Missing You Deeply

Chapter 844 (3)

He went up the mountain to look for her before and almost died from frostbite because of her. This time he almost got pierced in the back with a dagger because of a fight with her. It seemed like she would always put him in danger when she was by his side...

As Su Wanwan thought about it, the action of applying the medicine unconsciously slowed down and finally stopped.

Pei Munian noticed something was wrong and turned to look at her. He saw her sitting there in a daze, her eyes were unfocused and her eyes were a little red. He frowned slightly and turned over to sit up.

Wanwan, what's wrong?

He sat in front of her, raised her face, put his warm palm against her face, his eyes were as gentle as water, You're so good, why are you sad again?

His fingertips stroked the corners of her eyes, feeling a hint of moisture.

Su Wanwan sniffed, trying to push back her tears, but she couldn't control herself. She leaned forward and leaned in front of Pei Munian, wrapping her hands around his waist and feeling his strong With the sound of heartbeat, the out-of-control emotions slowly calmed down.

She opened her lips and her voice was slightly hoarse, Nian Nian, I'm serious. If you encounter dangerous things in the future, you are not allowed to risk your life to save me again.

She would rather she get hurt than see Pei Munian get hurt. The feeling of fear is even more uncomfortable than getting hurt.


He thought something was wrong with her, but it turned out to be because of this. It was natural to protect his woman. Could it be that he was expected to watch something happen to her and remain indifferent?

Wanwan, I can promise you anything else, but not this.

Pei Munian pushed Su Wanwan away slightly and stared at her with dark eyes, affectionate and determined, It's not that I don't want to, but... I don't want to here.

He took her hand and pressed it to his heart, That's instinct, an instinct that cannot be changed.

Loving her is instinctive, saving her is also instinctive, everything related to her is his instinct, and it is impossible for him to change unless he, Pei Munian, no longer exists in this world.

It was strange, even though Pei Munian didn't say any sweet words, it still made people's hearts flutter. There was a sourness in her nose, and the tears she had finally suppressed gathered in her eyes again.

Only this time it's not out of sadness, but out of joy.

Su Wanwan took a few deep breaths, blinked her eyes, and finally stopped crying. She pursed her lips, forced out a smile, and pretended to be teasing: Nian Nian, you also said that you have never had a woman before me, so you are so good at flirting. You talk about love so easily, who would believe you?

Really do not have.

Pei Munian opened his thin lips lightly and spat out the words clearly. He looked at her with eyes that seemed to sink her into the deepest part of his heart. He paused and said with a smile, I probably met you, so I have no teacher. Self-taught.

Before meeting Su Wanwan, he had never had any strange feelings for any woman, and because of his good brother Xi Zhiqian's incident, he had aversion and hostility towards love. He couldn't even understand why Xi Zhiwei would go to love in a confused way. Point of no return, so stupid and cowardly.

But when he really met his love, the woman he loved most in his life, he suddenly had an epiphany and realized how ridiculous his previous empty talk was, and he was able to truly understand the mood of his good brother. .

When love is sweet, it can make people feel endless happiness, but once it becomes painful, it is also the most fatal injury.

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