Missing You Deeply

Chapter 849 Chapter 888-890 (10)

Su Wanwan stood up, walked to the sofa with bare feet, picked up the paper bag she brought back yesterday, opened it, and took out the contents.

She walked back to the bed and showed it to Pei Munian.

Pei Munian lazily raised his eyelids. In front of him was a T-shirt with a cute doll printed on it. He said with some confusion, Is this...?

This is the couple's outfit I bought yesterday!

Su Wanwan then picked up hers. The style was exactly the same as his, except that hers was a long skirt.

Shall we go out in couple clothes today?

Yesterday, she saw many couples wearing couple's outfits on the street. She was so excited that she ran to the store and bought this couple's outfit, just to wear it with Pei Munian.

She wanted to dress up as a couple with him when she was in college, but it was a pity that they broke up less than twenty-four hours after they fell in love. She wanted to make up for the regret at that time.

Pei Munian thought that what she bought mysteriously yesterday and had to find back later was what it was. It turned out to be a couple's outfit... He didn't mind wearing a couple's outfit with her, but this style might not be too...

Pei Munian stared at the cute doll printed on the clothes and shook his head reflexively, I won't wear this!

Even if it is a pure white T-shirt, he can accept it, but wearing it with such a cute doll would damage his image too much!

Not wearing it?

Su Wanwan's voice raised a few degrees and she stared with her big beautiful eyes, No! You must wear it with me!


Pei Munian helplessly raised his forehead, Wanwan, you want to wear couple clothes with me, OK, but can you change to another one? This...

When he saw the chubby doll in front of him, he really couldn't complain.

What's wrong with this? How cute is this? I fell in love with it at first sight. No matter what, you have to wear this today. I have already thought about it. Let's go walking on the beach wearing this together. I have to take a lot of photos!


Pei Munian lay down on the bed without saying a word, I'm a little tired today, so I won't go out!

Pei Munian, don't pretend to be dead, get up!

Su Wanwan immediately jumped on the bed, sat on his waist, grabbed his clothes with both hands, and pulled him up, If you don't want to wear it, I will help you wear it!

He grabbed her hand, and Su Wanwan retracted her hand angrily, clenched her fist and hit him, Pei Munian, you big bad guy!

Big bad guy? I don't cooperate with you to be bad. How can I still be bad if I cooperate with you, huh?

... He knew how to bully her!

Su Wanwan grinded her teeth, grabbed his hand unceremoniously, and bit it hard.

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