MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1337: Instant kill

With the infusion of Li Yao's spiritual power, in Li Yao's eyes, the desert began to become blurred, and Li Yao seemed to be able to see the ground through the sand on the surface.

"This pervert." Although Edward knew that Li Yao didn't look at her, there was a thick orange-red fire shield around his body. Although he knew that it might be useless, it was also a kind of comfort and instinct.

A trace of horror flashed in the eyes of the Flying Snake Demon: "No wonder, my spiritual spells are of no use to the master."

"I have no knowledge, that is, ordinary gods do not have such strong mental power. You think that the Eye of Titan can be activated by ordinary mental power. Even if it is given to you, it can only be used as an ordinary investigator." said the black dragon dragon empress. I said so, but my heart was also touched.

With this powerful mental power, coupled with the death contract, it is almost impossible to reverse the contract.

Li Yao didn't have the energy to pay attention to what they said. With constant scanning, Li Yao finally saw the underground ant tunnel, and then found the ant's nest.

Li Yao could clearly see countless ants pouring into the ground like sea water, and a huge queen three or four yards tall was in the depths of the cave. From her body, there was a constant flow of special The spirit fluctuates, obviously she is commanding the ant army.

"Finally found."

The wings behind Li Yao flickered and Li Yao flew directly into the air in that area, bowed like a moon in his hand.


With a thunderous dragon roar, a huge dragon shadow enveloped Li Yao, and then suddenly impacted on the ground.


The ground shook suddenly and then shattered. In the dust, everyone could already see the queen ant below the cave.

The Red Crystal Ant Queen obviously didn't expect this kind of situation, and her spirit fluctuates slightly.

Two other Li Yao figures appeared beside Li Yao, also bowing like a moon. The three Li Yaos turned into translucent blue, with electric arcs flashing on their bodies, and they had obviously activated their blessing state.


Three silver lines poured down, and it was an arrow that reached the end of the arrow.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff...

Li Yao's own power was surprisingly great, and with the blessing of the dragon father's power, a hole suddenly appeared in the queen's body.

As she moved and screamed, the holes in her body were increasing. But the surrounding ants formed a layer of life armor to block the queen's body like a tide.

But the power of the arrow is too strong, it can't stop the arrow from penetrating the power.

At the same time, the sky turned into a fiery red, and three meteors connected to the tail fell.

Directly submerged the queen ant completely, as if the sky had collapsed. After a struggle, the queen's life was immediately emptied. With an unwilling roar, the scorched corpse fell to the ground.

But Li Yao had exhausted his full power. This move still carried the power of the fire of life. The illusory flames continued to spread, and countless ants were lit by the fire of life and roared to the ground.

Almost all the ants linked to the hole were burned to death in an instant.

The front and back process only took a few seconds, and Li Yao had already fallen off the queen's corpse in a flash and picked up the red crystal behind him.

This crystal is the size of a fist and exudes a special mental wave.

The red crystal ants on the attacking team instantly lost contact with the queen, and suddenly became very at a loss.

This is a common problem of all low-level zerg races. When they have command, they are always fearless and fearless, regardless of life and death, but if there is no command, they will become scattered.

All the ants became confused and at a loss, even at a loss.


This time, Li Yao poured spiritual power into the body of the insect mother, and the mother insect flew out from the center of Li Yao's eyebrows like a golden ball of light.

A silver thread was linked to the queen ant crystal in Li Yao's hand, and then everyone saw a little flaming red spiritual body being drawn out and swallowed by the worm mother.


A series of invisible spiritual shock waves spread rapidly centering on the worm mother. Because of the death of the queen and the worm mother who absorbed the queen's mental power, the worm mother who was originally the king of all insects immediately gained command.

Swept by the mental fluctuations, the ants were no longer in a daze and chaos, and an aura appeared again, but this time they did not attack the team.

Several illusory light gates appeared, and which red crystal ants merged into the light gate like a tide and disappeared from the sight of everyone.

Every red crystal ant drags at least one red crystal ant's corpse, and those in the cave are no exception, and many more bring ant eggs into the light gate.

"You made a lot of money this time." Edward said.

Li Yao landed on the battle scorpion and said with a smile: "Then you can also grab it, by means."

"Grab your sister." Edward couldn't help being swearing by his shameless words, how he robbed him alone: ​​"Also, can you revoke your divine eyes and don't look at me."

Li Yao was taken aback, and then noticed that the beam of light in his eyes had fallen on I hadn't noticed yet, but she reminded that Li Yao swept subconsciously.

The two beams of light suddenly swept from top to bottom. Li Yao was a little dizzy and quickly withdrew his mental power: "Ahem, what? There is a treasure chest over there, let's go."

"Damn it." Edward shivered. The feeling of being peeked was just so clear that all the hairs on his body exploded: "What did you see."

Even if he killed Li Yao, he would not admit it, and shook his head resolutely: "What can you see, the lines on your equipment, what do you think you can see?"

"You..." Edward was speechless, she didn't have the Eye of the Creator, and there was no evidence.

Li Yaolian could find the red crystal ant nest hidden under the ground, not to mention the mere armor, but there was no way to be true about this. Li Yao didn't admit it, and she didn't have the slightest way. Besides, even if it was clear, what could be done.

This kind of thing can't be admitted to death, otherwise, if it is spread out, it is estimated that the guilds that support Edward and Edward will go to war with Xinghuo.

Although Li Yao had a guilty conscience, he was still calm on the surface and said in a calm tone: "I accept these red crystal ants. I am taking advantage. After you open the treasure chest for a while, you have the first choice."

Edward suddenly shifted her attention, or she didn’t want to be entangled in this matter: "Just how much did you gain from the red crystal ants? If you say 100 million, that’s less to say. How much wealth is this, plus so much. Eggs, it’s not impossible to breed a queen. It’s a great harvest, and I don’t have enough treasure chests to make up for it.”

"Just kidding, one yard goes to one yard. The ants that the female worm accepts, and the one-time consumables, what's the use of a large quantity. And as far as I know, you can still conquer the Zerg if you become a Rose form. I am the fairest Now, you can conquer it together."...

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