Missing You Deeply

Chapter 807 I will support you (4)

Su Wanwan ignored her words, licked her dry lips, and said hoarsely: Who are you? Where are you?

It was the same question as before, but the maid pretended not to hear it. She sat on the edge of the bed, helped Su Wanwan up, put a pillow behind her for her to lean on, then picked up the bowl and chopsticks, and Feed the dish to Su Wanwan.

Su Wanwan didn't eat, but asked stubbornly, Who are you? No...who is your master? What do you want to do?

Miss Su, let's eat.

The maid repeated her words mechanically, turning a blind eye to all her questions. Su Wanwan became a little irritable and angry because of her uneasiness, but she also knew that the maid obeyed orders, and it was useless for her to be angry with her.

You, if you don't answer me, then... then at least, at least tell me, Xiao Zeze... the child with me, is he okay now? You didn't hurt him, right?

The maid was silent for a moment, but then she spoke, If I tell Miss Su, will you eat well?

Su Wanwan nodded slowly.

She is not stupid. Before she figures things out, she must conserve her strength and not starve herself to death. After all, they show no signs of harming her, and they probably won't do anything with the food.

He is fine. He has been staying in the room well and has fallen asleep now.

Although Su Wanwan also guessed that Xiao Zeze would not be harmed, but when he heard the definite answer with his own ears, his hanging heart slowly dropped.

The maid put the food to her mouth again. Su Wanwan opened her mouth and ate it without resisting.

After eating, the maid packed her things and went out. When she closed the door, Su Wanwan heard the sound of the lock being locked. She sat on the bedside, her eyes becoming more and more confused.

You brought them here, didn't harm them, just locked them in separate rooms. What was your intention?

No, when she just woke up, she vaguely saw a doctor in a white coat, and someone pricked her finger with a needle. What did that mean?

And Pei Munian... he should know that she is missing at this time, right? Are you already looking for her everywhere? -

Pei Munian was completely done with his work. It was already past two o'clock in the night. He returned to the office. After putting down the documents, he picked up the mobile phone on the table and looked at it.

Su Wanwan did not reply to his text message.

Pei Munian couldn't help but twitch the corners of his lips, what on earth is this woman busy with? Did you go to bed so early?

Pei Munian subconsciously wanted to call and denounce this woman. He was so busy here, but she didn't care at all.

But after all, it was too late. He was afraid of waking her up, so he moved his fingers and gave up the call.

There was an important guest to meet early tomorrow morning, so Pei Munian did not go back to the villa and rested directly in the lounge connected to the office.


Pei Munian was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone. When he opened his eyes, the sky outside was already slightly bright. He raised his eyes and looked at the clock on the wall. It was only after seven o'clock.

It was so early. Did Su Wanwan call him right after she woke up?

Pei Munian couldn't help but laugh. He sat up and leaned half against the bed. He took the phone and answered it without looking at it. His voice was lazily like someone just waking up, Have you finally remembered me?

However, the voice coming over there was not Su Wanwan's.

(Starting from tomorrow, updates will be released for three consecutive days. After midnight tomorrow, chapter 30 will be released first. The sweet plot is coming. Darlings, for such a diligent man, should you use your monthly ticket to pamper me? Double the monthly ticket. The event is coming to an end, dears, hurry up and vote for the month, I love you~~Good night)

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