MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1356: Sao Bao

Although Li Yao knew that these two goddesses were flying in the dark, he didn't expect it to be so dark.

Not to mention a few factions, even ordinary forces issued merits to kill monsters and earn points. As a result, killing ordinary ants has no merit, even if the darkest is at most killing multiple ordinary monsters, it is a little merit.

As a result, killing a leader-level monster here only gave three points, which is simply a pitfall.

You must know that these ants are not so easy to kill, and they are all of Warcraft level.

Li Yao returned to the team and posted the instructions to the team channel. Everyone looked at each other.

"Your sister is too cheating." The guardian angel was unable to complain.

"Dark elves are not afraid that players won't play with them like this." The apostle was speechless.

"Just look at other people. After all, the rewards are too rich, and the door has been closed here, so there is basically no choice." Li Yao couldn't laugh. Anyhow, he was fighting in the name of the main god. The result was so much fun. Lost shares.

Li Yao was even more worried about getting Rose's divinity. Such a stingy god, but he took such a big advantage, but the other party has not dealt with it. If there is no tricky, then there will be a ghost.

Demon Ji frowned and said: "It's like drawing cakes to satisfy your hunger, but the things are too tempting. Players must have their own confidence. But in fact, there is basically no chance. There are more than 60 orders in total, and each final reward is 500. , If you want to get a piece of dark gold equipment to complete six or seven tasks, get the final reward, and a team with so many people can only get one in the end."

Hitomi shook a small fist: "I have never seen such a stingy person, but there are so many teams here, how can it be possible for a team to complete so many tasks and instructions, even if the team is strong enough, but there is too much time to carry out so many instructions at the same time. I I still don't understand why these teams are still murderous since they know it's impossible."

Demon Ji said: "Look at the bottom note, saying that killing other teams can get the team's corresponding points. It is clear that you want teams to fight each other, and the most tempting thing is not the points, but the public display. With multiple boxes of treasures, just imagine that if one party wins, the other party's things will definitely be divided. These two goddesses are really not easy. They know it is a pit, but they still make everyone jump down involuntarily."

The apostle asked suspiciously: "Killing each other, this one does not mark the enemy or me, which means that the team that kills the same faction can also get points. Don't they want to win, why there is such a rule? Isn't it afraid that internal fighting cannot be controlled? Which leads to failure?"

This time it was Li Yao who explained: "Although it was said that they could fight each other, everyone did not have points at the beginning. Not to mention the same camp, that is, if the hostile camps are not commanding conflicts and terror, they do not want to fight each other, so there is no problem of task completion. . You have to be clear that they have never placed the expectation of victory in the hands of players and adventurers. They just want to use it as cannon fodder. The real decision is their own strength. As for everyone who has more points and fights against each other, it is already at that time The winner is determined, and no matter how you fight, it doesn't matter the overall situation."

Everyone suddenly realized that although the people in Xinghuo had strong combat effectiveness, most of them were relatively young and were in school. If it weren't for Li Yao and Yaoji's explanation, how could they understand the twists and turns inside.

"Well, let's go to the command area first." Li Yao led everyone to the area where the red crystal ant was located.

In Li Yao's view, the merits and rewards here are all floating clouds. His real purpose is to control a red crystal ant again. In this way, Li Yao is equivalent to truly possessing the magic crystal vein. The area of ​​the second city of Spark is too barren.

There used to be the most tragic battlefield of the ancient wars, the land of the gods, many demigods stained the earth with blood, especially the blood boar demigod with cursed blood, huge body and in control of dirty laws.

After his death, he contaminated the land on several maps. It was terrifying to the extreme. It was almost impossible for the Druid to repair the wounds.

But this piece of land possesses divinity, and it is a very good place for both Zerg and Red Crystal Ants.

The red crystal ant obtained by Li Yao is still a bit weak, but the difference here is that this red crystal queen can form a real vein scale.

When Li Yao and the others were on their way, fighting had already begun in many places.

In the deep world, the place where the red crystal ants hide is also barren, with hundreds of millions of red crystal ants densely gathering, like a red ocean.

There is also a downward cave on the rock wall, obviously where the real ant nest is located.

Many teams gathered in the periphery. Among them was a team of four to five hundred people. The leader was a paladin wearing a golden armor. His body was covered with golden light, and a golden crown on his head was simply stunned to the extreme.

There are two smaller teams next to this large team, which are obviously in line with this large team.

The headed saobao paladin arrogantly said: "It seems that there are still many people who receive this order, but unfortunately I met I don’t care if you guys want to make merit, but the last queen and the nest I Sweeping the world is scheduled."

"Why, which green onion are you, book your sister." I don't know who shouted.

Sweeping the world coldly scanned the small team in the distance, and smiled coldly: "Why, because I have six hundred people here, who is so unconvinced and dare to say it. But I am someone else. No, it is generous and rich. If I take the initiative to join my team, no matter whether I can kill the queen or kill the nest, I can give everyone who joins a gold coin."

Although a gold coin is not a huge sum of money for current players, it is not a small amount. Many people are immediately moved. After all, ordinary players at level 50 or so may not earn a gold coin by brushing a monster for a day. The cost is less.

Many people have joined the small teams on both sides of the big team. In their opinion, it is not easy to kill the queen with a few people. It is better to make some affordable money. The team quickly expanded and soon exceeded a thousand.

The fireworks said with a smile: "I don't know who's the prodigal son, I don't want to waste money like this."

Hitomi snorted coldly, "It looks like a turtle, it really shames us rich people."

Everyone in Xinghuo is speechless, but Hitomi can indeed say that. The future helm of the world's top 500 companies is indeed qualified to say that this guy is a turtle.

"It seems that there are still some people who don't know each other. I have given my order that those small teams who dare to enter the lair will kill me directly." Huan Shou Tian Di sneered.

"Hehe, who should I be so arrogant? Turns out to be the second youngest. I don't know if I am qualified to compete." With a female voice, another team of more than a thousand people has already arrived.

Li Yao's complexion changed and it was Edward. Obviously, the other party was also targeting the ants, and his purpose was not to kill...

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