Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 4 Fourth update Portable warehouse? Exercise can upgrade!

In the car.

Hu Qing looked at the inventory of the light screen in his mind again.

He reached into the eight-diagram yellow cloth bag and grabbed the compass inside. As soon as he thought about it, the compass disappeared silently in his hand and appeared in the inventory.

"Eight-diagram compass: This is a mysterious compass, forged by a mysterious oriental sorcerer. It can discover special energy. When special energy appears around, the compass will spin wildly and give a reminder."

Seeing this note, Hu Qing was surprised. The compass was spinning wildly before, not because it was broken, but because the Wendigo mountain monster was discovered?

The deceased second uncle Hu Bayi seemed to have some skills like Hu Bayi in the previous life, and he actually left such a magical thing.

Hu Qing grabbed the bottle of life essence again. As soon as he thought about it, it disappeared in his hand and appeared in the inventory.

"Life Essence: Restore HP190, melted by Life Essence Crystal!"

The Life Essence Crystal restored HP200 before, and now it is 10 less because Guo Gang drank two sips?

As long as you have a thought, you can put things into the inventory, and you can take them out again.

This way of storing and retrieving things at will is like carrying a warehouse with you.

However, it is not infinite. First, the inventory grid is limited to 48 grids.

Moreover, he pressed his palm on the car and tried to think about it, but got a prompt:

[Exceeding the current load]

Obviously, the car cannot be put in, otherwise the car will be halfway empty and Mr. Guo may be scared sick.

However, judging from the meaning of the prompt, the current load is not enough. When the level is higher and the load is enough, the car should be able to be put in.

It was already night when Guo Gang sent Hu Qing back to Seattle. He entertained Hu Qing in a restaurant before sending Hu Qing back to the apartment.

Hu Qing returned to his residence, took a shower first, and came out to the inventory of the light screen in his mind. When he thought about it, the ebony sword appeared in his hand.

The ebony sword is not as light as ordinary wooden products, but a bit heavy.

The wooden sword was sharpened, and one could even feel a cold light. There were also traces of lightning-like lines on the sword.

Hu Qing raised the ebony sword and tried to chop at the corner of the table next to him. In an instant, a smooth gap was cut out on the corner of the table, but the edge of the ebony sword was not affected at all. It was really as hard as copper and iron.

The most important thing is that this sword can restrain evil things. If you encounter a monster like the Wendigo Mountain Monster again, this ebony sword will at least make you feel safer than a folding baton.

Hu Qing studied the ebony sword, and the sword disappeared in his hand and reappeared in the inventory.

Thinking of encountering the Wendigo Mountain Monster today, he went to the computer again to check some information about the mysterious legends of the United States. He encountered the Wendigo Mountain Monster today, and he might encounter other monsters in the future.

The next day.

Hu Qing got up early, went out to eat something, and then went straight to a park in Chinatown. There were many people exercising in the park early in the morning, including Chinese, white people and black people.

Although this is Chinatown, there are still a lot of native people in the Stars and Stripes.

Hu Qing started running as fast as he could after entering the park. In the mines before, he could suddenly gain experience by walking, so he naturally wanted to try it.

As soon as he started running, he could clearly feel that his speed was much faster than before, and his body was lighter, which was due to the increase of 1 point in agility.

After running for a few minutes, a prompt appeared in Hu Qing's mind:

[Experience +1]

Looking at the status bar again, the experience really increased a little bit and became: 102/200.

"It's really possible." Hu Qing was surprised.

Upgrading can improve his strength, but monsters like the Wendigo Mountain Monster can't always be encountered, and this kind of exercise can increase experience, which is a stable way to improve.

Increasing a little experience in a few minutes, theoretically, it can increase more than 10 experience points in an hour, and it can be upgraded in less than 10 hours.

The premise is that he can run for 10 hours in a row and not be exhausted.

But theory is only theory. After running for an hour, he only gained 6 experience points.

As he ran more, Hu Qing was already out of breath and could not run as hard as he did at the beginning. Moreover, a reminder of [Life -1] appeared in his mind!

It seemed that just like in the game, if you kept running, your life would be reduced due to fatigue.

Hu Qing continued to run for another hour, and almost reached his limit. His legs were weak.

At this time, he looked at the status bar again, and the experience changed to 114/200.

In 2 hours, he gained 12 experience points by running non-stop, that is, an average of 6 points per hour.

But looking at the life value again: 20/30

Since the first reduction of life an hour ago, in the next hour of running, 1 life point was lost almost every 10 minutes, and the last time just now was 4 points.

This is the extreme. If you continue to run, I am afraid that the life value will drop more severely. Therefore, it is not surprising that some people die of exhaustion or sudden death from running.

Don’t believe what is said on the Internet about exceeding the limit and bursting potential. That is based on professional training and technical assistance recovery.

Hu Qing found a place to rest. After about 10 minutes, his health began to recover by 1 point, from 20/30 to 21/30.

This kind of recovery is a waste of time.

Hu Qing wanted to take out the life essence to recover, but thinking that this thing was for life-saving, he decided to forget it.

