
Chapter 34:

Eat, sleep, think of a way.

The pace of life in the space capsule suddenly slowed down.

The four worked hard together. Li Chun used the remaining picture albums to cut out the cards, and Song Qinglan was in charge of drawing. During the rainy season, he began to learn the language of the beard by reading pictures and literacy.

During the monsoon season, there is indeed a very talent for language. All the meanings and pronunciations of the symbols need to be memorized once, which is simply a personal repeater.

The efficiency is so high, the beard is very excited. During the monsoon rains, he only plans to study for two hours at a time, but the beard will always lengthen the time on purpose. At this time, he feels a beard in the monsoon rains. Just like the class teacher who loved to drag the hall when he was in high school.

The rest of the time will be analyzed with Song Qinglan during the rainy season.

They calculated from the time velocities of known locations in the rainforest, space capsules, and cities, trying to find a balance value.

There are many different algorithms during the rainy season. He uses his own communicator to project, and the calculations he writes are getting more and more longer and longer, and Song Qinglan can't keep up soon.

There is no time in the crack, except that the mechanized alarm clock is still running, it is difficult for them to tell when it is time to rest.

Occasionally, Song Qinglan would find that she fell asleep during the monsoon rains.

During the rainy season, the desire to go back to their times is urgent and strong.

In the "transit station", the Sky System once responded to why they chose them: they are the one with an over-average winning rate among all Guardian teams.

Song Qinglan knew that such a high winning rate must have a lot to do with joining during the monsoon season.

In the afternoon two days later, Zhou Mingxuan really fell on the garbage mountain.

After the earth-shattering noise, the bearded man was ready to pick up the trash with chains and carts ready.

Together with him, Song Qinglan stopped Zhou Mingxuan when the beard was about to tie up Zhou Mingxuan with an iron chain: "Don't, I'll do it myself, anyone who passes by you will have to peel off."

The bearded man couldn't understand, but he could feel Song Qinglan's meaning. He blew his beard and said, "Monkala Vulich!"

After speaking, he turned around and left.

Song Qinglan didn't know what the silly big guy was angry, but the other party didn't care about the strange character. He picked up Zhou Mingxuan and put it in the cart. On the way, Zhou Mingxuan opened his eyes in a daze.

Zhou Mingxuan is not bad in physical fitness. Although he can't move at low temperatures, he can still speak: "Team Song... why is it so dark?"

After speaking, he fell into a coma again.

Aurora flashed, fluorescent flowers bloomed on both sides of the road, Song Qinglan suddenly had an idea.

Back in the space capsule, Li Chun excitedly rushed up to help settle Zhou Mingxuan, but the big man was nowhere to be seen.

During the rainy season, I was still writing formulas, and there was a pot of coffee next to me.

"Team Song." When the rainy season raised his head, "what's the matter?"

Song Qinglan was still standing. From his perspective, her eyes became a bit round when she raised her face during the monsoon, and she looked more vivid than usual.

Inadvertently, Song Qinglan felt a little strange again in her heart.

He restrained his emotions and sat down next to the monsoon: "Our task is to repair the time. In short, it is to repair the loopholes of time. Is it possible that this task has nothing to do with the flow of time?"

The two sat side by side, with a puzzled expression during the monsoon rain: "It has nothing to do with the flow of time?"

Song Qinglan curled her lips: "I mean, Consultant Ji, do we think the sky is too high? Maybe it is not as smart as we thought."

Song Qinglan believes that the so-called "time repairers" are the same as the "dark chasers" they needed to complete in the last Ouroboros mission. In fact, the mission directions are very simple and clear.

"The system is a system after all. Even if it has self-awareness, it will not play dumb puzzles with us on tasks." Song Qinglan said, "It is at best that it does not know how to work when publishing tasks. It will only use the method of machines. The language is concise and anti-human. ."

During the rainy season, he took a sip of the coffee on the side, and subconsciously squeezed the residue on his lips.

Song Qinglan looked away: "When I found Lao Zhou just now, I suddenly thought of a question. Why is the space around the capsule relatively dim and there is no mirroring phenomenon, while the other places are the opposite?"

With the space capsule as the center of the circle, the surroundings are dim, and there is no mirror projection of up, down, left, and right.

The rain forest and the city are bright, with mirror projections.

The time flow around the space capsule is normal.

The opposite is true elsewhere.

This question opened up a new way of thinking during the monsoon rains, and he gave a soft "ah": "Why didn't I expect it?"

I could see that he was a little annoyed during the rainy season, and he frowned, and even forgot to drink coffee when he put it on his lips again.

During the monsoon rain, I thought for a while: "...why is it normal near the capsule."

Suddenly, during the monsoon rains, he thought of a possibility and his eyes lit up: "Is it because of that period of darkness?"

As he said, he raised his hand to turn off the formula diagram of the communicator, and re-stretched in the air with his hand, just like when he understood the circle of ouroboros, it was to help others and to help himself clarify his thoughts.

The new thoughts quickly eased in his brain: "Based on our experience and your observations over the past few days, we can be sure that the space near the capsule is surrounded by a completely dark substance. When we are going to time When the flow rate is different, it will definitely pass there. And there are fluorescent flowers near the space capsule that are not found in the rainforest and cities, and the fluorescent flowers will emit special light to illuminate the environment, so the flow rate in the time period near the space capsule is normal. Then, This difference must be related to the darkness we passed through."

