Missing You Deeply

Chapter 866 Kneel down and call the Queen (7)

Su Wanwan was also busy helping her teammates, and said to Pei Munian on the opposite side: Me too, I won't be merciful to you anymore!

Okay, come here! Pei Munian raised his hand and hooked his slender fingers, Looking forward to your performance!

This... obviously looks down on them!

Su Wanwan gritted her teeth, Let's start!

This time it was Pei Munian's turn to serve again. He lazily threw the ball up and slapped it out. The ball barely jumped over the net in the middle and then fell straight down. Su Wanwan was startled and quickly lowered her body and pushed the ball hard with both hands. Hitting up, she called out to Gong Lingyu. He understood, rushed up from behind in a few steps, and hit their side hard with the ball she held up.

However, Pei Munian was already there. When the ball came over, he jumped easily and patted it casually. The ball passed the net again, fell, and hit Su Wanwan's head accurately again.


Su Wanwan couldn't help but cover her head again and frowned fiercely. The pain was not very painful because the force was certain, but Pei Munian hit the same place on her head twice in a row, which was totally intentional.

This bastard!

Wanwan, are you okay?

It's okay, come again!

Su Wanwan stood up with gritted teeth and said bitterly, I don't believe I can't deal with you, Pei Munian, just wait!

Come on! Pei Munian raised the corners of his lips and hooked his hands handsomely.


Su Wanwan snatched the ball from Gong Lingyu's hand, I'll serve! As she said that, she stepped back, pointed in the direction of Pei Munian, threw it up, and hit it with almost all her strength.

The ball came towards Pei Munian rapidly. Pei Munian could clearly see the route of the ball. He could easily catch the ball. However, Su Wanwan's cheeks that were flushed with anger came to his mind. His eyes were full of anger. The light moved slightly.

If the ball fails to hit again, she is probably going to fall out. His sexual happiness is still with her, so he can't really anger her.

When Pei Munian stepped back, he deliberately tilted his foot and fell backward into the water. The ball flew over and hit his head squarely. Pei Munian let out a cry of pain.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment. Su Wanwan looked at the scene in front of her with some disbelief. She blinked and then blinked again. She...she hit Pei Munian?

Gong Lingyu, who was beside him, had cheered loudly, rushed over and clapped his hands with Su Wanwan, and said with a smile: Wanwan, good job, you did a good job for us, so as not to prevent some people from being too arrogant. My nostrils are pointing upwards!”

Tch, I just recovered one point! Yu Jia retorted, It's too early to be happy!

Yu Jia turned around and reached out to pull Pei Munian. Pei Munian borrowed some of her strength and stood up from the water. Yu Jia looked at him and lowered his voice slightly, Young Master Pei, you can make your wife happy, but I can never lose to Gong. Ling Yu!

The ball just now was impossible to catch with Pei Munian's strength. It was obviously a deliberate attempt to let it go.

Pei Munian smiled and said, Don't worry, Ling Yu, you can fight however you want. I will never interfere, but... you can't make my wife lose too ugly.

This is a short-term protection...

There is also this obvious differential treatment... Is Gong Lingyu really his cousin?

Okay, deal, I specialize in Gong Lingyu, just take care of your wife!

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