MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1351: 8 cents across the sea

Regional Channel: Now that the joint army has been reorganized, there are still many people who have not joined the army. This is the last chance. The army will activate the magic circle when entering the deep world and close the entrance. At that time, no one can enter.

Regional Channel: Let’s reiterate the rules once again. The Legion is only temporarily formed. There is no concept of who leads the other. It is just for everyone to rush into the deep world and automatically disband after entering the lower level.

Regional Channel: Now there is one last chance, either to join the Legion, or to enter the lower level before the Legion attacks. For those who choose the second option, we give a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, all people who are not part of the legion will disrupt the army and will be activated by everyone.

The announcement caused an uproar in everyone. In fact, many people have long had a small abacus, that is, waiting for them to get in first, the people behind take advantage, they do not want to take risks but also want to obtain corresponding benefits.

But he did not expect that the coalition army He Jun actually had a closed formation, which really caught many people off guard, and another group of people was about to be incorporated into the new army formation.

"If that's the case, then I will go one step ahead."

With a cold voice, everyone saw a black cloak turned into a black mist. The black mist quickly flew out and floated quickly over the three races. After thousands of yards of distance, he turned into a black mist. The humanoid form fell directly into the group of temple dogs, but he was already close to the door, and a flash of light flashed directly, and then the green poisonous mist drifted from his body.

The temple dogs who were about to besiege him suddenly howled and fell to the ground, and taking advantage of this opportunity, the black-robed man threw out a handful of blood beads, one by one turned into bats.

A bat wings spread out behind the black robe man, and then stepped on the bat and entered the portal.

"Wow, this guy is so cool, is this a vampire, what kind of ghost skill is this?" Hitomi sighed in the team channel.

Li Yao replied: "He is not a blood race, but a special elite class, night visitors, good at manipulating curses and toxins. This kind of guy has a mediocre frontal combat power, but if he is not prepared, he can easily be calculated by this class. He is good at hiding. Assassination."

The apostle said: "I met a player of this profession who was almost killed at the time and was embarrassed. I went back and looked for help from the team, but I couldn't kill it. It was really difficult."

"As the level increases, various elite occupations are getting more and more powerful." Yao Ji sighed.

Just as the Spark team discussed it, another person came forward.

"Hahaha, it's a good method. I don't have such weird skills and abilities, but one move is enough."

A female mage who wore a purple robe and her figure was so good that she chuckled, her figure constantly flickering, every time she flickered her whole body will form an arcane shield, and every flicker left when a new shield formed , And the original shield has the effect of arcane explosion.

Every time the purple-robed mage flashes, a piece of the three gods snakes will be blown into the air, and the three gods snakes that are blown to the point will die tragically. Although the three gods snakes continue to eject like sharp arrows, they can’t figure out the purple-robed mage. The trajectory of, the purple robe mage had already arrived at the portal in just ten seconds.

"I'm welcome."

The purple-robed mage waved his hand, flashing directly into the door.

As the purple-robed mage entered the portal, many mages who could flash infinitely began to flash in one after another, but their luck without the purple-robed mage only fell halfway.

Muzi sneered: "It's really a group of idiots. Do you really think that infinite flash is invincible? The reason why the purple-robed mage can pass is because he has upgraded special skills or blessed inscriptions."

Li Yao said: "Half and half. She has this effect because she is a branch of the Arcane Department. The mages of other departments have no such effect even if the inscription is strengthened. Don't think about it, Muzi, it's better to have inscriptions. Strengthen other skills."

"Well, I'm really touched, what a pity." Mu Zi said disappointedly.

"It's a pity for you. It's a bad idea. I chose a warlock. I am still a demon warlock. I don't even have a displacement skill. How can you flashy masters understand the pain of my short-legged profession." The apostle grumbled. Said.

"Ah, you can lie to others, and you want to lie to me. Don’t think I don’t know. You just used your guild contribution to redeem a crystallization of the soul of the Baron Flame Demon. Your elite class allows you to equip you to transform into a soul crystal. Become the corresponding demon, and there is also a bonus for the zodiac sign. The flame demon can fly, okay? You have a short leg and go to death." Muzi ruthlessly exposed the apostle.

Fireworks smiled and said, "Wow, I was almost cheated. Just now, the apostle, this little guy, even talked privately about my ordering of my light feather. It's really just when everyone in Xinghuo was talking and laughing. Another player entered the light gate with different displacement methods.

Li Yao also slowly approached the light gate with the step by step lotus in the shadows, not to mention that the player was the monster below and he didn't feel a person on their head walking step by step.

"Wow hahaha, how can I miss Grandpa Niu in such a lively time."

Along with the arrogant laughter, a golden light flickered continuously, and each flicker appeared accompanied by a dragon chant. As he landed on the ground, a golden shock wave spread around and knocked the surrounding monsters into the air, and the monster that was stepped on was directly trampled on, showing his domineering.

Tie Niuxian is extremely arrogant, he did not take a straight line to directly enter the light gate, but a huge zigzag shape. The whole son covers the territory of three monsters, which shows his arrogance and confidence.

All the players were in an uproar. Although this guy was arrogant, he had to admit that he was tough. It wasn't just that there were no dragon monks trying to flash through with a golden dragon, but without exception, he was killed by monsters.

But Tie Niuxian can not only pass but also play, making countless players envy and hate. To the vast majority of players, coming thousands of yards away is like the end of the world, but to others, it is extremely easy and like no one.

"Liaoyuan bastard, why don't you see people? Don't you like to pretend to be in a crowded place? Why are you pretending to be dead now." Tie Niuxian flashed and smiled: "I know, there must be no way for this place. So transformed into the team, you shrunk tortoise, have the ability to come out."

The players were taken aback, didn't they? They knew very well that the movement here was basically caused by Liaoyuan and Edward.

Now Edward has hired a mercenary group, and he is also one of the initiators of the formation of the invasion into the deep world, but Liaoyuan is no one...

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