Song Qinglan waited quietly for him to continue, not wanting to interrupt his thoughts aloud.

During the monsoon rain, a circle was drawn on the projection to represent the space capsule, and a circle of black matter was drawn around it, and a smile suddenly appeared: "I think Einstein's coffin board will not be able to hold it down."

He turned his head and said: "Song team, general relativity believes that large-mass objects will bend space-time. For example, dark matter is such a large-mass object, but dark matter does not interact with electromagnetic waves and does not emit light. No instrument can observe it. Of course, this is different from our current situation, but we may be able to borrow such a theory."

During the monsoon rains, I quickly drew pictures in the sky and explained: "You see, the space near the capsule is very dark, and it feels very heavy when you walk in, because there are many such substances wrapped there. If this black circle of unknown substances is really the final If the culprit that affects the curve of time and space appears abnormal--"

Thinking of such a world in terms of general relativity, Einstein estimated that he would really be unable to hold down the coffin board.

"We have to disperse it." Song Qinglan understood what it meant during the monsoon rains, and didn't mind being unreliable. "Like near the space capsule, fill the darkness with special light."

The source of light is the humble fluorescent flower.

"There are many loopholes," said during the rainy season, "but you can give it a try."

The closest test site to the space capsule was the city outside the outer door. When they stepped out of the outer door wall, the first thing they saw was a cloud of darkness.

Everyone did what they said and did not wait for Zhou Mingxuan to wake up, they went out to pick flowers.

A good journey of decryption in another world turned into defloration, and everyone felt that it was a bit dramatic.

But it won't be less meat if you try. After a while, they will bring the collected fluorescent flowers back to the space capsule.

The Beard had already returned, and he was very angry when he saw that they were about to open the outer hatch again, and screamed.

During the monsoon rains, he was able to have a little conversation with him, and they barely held back their temper after simply communicating with the beard, and followed them.

Li Chun took the initiative to work, and when the beard opened the door, he threw out the fluorescent flowers one after another.

The faint light accumulates, and it quickly illuminates the dark road that is only one step away, revealing the left and right mirror images of the city.

Maybe there is still too little light to illuminate the place completely, and the effect is not visible.

Li Chun said: "What to do, we have already picked up all the nearby flowers, even if you add the garbage mountain, you can still use it, it's not enough."

The beard might have understood that they were doing an experiment, and they kept gesticulating to the monsoon season.

During the rainy season, he translated: "Bearded means that if we need more, we can plant it."

"Seed?" Song Qinglan stood in front of the cabin door, unable to understand.

"Oh my God, how much do you have to plant, and how long does it take to wait?" Li Chun was startled. "When we get it done, all the **** old pearls will turn yellow, right?"

"Beard said, this kind of flower can bloom in a week." said his thoughts during the monsoon rain, "but that is a week near the capsule, what if we take them to the rainforest?"

Rain forest time is nearly 24 times faster than here.

In other words, they only need to spend less than a day to harvest.

"Okay." Song Qinglan agreed without hesitation, "Chun'er and I will go collect the plants first, and we will go together when Lao Zhou wakes up."

Planting flowers in the cracks of time and space-an act of human confusion.

However, everyone feels that nothing is impossible in this world.

Song Qinglan carried her sleep when she went out. She didn't look like a new flower farmer, but she was going to fight monsters.

During the rainy season, he stayed and communicated with the bearded man.

He had to figure out why Beard and they came here, because he intuitively felt that Beard still had many clues waiting for them to discover.

The bearded man opened a new can of beer and poured his head back halfway, leaving alcohol bubbles on his beard.

This time, what they want to communicate is how many people Big Beard has met here, and where those people have gone.


The two paused.


The knock on the door is still ringing.

They looked at the small room at the same time, Zhou Mingxuan hadn't woken up yet, so it couldn't be him.

But the knock on the door did come from the capsule.

The beard blinked his blue eyes and was silly when he saw that he had pulled out a silver pistol from under his sofa cushion during the rainy season.

I found my diamond bird early in the rainy season.

Bearded hiding things can't escape his eyes.

In the rainy season, he made a gesture of keeping quiet, and he loaded the Diamond Bird very neatly. He was obviously a weak person, and he couldn't move his eyes when he picked up the gun.

The two walked around with the knock on the door, and finally came to the outer cabin door.

On guard during the rainy season, the bearded man opened the outer hatch.

There was a young man standing outside, looking about the same age as it was during the monsoon rains.

He was wearing a black combat uniform with a 12 mark on his chest, and he was taken aback: "Who are you?"

It was also stunned during the rainy season.

At this time, footsteps came from behind, and Li Chun hurriedly shouted: "Counselor Ji!!! It's over!!"

The tone was panic and panic to the utmost.

During the rainy season, he had to leave the man to the burly beard and quickly returned to the control room.

Then, he saw a small version of Song Qinglan who looked only seven or eight years old and had a particularly stinky face.

I lived for twenty-five years during the rainy season, and for the first time I understood the feeling that people often use to describe the mood: one head and two big ones.

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