Countless flying petals fell and quickly covered the huge ant ball.

And Tianxiang's body was blocking the front of the other ant ball, and the thin sword in his hand shone with dazzling cold light.

Hundred Flowers Kill!

Countless flowers bloomed in an instant, like a colorful flower exhibition, all kinds of beautiful flowers occupy the space around the ant ball.

The flowers appear as buds, but they all bloom quickly, and every flower blooms will shoot out a thin sword air.

Brush brush brush...

Numerous sword airs of various colors are intertwined to form a sword net that easily cuts the huge ant ball into numerous pieces.

On the other side, Tianxiang's phantom punched the last handprint into the umbrella.

"Falling England is colorful!"

Pop, pop, pop, pop...

The huge ant ball seemed to become a flower ball surrounded by countless petals, and then the explosion sound inside the flower ball was heard, and then the flower ball crashed and scattered ant corpses on the ground.

The colorful umbrella revolved to Tianxiang's feet, and Tianxiang stepped on the top of the colorful umbrella with a little toe and then ejected, and the colorful umbrella was folded into a stream of light and returned to Tianxiang's hands.

In the back, there are three ant **** on the apostle's side.

A strange and evil flame pattern flashed on the apostle.


The apostle's body disappeared and fell directly into an ant ball.


Endless flame sputtering, the apostle’s thin body was crazily twisted and turned into a flame demon with a height of five or six yards, full of weird devil patterns, muscles tied, and two huge flame corners on his head, which was powerful and domineering. pole.

The blast of flames burst out rhythmically under his feet.

The ant ball that surrounded him was meant to be swallowed by the apostle, but as the transformation was completed, the ant ball fell apart.

"Summon Hellfire!"

As the weird sound echoed, the sky suddenly became clouded, and the plane was directly torn apart by two holes.

Then two green meteors appeared from two openings.

Boom, boom...

Two green meteors of the same ten yards or so hit two ant balls.

The two ant **** were destroyed in half, and then the green meteor unfolded, and two hellfires with a height of more than ten yards unfolded their bodies.

Their bodies are made of extremely strong stones, and their bodies are burning with a greener and purer fel flame.

After the two hellfires destroyed the broken ant ball and the apostle who turned into a demon, once again rushed towards the ant ball in the distance.

The two **** flames are full of fel energy, and countless ants can only be eaten once and they will be burnt to death, but there are too many ants, and the blood volume of the hellfire follows countless red crystal ants at the cost of life. The impact of the blood volume quickly decreases.

Instead of the gray body behind the guardian of the apostle, each holding a rune sword, the endless cold wind surrounded his body, and the red crystal ants that impacted him were frozen into ice crystals.

However, the scope of his guarding was limited, and the team did not stop at all. With everyone performing their duties, running all the time, and holding the position are also two concepts.

Scourge army!

A series of black and purple lines projected from his body, like countless hairs.

The surrounding ground ghouls emerged from the ground, forming a team of over a hundred ghouls, guarding the sparks.

Compared to Xinghuo, the two thousand-person teams are relatively easy. They only need to coordinate the key points of the players to change the scrolls, and the others just fine-tune their strength.

The huge firebird seemed to be waving its wings, and a large number of ants were burned and swept away at an incredible speed.

The Flame Orangutan Legion is similar. For an orangutan composed of dozens of players, as long as one player controls it, it is equivalent to transforming into a giant, and these orangutans form an impact formation.

These orangutans are full of flames like firebirds, and every punch and every jump has a blast of flame, not to mention that it is like a fish in the water among the red crystal ants, but it is almost the same.

In fact, if you don’t have competitors, goals, and time for reel transformation, this state is definitely a good place and a good way to upgrade.

The two teams of a thousand people started to face each other tit-for-tat, and they also regarded each other as opponents, so they didn't pay much attention to these small teams.

They really did not expect Li Yao and their team to catch up with them and surpass them.

"The entrance is right in front. It is estimated that you will be able to rush through in three minutes." Demon Ji threw bombs one by one.

Li Yao's eyes flickered, and he said, "Don't walk through the real hole, or we will suffer from the enemy."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly, didn't they, the player on their side had instructions, and the player on the other side obviously had them.

And they are still waiting for them inside, and they will not be attacked by the red crystal ants.

More importantly, two thousand-person teams are not easy to provoke. Although they are one camp for the time being, there are rules for killing each other to earn points.

There will be tigers before and hungry wolves after that. They are only a few people. It is really What should we do, let's wait for them to enter for now? "Tongtong frowned and said.

"I saw a crack in the stone wall on the left. It is estimated that the narrow passage that can only be passed by one person should also lead to the ant nest. We passed directly from there and then destroyed the passage." Li Yao's eyes flickered.

With the effect of perspective, he can see the structure of the nest, and the ants in the nest are not everywhere, but are stationed in different areas.

In the central hall where the queen ant sits, there is also a team of players and adventurers, obviously waiting for them to enter.

The two thousand-person teams originally wanted to wait for the Xinghuo team to advance and then kill the people of Xinghuo, but Xinghuo directly disappeared into the mountain wall, making them puzzled. They don't have such a good vision and the distance is different. far.

Entering the inside from the gap, killing the red crystal ants that were stationed there, no ants attacked anymore, the people of Xinghuo raised a bonfire, and then adjusted and rested briefly.

"Since the boss's divine eyes can see the situation inside, let's take it easy, and we won't be too late when the other two thousand-person teams come in." Muzi said.

The enchantress said: "It's not good. We should wait until they are in a stalemate to kill. We will join again. This is the most suitable time. They want to deal with us and can't tell all the troops. We can't get the maximum when they appear late. It’s not good if the queen is taken away by a special method."

"Well, now I'm regaining my spirit. Wait for them to fight." Li Yao has been paying attention to the battle with mental energy.

The difference between the two teams of a thousand people entered the lair at the same time, but entering the lair would not be able to maintain this kind of military formation, and they could not be used at all, and the disappearance of the Xinghuo team also made them feel interesting.

So they didn't fight each other, they were on guard against each other to explore the lair...

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