Missing You Deeply

Chapter 769 Do you really give up? (6)

Last night, Su Wanwan told him the same thing, Pei Munian, don't regret it!

Don't regret if you don't accept her or love her. Don't regret it when she really doesn't belong to him anymore...

The light in Pei Munian's eyes gradually dimmed, and he was full of hesitation and struggle. He actually knew that he would regret it. He regretted it when he walked out of the hotel door, but he didn't have the courage to stop, just like he didn't chase him out now. courage……


There are still fifteen minutes left before boarding time.

Shen Ziwei looked at the absent-minded Su Wanwan and said softly: Wait for me here, and I'll buy you a hot drink, okay?


Shen Ziwei patted Su Wanwan on the head, turned around and walked towards the coffee shop not far away.

Su Wanwan sat on the chair, looking at the phone in her hand, silently. She raised her eyes and looked around, but she couldn't see the person she wanted to see. At this time, Lu Sheng should have sent her to Switzerland. The news was told to him.

She is going abroad with another man, maybe she will get married abroad, maybe she will never come back, does it still matter to him?

In fact, what makes her sad is not that he doesn't love her, but that... he obviously loves her, but he suppresses himself, closes himself off, and is unwilling to face his feelings.

Not being able to let go was always more painful than not loving her. Sometimes she would rather Pei Munian didn't love her anymore and let go completely. At least he wouldn't be entangled or miserable because of her in his future life. In this case, she would also give up. Reason.

Idiot Pei Munian, big idiot.

Su Wanwan murmured, vomiting word by word, her nose became sore again, and then her tears slipped down at some point and hit the screen of her mobile phone.

Shen Ziwei came back with two cups of hot drinks. Su Wanwan sat there, covering his face with his hands, his shoulders shaking slightly, and he sighed softly.

He came over, squatted in front of Su Wanwan, held a hot drink against her cheek, and laughed at her unceremoniously, Wanwan, to be honest, you look ugly when you cry, so stop crying, it's harmful. Watch.”


Su Wanwan raised her eyes and couldn't help but punched Shen Ziwei, complaining: Brother Ziwei, I'm so sad, and you still bully me.

Shen Ziwei stood up and sat on the chair next to Su Wanwan. He first took out a handkerchief to wipe her tears, and then handed her the hot drink, Here, drink.

A hot drink was stuffed into the hand, and the warmth warmed the palm of the hand, but Su Wanwan's heart was cold.

The radio began to prompt boarding information, repeating it in his ears over and over again. Shen Ziwei stood up and pulled Su Wanwan up, We are about to board the plane, let's go.

Su Wanwan was led away by Shen Ziwei, but she continued to search and look around without giving up. There were so many people coming and going in the airport, but there was no one she was waiting for or looking for.

Even if he knew in his heart, maybe he just wouldn't come. Didn't he leave so decisively last night?

He couldn't give her the trust she wanted, and she wasn't willing to give him the trust she wanted.

They can be together, but do they have to be together like they can't talk to each other, can't love deeply, and live their whole lives in confusion?

If Pei Munian didn't love her, maybe she could make do with it, but knowing that he loved her, she couldn't tolerate any flaws.

Lu Sheng was sitting in the VIP waiting room, looking through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows as Su Wanwan was being led away by Shen Ziwei, turning around step by step. He couldn't help but took out his phone and edited a text message: [You only have five minutes left. regret time. 】

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