Missing You Deeply

Chapter 781 The Thin Line of Life and Death (10)

Pei Munian's words slowly entered Su Wanwan's ears word by word. She could hardly believe what she heard. She fell in love with Pei Munian at first sight, but Pei Munian... did he also fall in love with her at first sight?

He pretended not to remember her because of what happened to Senior Brother Xi, so he was so indifferent to her and rejected her thousands of miles away, but in the end... he still fell in love with her?

All along, she thought that he disliked her, even hated her, so he agreed to her confession and being with her was just a deception and revenge.

But, isn't that the case?

Nian, Nian Nian, you agreed to be with me, is it because you like me?

Pei Munian seemed to find Su Wanwan's question funny. He glanced sideways at her and asked instead, Why should I be with someone I don't like?

Yes, why do you want to be with someone you don't like? Emotional matters are the most difficult to make do with. At that time, she... was afraid of seeing Pei Munian's disgusted eyes because of timidity and cowardice, so she didn't ask anything, just for the sake of Her little self-esteem hurt him severely with her words.

She said that Pei Munian was an idiot, and she was the idiot, a super idiot.

A tear overflowed unconsciously from the corner of her eye, but it quickly solidified into ice. Su Wanwan was so cold that she shivered all over. If only she had known earlier, earlier.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Nian Nian, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

Su Wanwan sniffed hard, and the coldness came over her. She almost couldn't breathe, but she still gritted her teeth and finished her words word by word, I thought that you were... because of habits. , about Senior Brother Xi, you were with me, and you wanted to take revenge on me, so I... I said those words to you, I didn't mean to play with you, I never did.


This is the first time they have mentioned anything about Xi Zhiqian since they have known each other for so long. Because Xi Zhiqian has always been very low-key, he has never told the public about his relationship with the Pei family, so except for Pei Munian's familiar friends, there is no one at all. I know that Pei Munian and Xi Zhiqian are acquaintances and their relationship is so good.

Pei Munian always thought that Su Wanwan didn't know that he knew Xi Zhiqian, but he didn't expect that she did?

You...you know my relationship with Aqian? How could you...

As far as he knew, Xi Zhiqian probably hadn't mentioned anything related to him to Su Wanwan, because that time he accidentally noticed Xi Zhiqian looking at a photo with a gentle smile. As soon as he came over, he took that photo. The photo was hidden, and he teased him about whether he had a girl he liked. At that time, Xi Zhiqian said that the time was not yet ripe, and he would introduce her to him later. That is to say, he hasn't introduced him to Su Wanwan yet.

Xi Zhiwei, Xi Zhiwei told me. I...I was also shocked. I never thought that Xi Zhiwei would be, is Senior Brother Xi's sister. You, you and Senior Brother Xi are good brothers.

But it's just me being stupid. Xi Zhiwei, Xi Zhiqian, I didn't think of such similar names.

But that was also because she deliberately didn't remember anything about Xi Zhiqian, because she felt too guilty, so when Xi Zhiwei told her about the relationship between Xi Zhiqian and Pei Munian, she was instantly defeated, and she didn't even have the courage to question. No.

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