Missing You Deeply

Chapter 818 Chapter 855-856 Don’t force yourself (6)

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Pei Munian may be able to make such a decision with passion, but who knows how long it will last?

Many things are often incompatible with reality. How many men and women who love each other are separated due to the cruel reality and become resentful couples, and their love turns into hatred. Reality is not a fairy tale after all.

I blame you? Pei Munian smiled and flicked her forehead with his long finger, Well, I blame you now.

Su Wanwan snorted in pain and couldn't help but raise her hands to cover her head.

I blame you for always having random thoughts, and blame you for not giving me any confidence at all!

Su Wanwan looked at Pei Munian blankly, forgetting even the pain, and couldn't help but call his name emotionally, Nian Nian...

Su Wanwan, remember, if I give up on you, I will blame myself for the rest of my life!

It was so hurt and painful, but he never gave up on Su Wanwan. Finally, she was by his side, in his arms. They loved each other, no longer misunderstanding, no longer jealous. What could be more precious than this? It's so precious that money can't buy it!

Su Wanwan blinked, her nose couldn't help but feel sour.

The touch this man gave her seemed to have no end. How could she be so stupid at the beginning and not see his deep love, and miss so many years in vain.

The cell phone rang suddenly.

Pei Munian's movements suddenly paused, and his dark eyes stared at the mobile phone on the bedside table. The screen flickered on, and a gloom filled his eyes.

Su Wanwan frowned subconsciously when the ringtone of her cell phone came into her ears.

During this time, the phone always seemed to ring when they were deeply in love. Once or twice was okay, but more often was too annoying.

In the past, it was because he was busy with work, so forget it, but today, isn't Pei Munian no longer the CEO of Pei's? Haven't all the work been handed over? Why did Assistant Wu call me so late at night?

Su Wanwan reached over to get the phone, Let me pick it up. I want to talk to Assistant Wu carefully. If there is anything, ask him to report it in the morning. What's the point of always calling at night?

However, when Su Wanwan's hand was about to touch the phone, Pei Munian had already picked up the phone before her, It must be important business, so Assistant Wu would call at this time.

Pei Munian's hand caressed Su Wanwan's cheek, as if to comfort her, Hey, I'm going to answer the phone first. We are going on our honeymoon, so we have to finish all the things here first.

After that, he leaned down again, pressed a kiss on Su Wanwan's forehead, then got up and got out of the bed, heading out to the balcony.

Su Wanwan curled her lips and stared at Pei Munian's back, extremely depressed.

Damn phone calls, why do they come so unluckily every time?

But complaining was a complaint, and she could still understand Pei Munian. After all, he had given up all his work to be with her during the more than a month she was recovering in Switzerland. He was so busy.

Pei Munian came back from the phone call and saw Su Wanwan rolling herself up like a silkworm on the bed. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, Is this...?

Su Wanwan revealed her big eyes from the quilt, You are not allowed to come close until the scars on my body have faded.

After a pause, she added, You lost the opportunity yourself, don't blame me.

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