It took more than an hour for Hu Qing to recover his physical strength, and then he continued to run. After another 2 hours, his experience increased by 12 points, and his state experience increased to: 126/200.

And 4 hours is also the limit. If you run continuously like this, your physical strength can be recovered slowly, but it is difficult to recover muscle soreness and energy immediately.

So, he simply left the park. He was a little hungry, so he filled his stomach first.

The next day.

Hu Qing still went out early and went to the park for running.

He is now very interested in running. After all, even if you just start playing a game, you will be fascinated, not to mention that he is just like a real game.

If someone is like him, he can see the experience increase when exercising, and he knows that he will become stronger after upgrading. He will also love to exercise and keep exercising.

Time passed, and on the fifth day, Hu Qing was running in the park when an upgrade prompt appeared in his mind:

[Experience +1]

[Level Up]

Upgraded again.

Looking at the status bar, the data has indeed changed:

Level: 3

Defense: 3 (related to physical attack resistance)

Magic Defense: 3 (related to non-physical attack resistance)

Attack: 5+1 (related to strength, physical attack, weight, etc.)

Magic: 0 (related to magic skill power)

Taoism: 0 (related to Taoism skill power)

Agility: 5 (related to movement, attack speed, reaction speed, etc.)

HP: 40/40 (health value, this data cannot be fully digitized and changes according to the degree of injury)

MP: 40/40 (magic value, an important energy value for spellcasting skills.)

Experience: 0/300

Defense, magic defense, attack and agility increased by 1 point, and health and magic value also increased to 40.

This made Hu Qing curious about what profession he was in.

None of the three professions in Legend have such uniform growth in health and mana.

However, the status bar does not mark the profession, so he can't judge it himself, unless he gets the technical book to learn.

After the inventory bar was upgraded to level 3, another gift bag appeared.

"Level 3 Uncle Da gift bag: This is the real legend recommended by Uncle Da. You will get the uncle gift bag when you upgrade. You will get the gift prepared by Uncle Da when you open it."

Seeing the gift bag appear again, Hu Qing opened it decisively.

The light of the gift bag flashed and disappeared, and at the same time, there was another thing on the inventory bar, which was a silver bracelet with a mysterious rune on it.

"Silver bracelet: It is engraved with mysterious runes, giving the bracelet special properties, attack +1, agility +1, and requires level 1."

This is another novice equipment.

Hu Qing thought about it and directly put it on the equipment bar, and a silver bracelet appeared on his wrist again.

At the same time, the attributes of +1 attack and +1 agility took effect, and he felt his body lighter and his strength increased by another point.

The status bar attributes also changed:

Attack: 5+2

Agility: 5+1

Compared to the initial attributes, this attack and agility are more than twice the original.

Moreover, this body has been trained before, and its physique is stronger than that of ordinary people.

Seeing that it has been upgraded, Hu Qing did not continue and went back to the apartment directly. However, just as he took a shortcut and passed the corner of an alley, he saw a ferocious man rushing out.

The man's face was full of panic, and he seemed to be running away.

The next moment, several police officers in police uniforms followed closely around the corner and cursed angrily.


"Shit, stop!"

Hu Qing looked at this scene in astonishment, and one of the police officers made him look surprised. Wasn't it the beautiful landlord Kelly?

The key point is that Kelly, a woman, ran in the front, which made the police officers behind feel embarrassed?

Kelly ran very fast, causing a magnificent vibration somewhere, and the arc was really...

As soon as she came out, she raised the gun in her hand to aim at the man who was running away in front of her, but the next moment she saw Hu Qing, and she was shocked. She didn't dare to shoot at all, fearing that she would accidentally hurt him.

At this time, the ferocious man also saw Hu Qing, and a glimmer of hope appeared in his eyes.

If there was a hostage, these policemen would be afraid to use force, and he would have a chance to escape.

The man decisively rushed towards Hu Qing and grabbed Hu Qing with both hands.

"Fuck!" Hu Qing cursed in his heart when he saw this scene, but he jumped up first and grabbed the man's hand at an extremely fast speed.

The man was stunned, and before he could react, Hu Qing had already thrown him over his shoulder. The man only felt that under a huge force, his body was out of control, flew out like a ball, and then fell hard to the ground and screamed in pain.

When the man came to his senses, he found that he had rolled at the feet of the female police officer, and the gun in the other's hand was pointing at him.

The man was stunned and could not react for a while.

He thought it was a hostage that could help him escape, he never expected this result.

The police officers looked at Hu Qing in shock. Just now they were worried that the other party would be in trouble with the hostage. You know, this guy is a wanted criminal. If he has no weapons, two or three of them may not be able to catch him together, but this ending is too unexpected.

Kelly hit the man in the face with the butt of a gun, knocked him down, picked up the handcuffs and handcuffed him, raised her head and looked at Hu Qing again, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

Because she has Chinese ancestry and is familiar with Chinese culture, she was somewhat dissatisfied with Hu Qing's profession, but her skills just now impressed her.

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