Missing You Deeply

Chapter 833 Nian Nian, you are so handsome (1)


The hot white girl looked at Pei Munian with eyes that turned from infatuation to disbelief, and then from disbelief to irritation. She was very dissatisfied with Pei Munian's lack of vision, but she didn't dare to stay here. She snorted coldly, got up and left.

She took two steps and Pei Munian's voice came from behind her, Wait a minute.

The hot white girl curled her lips and said that no man could resist her temptation. Wouldn't this mean that this man would regret it?

She turned back triumphantly, holding her chin up proudly, and just as she was about to speak, Pei Munian said to Su Wanwan: Let her take her garbage away, and don't litter everywhere.


Su Wanwan was stunned for a moment, then looked at the tissue in her hand, and it suddenly dawned on her. She held back her laughter and handed the tissue to the hot white girl, Take the trash away.

The hot white girl's face suddenly changed, with blue and white intertwined. She pulled the tissue hard, crumpled it into a ball, gritted her teeth and stepped on high heels to leave.

Su Wanwan was still angry at first, but looking at her like that, she burst into laughter.

Nian Nian, you are so poisonous. Just two words can make people angry to death. After such a comparison, she suddenly felt that all the words he had said to her before were not considered poisonous.

Pei Munian raised his eyebrows and said seriously: I just want to make Mrs. Bo smile.

Su Wanwan's smiling eyes turned into two crescent moons. She sat down, took out the things on the plate, then forked a small piece of apple and fed it to Pei Munian's mouth, Be good, I'll reward you.

I accept this more than this reward...

Pei Munian stood up, leaned forward, pinched Su Wanwan's chin with his five fingers, raised her face, covered her with his thin lips, and kissed her.

Su Wanwan looked at him with pink cheeks and smiled, raised her hand and pushed him away gently, I want to eat, I'm starved to death.



Yu Jia didn't refuse to go out because she felt dizzy after flying, but she didn't want to go out and see Gong Lingyu. Now that she saw him, she became upset and particularly irritable. He could always easily make her calm heart ripple. , thinking about things you shouldn’t think about.

It was just too boring to stay in the room all the time, and the food on the plane was not delicious. She didn't eat much at noon, and she was a little hungry. She thought, Gong Lingyu should have gone out for a walk by this time, right? Then she would go out for a walk, have a meal and then come back.

Yu Jia took a shower, changed into a comfortable shirt and jeans, picked up her bag, and walked to the door of the room.

Who knows, as soon as she opened the door, the room opposite seemed to sense it and opened the room. Gong Lingyu walked out from inside, holding a bottle of medicated oil in his hand.

As if it was such a coincidence, Gong Lingyu smiled and said to Yu Jia: Yu Jia, I was just coming to find you. I heard that you are suffering from airsickness and have a headache. I brought medicated oil. It is very effective. You can apply it on it. Just a little.

Yu Jia glanced at his face and looked away coldly, No, I'm fine. You can keep it for yourself! After that, she closed the door of the room and walked straight out.

Gong Lingyu was quick-sighted and reached out to grab Yu Jia's wrist.

Yu Jia's cold eyes shot towards him like a sharp blade, which made Gong Lingyu's heart tremble suddenly. The image of her punching him that day came to mind, and he subconsciously let go of his hand.

But within a second, his hands clenched tightly again.

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