Compared with the hustle and bustle of the World Channel, the various channels of the Spark Guild are also extremely noisy, and they are much purer compared to the outside. They just feel extremely excited.

Now most of the people in the guild have enjoyed the benefits of upgrading, they are not weak in the first place, they are the elite of the players.

After being absorbed by Xinghuo, she did not dare to slack off. Because of the competition mechanism of Xinghuo Guild, the atmosphere of the Association was full of gunpowder.

Because the guild is constantly organizing teams, such as the core group, there are only forty places among a thousand people who even make up the group.

Then there is the formation of the team. Many masters also come for this. The team has fewer people and only ten places.

Then came the second team, the third team, the second team, and the third team. The people of Xinghuo were all motivated to join a better team.

Moreover, the team in front is not very convinced, and now they are all suffocating.

Later, Li Yao formulated an upgrade strategy. The core, that is, the group of people, would be made public in the guild after they were no longer used, so the overall level of the guild was also steadily improved.

Now even Li Yao, who was stagnant in upgrading, and the vice-chairman who was delayed in upgrading due to guild affairs, began to soar, and they were naturally excited.

Li Yao is already in full swing, and the frogman general has found something wrong.

You can tell by looking at his angry look, but now he is already riding a tiger.

Most of his troops have been lost, and withdrawal is now impossible. With so many soldiers dead, he can no longer control the sea.

If he retreats now, the prince may escape back to the tide tribe through the gap, which means that all his previous achievements have been abandoned.

Even if the prince failed the trial, he was also finished. This was not the result he wanted.

And now that he is fooled, it will have a huge blow to morale. Without killing the opponent, the army will collapse and lose control. If the prince instigates a rebellion, he might turn his head and attack him.

At least now the frogman soldiers are full of firepower. In their eyes, the blood volume of a few people is seven or eight, and it is possible to die at any time, although this situation has lasted for more than half a day.

"The frogman general still has some brains. It seems that the problem has been discovered." Sister Li said, "Can this continue?"

The prince said: "Don't worry, he won't give up. He has no turning back. Didn't you see that he is ordering his cronies to release spells indiscriminately? Obviously, he is looking for our true body."

Li Yao smiled and said: "That would be difficult. Not to mention that they can't find it now, but they have found it. We are condescending, and he has no way to deal with us."

Several people laughed. It was indeed the case. The mountain wall here was straight up and down. It was impossible to attack them in melee combat, and it was very difficult for long-range spells to attack high places.

"Besides, I have a water container on my side. It won't be a problem for Sister Li to use ice to build a line of defense." Li Yao still has the bottle given by the queen in his hand. It's a big guy.

"This success depends on three people. If I can regain control of the tribe, I will definitely form an alliance with your guild." The prince said seriously.

Li Yao didn't say anything, just patted him on the shoulder.

"Big brother, Sister Fruit asked where we are upgrading." Hitomi happily said: "I said that I was with the big brother, they are all envious."

Li Yao looked at the veteran channel and saw that the guardian angel kept asking them how to upgrade.

Li Yao directly shared the picture to the channel.

"I'm going, you are fighting the army? This is too bad, right." The guardian angel saw that the water had been stained red with blood and there were corpses everywhere, and was shocked.

"You guessed it, we are fighting the frogman army. It has been several hours. Hey, I'm level 19, and I'm probably level 20 today." Tongtong said with excitement.

The guardian angel said gloomily: "Guild elder boss, you are too unkind. You took two beauties and flew directly, we are. Poor, we are working hard here, and the wife of the chairman summoned her pet to fight and upgrade. At the same time, we have to deal with the team's station. Poor, we can only be at level nineteen tonight."

Li Yao nodded and said: "This army is not infinitely refreshed, but the location of the cave is limited, that is, the number of monsters is not infinite. It is estimated that raising three people to level 20 is the limit. I can't figure it out myself, so Sister Li was asked for help."

The fruit knight said at this time: "President, don't worry about him. It was not beautiful before today. I said that upgrading is the same as flying, and that you have done a good strategy."

"That's not better than this pervert." The guardian angel was still a little depressed.

The Fruit Knight glared at him, and said, "What is your own level, without the president, you don't even have the current level of upgrade speed. Hurry up, don't look at it, let the blame go."

The guardian angel suddenly wilted, he has now completely turned into mt, specializing in assisting the fruit knight.

"You don't have to be disappointed. Wait for a while. After the guild is opened up, I will bring the entire guild together to upgrade when the guild is stationed." Li Yao said.

"I'm going, really or not, with the entire guild, there will be three thousand people in the guild by then." The Guardian Knight exclaimed.

"Hahaha, do you know if you are Li Yao didn't say much.

"Okay, then I'll just wait. By the way, aren't you a mechanical puppet? Now you are at level 20, see the effect." The Guardian Knight said curiously.

"Jin Guang was beaten by the man and went away. Grandpa couldn't stand to come out and fight happily. You actually want to let the master replace me." The Ice Snake said unhappy.

"Fuck, you pet..."

"My pet, hurry up and get your experience, or I will control your mind next time and let you run on the street without you, believe it or not." Dark Snake said uncomfortably.

"Gotta, count you cruel." The Guardian Knight didn't dare to say, this Hydra was too insidious, and if Guo Ben was really controlled, it would be shameless to see people.

"Well, the Hydra needs to evolve a third head. It is absorbing toxins and cannot be changed. I have a chance to see it. Actually, I am also very curious." Li Yao also wanted to see the effect of the transformation, but now is not the time.

"Perversion, I was hit once again, forget it, I won't look at you, otherwise I won't be in the mood to upgrade." The Guardian Knight closed the shared video.

Li Yao smiled and didn't say anything, what was this, they would be even more surprised when they saw that they could summon more than one pet to fight.

In everyone's joking, time passed quickly.

In the end, the frogman general found the true location of the cave, but in the sea, his methods changed, but in the air, they really had no good way.

The frogman general even took the lead, but he could not rush to the real cave, and his army was very few.

Moreover, Tongtong and Sister Li have also been upgraded to level twentieth, and they have each made a world announcement, but it is not colorful, and only on the right.

But one of the talent points rewarded still makes them very happy...

(To be continued.)

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