Missing You Deeply

Chapter 793 Chapter 828-829 It turns out you are like this Wanwan (5)

Su Wanwan thought about her appearance just now and felt as if she was embarrassed to see others. She suddenly covered her cheeks with her hands, Nian Nian, you... you should leave first. I want to be quiet.

Pei Munian couldn't help being amused by Su Wanwan, but as if he didn't understand her embarrassment, he opened his thin lips and said lazily: Who is Jingjing?


Su Wanwan felt her blood surge and her whole brain was congested. If Pei Munian looked at her like this again, she would be ashamed to death. She unconsciously stretched out her hand and pushed Pei Munian, and said angrily: You hurry up and leave!


A muffled groan reached Su Wanwan's ears. She was stunned, and quickly opened her eyes. In front of her, Pei Munian frowned, with a painful look on her handsome face. She said in surprise: Nian Nian, what's wrong with you?

Wanwan, my injury is not fully healed yet, you touched my wound.

Yes, I'm sorry. I forgot that you still have a wound. Are you okay? Let me see... As she said that, Su Wanwan subconsciously reached out to lift Pei Munian's hospital gown. Because it was very loose, she directly It can be opened.

The large area of ​​skin on his chest was a deep dark color, which looked extremely shocking under his originally fair complexion. Su Wanwan looked at it, and tears suddenly fell down.

Brother Ziwei brushed off Pei Munian's injuries. She didn't know how badly he was injured. He looked in good spirits just now, so she thought he didn't have much frostbite, but it turned out that his injuries were much more serious than she thought. .

But also, when they were in the mountains, he took off all his clothes to keep her warm. She was freezing in her clothes. How could he be okay?

Niannian, how is your injury? Does it hurt? I'm sorry, it's all because of me...

At this moment, she suddenly wished that Pei Munian was not here. She would rather that he was far away in L City, where he could at least be well, instead of almost losing his life and still suffering such serious injuries.

Pei Munian originally just wanted to tease Su Wanwan, but he suddenly made her cry. He hurriedly said: Wanwan, I'm fine, don't cry.

He caressed Su Wanwan's cheek with his fingertips, slowly wiped away her tears, and continued softly, I'm fine here, aren't I? My injury is almost healed. It's okay. Don't worry.

Where is the best place?

Su Wanwan looked at the large area of ​​black and purple. Her heart seemed to be tightly grasped by a big hand, and she felt terribly uncomfortable. Because she was wearing clothes to keep warm, she didn't suffer much frostbite. What she injured was her back where the snowball hit her. , the frostbite on Pei Munian's body should have been on her body.

Su Wanwan stretched out her hand tremblingly, and touched her gently with her fingertips, The injury is so serious, you don't want to rest well in the ward.

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