Missing You Deeply

Chapter 894 Something happened (3)

Ning Pingting was inevitably a little disappointed, but she concealed her face very well. She curved her lips, stepped forward and took Su Wanwan's arm, and led her to the dining table, Sister Wanwan, I'm so worried. You won’t come.”

How could it be? I promised you that I would definitely come.

Su Wanwan looked sideways at Ning Pingting. There was a huge difference between her today and her that day. She was so embarrassed that day, and she didn't pay much attention to how she looked. She only knew that she was quite delicate and pretty, but today she looked like this. Look, she has obviously been dressed up deliberately. Her facial features are exquisite and her makeup is charming, especially her big eyes, which are very lively in the blink of an eye and are somewhat similar to hers.

Ning Pingting led Su Wanwan to the seat, then looked at Pei Munian, Mr. Pei, please sit down.

Pei Munian walked straight over, took the seat next to Su Wanwan, and sat down.

Ning Pingting lowered her eyes, then smiled again. She sat across from them and said to the waiter on the side: The food is ready to be served.

Yes, Miss Ning, please wait a moment. The waiter respectfully withdrew.

The red wine has been opened and poured into the crystal glass. Ning Pingting picked up the glass and toasted to them. She said softly: Sister Wanwan, Mr. Pei, I toast you this glass of wine. Thank you for saving me that day. , otherwise I don’t know what would happen now.”

Forget about the past. If you survive a disaster, you will be lucky in the future!

Su Wanwan also picked up the crystal glass and clinked it with Ning Pingting. Ning Pingting's eyes couldn't help but turn to Pei Munian. Pei Munian raised his hand and picked up the crystal glass. Instead of clinking the glass with her, he directly poured the red wine in the glass. He poured it into Su Wanwan's cup and lightly opened his lips, My wife represents me.

The smile on Ning Pingting's lips froze slightly, but after a moment, she returned to her smile, Mr. Pei and Sister Wanwan have such a good relationship.

Su Wanwan glared at Pei Munian angrily, Niannian, you actually asked me to drink for you?

Miss Ning wants to thank you for saving your life, and you want to thank me for saving my life, so naturally you come to drink. Pei Munian's tone was still light, and with just such a simple sentence, all the troubles were cleared up. connect.

Ning Pingting's eyes couldn't help but dim. She took a sip of red wine, but her mouth was full of bitterness. In fact, she shouldn't have thought about it, but she couldn't help but... made a test.

The waiter pushed open the door and brought the special steaks to the three people one by one, and then put down other side dishes.

Pei Munian first laid out the napkin for Su Wanwan as usual. Su Wanwan smiled back. He took back his hand, picked up the knife and fork, cut the steak into small pieces, and then picked up his own. Put the plate in front of Su Wanwan, and then change the one in front of her to his side.



These two simple words already contain deep love, a space that no one can step into.

Ning Pingting smiled mockingly to herself, and finally broke her own assumptions about such a man... It would be great if she had known him earlier, so now, could the person he treats so affectionately be her? ?

Pei Munian's cell phone rang suddenly. He glanced with black eyes and moved his eyebrows slightly. He made a gesture towards Su Wanwan, then stood up and walked towards the floor-to-ceiling window with the phone in hand.

After answering the phone, he listened to a few words spoken over there, and his eyes suddenly sank.

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