Missing You Deeply

Chapter 876 Do you want me? (7)

Fortunately, the proposal was late, but his happiness was not late. He still waited for this scene, and still waited for his beloved woman to stand shyly in front of him, and he was finally able to... show her unreservedly. own heart.

Wanwan, will you marry me? Will you be with me forever?

The man opened his lips and spoke solemnly, word by word. His handsome face showed unprecedented concentration and seriousness.

Obviously...he already knew each other's feelings. Obviously, he also knew that Su Wanwan would definitely agree. But at this moment, he seemed to have returned to that day, like a jerky boy, anxious and uneasy. , uneasy, imagining all the possible reactions of Su Wanwan, sweet and throbbing.

Su Wanwan stood there blankly, with Pei Mu Nian's words ringing in her ears, all of which were the words she wanted to hear the most, even though she had thought about it countless times in her mind, even though she had thought about it countless times in her mind. She repeated it in her mind, but she was still shocked by every word he spoke.

The man in front of her, from the first moment she saw him, her heart was moved, she fell, and she would never change her mind for the rest of her life.

Apart from him, she has never loved any other man, and has never been moved by any other man. All her love revolves around him alone, and she has been looking forward to his response.

Waiting and waiting, hoping and hoping, I thought about giving up when I was sad, I wanted to forget when I was in pain, and I wanted to never see this man again when I was angry.

But... after going around and around, they still stayed in the same place, stayed at the moment of heartbeat, stayed at the moment of deep love.

She thought that in this life, she, Su Wanwan, would never be able to escape the spell of these three words Pei Munian.

Su Wanwan blinked, tears glistening in her eyes, but a big smile bloomed on her lips.

She raised her chin and pretended to be proud: What if I refuse?


Pei Munian lazily repeated those two words, a trace of amusement and danger flashed in his eyes, and he said hoarsely, Then I have no choice but to grab it. I don't accept rejection here.

Rogue. Su Wanwan complained.

I'm a gangster, and so are you, so it's just right that we're made for each other.

What happened to me?

Pei Munian's voice became even lower and hoarse, You stole my heart without my consent and refused to return it. What are you other than a hooligan?

Su Wanwan couldn't help but chuckle, Nian Nian, you are not only a rogue, you are also a rogue.

Yes. Pei Munian nodded generously and admitted, and then said: So, can I hold the beauty back?

Who can resist the charm of this bad man?

He was obviously so bad, but she still loved him, so much that she couldn't help herself, so much that she loved him even for his badness.

Su Wanwan nodded slowly, her red lips parted slightly, and she answered seriously word by word, I do, I am willing to marry you, I am willing to be with you for the rest of my life and never be separated.

Pei Munian smiled slowly, a smile blooming on his handsome face. No matter how beautiful the world was, it seemed that nothing could match his happy smile at this moment.

Su Wanwan stretched out her hand, and Pei Munian took it. He put the ring on her ring finger little by little, then took her hand and pressed a kiss on the back of her hand.

Applause rang out, and many people slowly gathered around. Everyone came from the darkness with smiles on their faces, and they all shouted, KISS~KISS~

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