Missing You Deeply

Chapter 76 What do you think of me (1)

Chapter 76 What do you think of me (1)

Pei Munian was silent for a long time before slowly opening his lips, We are already married.

They are already married, no matter what reason she married him, since he can't let go of her and still loves her, then he can only let go of the past and resentment. He didn't want to go further and further away from her, he just wanted to... slowly walk into her heart.

Lu Sheng naturally understood what Pei Munian meant. He sighed lightly, hoping that Su Wanwan could see his sincerity.


A week later, Su Wanwan and Ji Xinxin officially signed a contract, and Ji Xinxin became the spokesperson of the new product. After the two parties signed the contract, Su Wanwan stood up and shook hands with Ji Xinxin.

Miss Ji, thank you.

Ji Xinxin smiled gracefully, You're welcome, let's just reciprocate and benefit each other.

Su Wanwan looked at Ji Xinxin, a little hesitant to speak, but she hesitated for a while, and asked her the question that had troubled her for a long time, Miss Ji, may I take the liberty to ask, why are you willing to lower your requirements? Are you representing our company?

Ji Xinxin didn't seem surprised that she would ask this question, she raised her eyebrows lightly, a smile bloomed on her beautiful face, then she shrugged and said disapprovingly, Oh, I've been a little bored recently, so I'm looking for something to do Do, as for the requirements? My sister is not short of money, why do you have such high requirements?


This reason is really random... Thanks to her racking her brains for so long...

It's okay, I'm leaving.

Ji Xinxin took the sunglasses handed over by the assistant, put them on, and walked away gracefully on high heels.

Xiaomei stared at Ji Xinxin's back like a nympho, and couldn't help admiring, A queen is a queen, every gesture is so touching, it's hard to tell that she's married and her son is still three years old Now, how do you take care of it!

Seeing Xiaomei like this, Su Wanwan couldn't help shaking her head and chuckling. She nodded her forehead and said, Stop gossiping, and get back to work. The contract has been signed. You should write the report as soon as possible, and then Submit it to the finance department and ask them to allocate funds and transfer the endorsement fee to the account of Ji Xinxin's studio.


Xiaomei made a gesture of salute, then took the contract, and walked out of the conference room with arrogance, and the corners of Su Wanwan's lips could not be concealed.

With Ji Xinxin's endorsement, this project is very likely to be a turnaround for the company. If luck is good, with this project, the company can make a comeback.

Then, there is no need to involve these interests between her and Pei Munian, and she doesn't have to be so humble and unable to hold her head up in front of him.

Su Wanwan walked slowly to the floor-to-ceiling windows, she looked out the window, the sun was shining brightly outside the window, the sky was cloudless and blue, she gently closed her eyes, as if the road ahead, like this, was bright.

However, what she never expected was that in just one day, the light in front of her eyes was completely shrouded in darkness, and it was still a lingering darkness.


In the past month, Mrs. Pei has sent three sums of money to Mrs. Su, which should have been enough to last for three or four months, but when Xiaomei went to ask the finance department to allocate the money for the endorsement fee, she was told, In the company account, there is no money to pay the endorsement fee.

Xiaomei came back to report with a bitter face, and Su Wanwan sat on the chair, almost thinking that she had heard wrong.

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