs of the three camps are very upset. Although they know the gap, this situation still makes their faces very unsightly.

And those powerhouses in the sub-planes are smiling, making the three camps even more unhappy.

However, at dawn, Xinghuo rushed to the first place like a rocket, which made the faces of the three major camps look much better, and those who were strong in the second plane began to grit their teeth.

"These idiots."

In the eyes of those extraterrestrial powerhouses, Xinghuo is powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, as long as no one provokes him, then Xinghuo will not have much military merit. Even if Xinghuo can't help but emerge, it is estimated that it will be difficult to restore the decline, and the trend is over.

But now the situation is out of control. Xinghuo has the first military merit. If you don't kill Xinghuo, it won't work. Otherwise, even those sub-plane alien guilds are not willing to face Xinghuo alone, which is really terrifying.

There are now six or seven alien guilds on the front battlefield alone, but for such a long time, even though Xinghuo has been difficult, he still sticks to the city wall.

Relying on artillery and hundreds of hunting crossbows, Xinghuo still stood firm.

The audience was excited and admired. These alien players were so strong that they couldn't hold their heads up because of their military exploits.

Only Xinghuo now Yiqi Juechen was able to earn face for them.

"Damn, these guilds are sick, why do they join forces with the alien guilds to attack Spark."

"That's right, these weak chickens, combined with the alien guild to extinguish the spark, even if they enter the next round, can they defeat the alien guild."

"A bunch of scum, don't look at when."

Seeing other guilds of the three major camps and alien guilds cooperating to attack Spark, the angry youths were filled with outrage. Think that these guilds do not know the overall situation, only some mature people sighed, this is no way.

And the situation of Xinghuo is indeed very serious now, in addition to the frontal battlefield, some aquatic aliens have also launched an offensive.

It is impossible to erect a ladder in the river, and only hooks can be used, but it is relatively difficult to attack. Relatively speaking, although it is dangerous, Xinghuo can still hold on to the wooden walls built by it.

On the frontal battlefield, Xinghuo could no longer care about everything.

A siege hammer continued to hit the gates.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

The siege hammer was destroyed, and then there was an ogre carrying the log crazy impact.

The city gate had cracks, and it was shaking more and more severely.

"Xinghuo, your city gate is about to be broken. If you don't surrender, just grab it with your hands."

Below, players kept shouting loudly, trying to smash the morale of Xinghuo, but Xinghuo was not moved at all.

Finally, in the last roar, the city gate burst open, and then another impact, the broken city gate was completely knocked open.

"The gate of Spark City has been broken, and the strength is in sight."

"Victory is in sight, enter the inner city."

"Fuck Nima, it's in the game."

"Nima, the sparks of the dog day are too dark for your sister."

Seeing the situation inside the city gate everyone was confused, and the audience didn't know what to say, only one sentence can represent everyone's mood now.

It turned out that after the city gate was broken, the tunnel inside was sealed, that is to say, inside the city gate is the city wall, just a gate was installed.

This is what Xinghuo brings to life players to block in one day, and become one with the city wall.

"A bunch of idiots."

The members of Xinghuo laughed loudly, and those guilds who were already excited were shaking all over.

I thought that victory was in sight, but as a result, this was really an embarrassing oolong.

"Kill, kill the spark of Gou Ri, it's so annoying."

Everyone was angry, and when they turned their grief and anger into power and attacked the Starfire Wall more wildly, they felt that the sky was darkening again...


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