MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 892: Bumper harvest

At this moment, the black dragon queen was like a huge bone dragon, and the huge bone claw was less than a yard away from Li Yao. ??? One reading???·???·

Many watching souls and players are gloating over misfortune, it is really Li Yao who is too fucking.

Now they understood that they were fooled by the Countess, which meant that they would not get the so-called reward of the Countess at all.

This was already very miserable, anyway, it was not a guild that was deceived, so many large guilds, and so many players, were constantly embarrassed. After all, the game of Ancient God is different from other games, and NPCs don't cheat players once or twice.

Even if it is, then they are considered to be upgraded. As a result, Li Yao still grabbed the big head, and he grabbed most of the bosses and drops.

That's not even a big deal, the back hand they left wanted to contaminate the Black Dragon Queen, but it was also destroyed.

Although it now seems that they cannot take advantage of the Black Dragon and Dragon Empress without Li Yao, the problem is that they do not want Li Yao, the villain in their eyes, to take advantage.

Seeing the black dragon and dragon queen counterattack, they were immediately excited.

However, before they were excited for a moment, they saw that the Black Dragon and Dragon Queen seemed to have been released with a holding spell, and they couldn't move at all.

Everyone is disappointed. What is your sister's doing? How good is this scourge to slap to death.

"Since you know that it is the Death God contract, why bother to make senseless resistance? Now that the contract is complete, let alone killing me, your own life and death are not controlled by you." Li Yao said lightly while looking at the Black Dragon Queen. : "I'm not used to looking up at you, change it back."


"damn it."

The body of the Black Dragon and Dragon Empress could not even be controlled by herself. Following Li Yao's order, she changed back to a human form, and she found that she was also able to move, but she quickly calmed down. Read a book?··

"How can you control the curse of the **** of death, even the archangel of death in heaven does not have this ability." The black dragon dragon queen is still in disbelief: "You should be a wizard who controls the undead, but it is impossible to control the power of the **** of death."

Li Yao didn't answer, but with a thought, the death sickle stood in front of him.

"So, the weapon of the **** of death is still the most critical part." The Black Dragon Queen's face was slumped.

Li Yao smiled and said nothing. In fact, when there is no death sickle, his soul form is also the main show of necromantic spells. After the death sickle is changed, his ability to summon the undead has changed a lot, and the contract has also changed and become more domineering.

Of course, the key is that although he did not have the proficiency in engineering, he did not have a problem with drawing runes.

"Young wizard, I have to admit that you are very powerful. This is what I admit. As long as you revoke the contract, we can say what conditions you want." The black dragon queen can cross the world for hundreds of thousands of years. It's not terrible in general, and in a moment she understood the current situation: "You want strength and power, I can satisfy you."

Li Yao shook his head: "Cinestra, please don't insult my IQ. Now you and my pet, yours is mine, you can't get what you want."

"You want to control me, little bug, you dream." The black dragon queen suppressed the anger in her heart: "Although you can control me, a strong like me, as long as I don't want to, will not have the corresponding effect. "

"It's okay. Now I don't need the things you arranged. I have time to play with you slowly." Li Yao said, "Don't be stunned. There are good things on the ground. Pick them up for me."

Following Li Yao's order, including the Black Dragon and Dragon Empress, all had to pick up the fallen equipment and items on the ground.

It's just that the body of the Black Dragon Dragon Empress is exceptionally stiff, and her eyes are extremely angry, but her body does not seem to belong to her, she still instinctively obeys Li Yao's orders.

There are too many players hanging up here, and I don't know how many equipment dropped.

Fortunately, Li Yao owns the Kodo, otherwise, even if she has mechanical space, it will be far away.

This time it is really developed. These equipment and some items are simply not measurable by gold coins.

Those souls are going crazy, scolding the streets one after another, this is all their equipment, but there is no way to do it now.

Those stealthy professions appeared to attack Li Yao, but they were of no use at all. The difference in attributes between the two parties was too large, and it was impossible for them to kill Li Yao in seconds.

Moreover, Li Yao’s blood sucking is too abnormal. They couldn’t kill them when they robbed the boss. What’s more, now, the hidden players were killed by Li Yao seven or eight, and the rest just hid in the corner and did not dare to bubble. .

"Hehehe, your evil dragon pooh has this day too." Ice Snake sneered.

The Dark Snake also smiled and said: "It's fate, you are also in the hands of the great master."

"Huh?" The Black Dragon Dragon Queen looked at the Hydra for several times before saying: "It turned out to be you Hydra. If you didn't run for ten thousand years, it would have become my food. Now I dare to be arrogant in front of me."

"If I also have the power to protect, I may not be worse than you." The poisonous snake was not convinced.

In the War of the Ancients, he was responsible for guiding many ancient elves into the sea to accept the composition of the ancient gods to become the first generation of naga.

As a result, the fleeing black dragon clashed through the sea area under his control He was severely injured by the black dragon queen a few times, and he was not the opponent of the black dragon dragon queen at all.

"You are also a **** worshipped by some ethnic groups at the bottom of the water anyhow, but now you are safe to be a pet of a little mortal." The Black Dragon and Dragon Empress were full of contempt.

The Dark Snake sneered: "How do you know that the master is amazing, your contract is much better than ours, and I am ashamed to say that we are really ridiculous."

The Ice Snake also said: "I'm really looking forward to how the master will argue with this unruly female Tyrannosaurus."

The poisonous snake sneered, making the black dragon out of anger, but there was no way.

Regardless of these, Li Yao is responsible for the light equipment and harvest, and then communicates to Sister Li so that she can bring people to take care of the huge equipment.

Of course, the most critical harvest is the Black Dragon Queen.

Being able to contract this pet can no longer be judged by God's favor or not.

As long as you slowly heal her injury, as you become stronger, the combat effectiveness of the Black Dragon Queen will gradually become stronger.

This kind of death contract is very domineering, not only can control the opponent, but also allow the opponent to maintain the corresponding strength.

Of course, he is now strengthened. When he returns to Tier 3, the level of the Black Dragon Queen will become the same as hers, but there is no need to question his strength.

Just relying on this pet, as long as it is perfectly conquered, then it is not a problem to become a sealed god.

Of course, the only limitation is that the Death Scythe himself is inseparable, and of course Li Yao does not want to leave, he even ambitiously wants to restore the Death Scythe to its full form.

Moreover, the deity also depends on the priesthood. The hunter and the deity are at most the gods belonging to the hunting gods, beast gods, or the gods of the wilderness. This kind of subordinate deity did not succeed in his previous life.

But in this life, how could he be willing to become such a secondary god...

(To be continued...)

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