Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 60 Let me introduce you to a ghost!

The car left the town again and drove quickly towards Seattle.

Hu Qing was still in a very happy mood. This time he got 900 experience points for free.

He didn't need to use force for a ground-bound spirit and an obsession spirit. Although Greli, the comfort spirit, was a little aggressive, he was not good enough for him.

The only regret was that none of the three ghosts dropped anything.

In the car.

Kelly was surprised and said, "Hu, I didn't expect ghosts to be so emotional. I thought ghosts were as vicious as that Jeb."

Hu Qing agreed with this.

The three ghosts this time were indeed quite emotional.

Kalinda said with great interest: "Hu, I also find that your exorcism seems very interesting, just like exploring a wonderful story that ordinary people can hardly touch."

Kelly suggested: "Kalinda, I am now the head of the investigation team and the head of the serious crime team of the Boskan District Police Station. How about you help me? Let's form a supernatural incident handling team."

"I don't want to be your subordinate." Kalinda refused decisively, and then immediately proposed an idea: "I think I can open a supernatural detective agency to specialize in accepting and investigating such incidents. Hu, you are an exorcist, how about our partnership?"

Kelly She exclaimed: "Kalinda, you are really good at making plans. Hu is mine. I need Hu's help when I have a supernatural incident."

Kalinda said with a smile: "Kelly, your police station can't have supernatural incidents all the time. Moreover, as long as Hu and I work together, we will give priority to helping you when you have a supernatural incident."

"Think about it, when the time comes, Hu, the exorcist, plus me, the witch, will help, isn't that the supernatural incident handling team you want?"

This proposal made Kelly's eyes light up, and she agreed happily: "Kalinda, then it's settled. If I need it, you and Hu will give priority to helping me."

Hu Qing was driving and was stunned.

These two women were so happy to discuss, did they ask for his opinion?

However, if he could brush experience, he didn't mind helping Kelly or Kalinda.

It was past midnight when Hu Qing drove back to Seattle.

It was meaningless for Kelly to go to the police station at this time, so she might as well wait until tomorrow morning to go.

The three of them didn't even have dinner when they came back. They encountered three ghosts on the way and wasted a lot of time. Now their stomachs are protesting.

There are very few restaurants open at this time in the Stars and Stripes. Fortunately, Kelly bought some bread and hot dogs and put them in the villa, so she can make simple hamburgers to fill her stomach.

Back to the villa, Kelly took out the bread and hot dogs and made them. It took some time to make three hamburgers, and gave one to Hu Qing and one to Kalinda.

After eating the hamburger, Hu Qing suddenly remembered something.

This time, Liu Qingqing can be summoned.

The most important thing is that Kalinda and Kelly both have the blood of the banshee, so they should be able to see Liu Qingqing. Don't let Liu Qingqing suddenly come out and cause misunderstandings, so they must introduce them to both parties first.

Hu Qing thought about it and said to Kelly and Kalinda: "There is something I think I need to tell you. I hope you won't be surprised."

Kelly asked doubtfully: "Hu, we just met three ghosts tonight. What could be more surprising than this?"

Hu Qing explained: "Kelly, there has always been another resident in this villa. She is a girl, but she is a ghost. She has not appeared in front of you, and you can't see her before."

This made Kelly and Kalinda look at Hu Qing together.

Kelly's face did not show the surprised expression that Hu Qing thought, but she said with great interest: "Hu, are you serious? Where is she now!"

She just met the three ghosts of Mora tonight, which aroused her great interest in ghosts. At this time, her first reaction was not that Hu Qing had concealed this from her.

Seeing this, Hu Qing also looked at the ghost necklace on the inventory in his mind, and then chose to summon.

The next moment, in the surprised eyes of Kelly and Kalinda, they saw a very beautiful ghost girl condensed.

As soon as Liu Qingqing appeared beside Hu Qing, she clearly felt two curious and hot eyes.

"Mr. Hu, can they see me?" Liu Qingqing was surprised. She did not show her figure in front of others.

Hu Qing nodded and explained to Liu Qingqing: "Kelly and Kalinda are not human beings. They have the blood of banshees. Kelly's problem before was because she awakened the blood of banshees. By the way, she is Kalinda, Kelly's cousin."

Kelly and Kalinda got up immediately and came to Liu Qingqing's side one on the left and one on the right.

The frightened Liu Qingqing hurriedly crossed her hands in front of her chest and made a fierce look, as if to warn the two women not to bully her.

Kelly and Kalinda naturally didn't want to bully Liu Qingqing. Instead, they took turns to ask Liu Qingqing with curiosity:

"Are you really a ghost?"

"When did you die?"

"What type of ghost are you?"

"What's your name?"


Liu Qingqing listened to the questions one by one, looking at the two women in astonishment. What are they doing? ?

But after a while, Kelly and Kalinda got the answers they wanted.

They took their mobile phones and searched the Internet.

"Liu Qingqing, missing person notice..."

"She really died 10 years ago..."

"She was so young, she's so pitiful..."

"Yeah, so pitiful..."

Liu Qingqing looked at the two women with disgust. She felt that it was good to be with Mr. Hu now. Where was the pitiful thing?

She simply ignored the two women and walked to the sofa and picked up a book to read.

But this attracted the attention of Kelly and Kalinda again.

"She can also read books!"

"She seems to be completely different from Mora and Greeley."


"????" Liu Qingqing looked at the two women in distress. Is it strange to read a book? She can also read Feng Shui.

Feeling like she had become an animal being watched in the zoo, Liu Qingqing simply floated directly to the second floor and returned to her room.

She ignored the two women.

"Kelly, I think I have something important to talk to you about upstairs." Hu Qing thought that there were still 58 experience points to upgrade, and pulled Kelly upstairs with a sly smile.

Kelly seemed to understand, and her pretty face showed shyness.

As she was pulled upstairs, she said anxiously: "Kalinda, then choose a room for yourself. There are still empty rooms in the villa."

Watching the two people go upstairs, Kalinda was not stupid, and naturally knew what they were going to do.

This reminded her that she had the curse of the banshee blood like Kelly, and she couldn't help but sighed faintly. She was not as lucky as Kelly.

Kalinda thought of Kelly's words, picked up her suitcase, and went upstairs to find a room at random.

Entering the room, she turned on the light. There was a strange smell in the room due to long-term lack of ventilation. Because of the banshee blood, she not only became stronger, but her sense of smell and hearing were also much stronger than ordinary people.

She hated this smell, walked to the window and opened the window for ventilation, and then went into the bathroom in the room to take a shower.

But when she came out of the shower, she was stunned. Kelly's very ** voice came faintly from outside the window.


A blush appeared on her charming and mature face. She naturally understood what was going on, but she was complaining in her heart, "Can't these two people close the doors and windows?" The sound came over.

On the other side, Hu Qing had just finished taking a shower with Kelly, and he was already working hard to gain experience.

Because there was no one else in the villa before, and it was a single-family house nearby, he habitually only closed the door and not the window, because it would be too stuffy.

This troubled Kalinda, and she even felt a little annoyed about why she chose this room.

After an hour of torture, when Kalinda felt like she was going crazy, the sound finally disappeared.

But within 2 minutes, there was another...

Another hour later, the sound disappeared again.

Kalinda was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but within two minutes... she covered her ears in annoyance and hurriedly changed a room for herself. If this continued, she felt that she would have problems.

This Hu is simply not a human being.

Hu Qing didn’t know this, he was now very happy to get the hint in his mind.

[Experience +1]

[Experience +1]


[Level Up]

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