Missing You Deeply

Chapter 743: Force out his true feelings (16)

Xi Zhiwei's long eyelashes trembled and she blinked several times. She couldn't believe what she heard, Brother Mu Nian, come on, at this time, you still want to defend Su Wanwan?

What kind of delusion did Su Wanwan give him?

Or do you think I synthesized this photo, just like the last banquet, to deliberately embarrass Su Wanwan?

Xi Zhiwei's eyes reddened in grievance, Brother Mu Nian, I swear, I didn't make anything up out of thin air this time, nor did I do it on purpose. Su Wanwan is really having an affair with this man. If you don't believe it, you can go see it yourself!

Xi Zhiwei sniffed, her voice a little choked, I heard her say that she was going to go to sea with this man tomorrow. If you go and see, you will know that I am not lying!

Let me tell you for the last time, her affairs have nothing to do with you. No matter what you see or hear, you'd better keep your mouth shut!

Pei Munian took a step forward, leaned over, and brought his thin lips to her ear. It seemed intimate, but in fact his words were sharp and cruel, showing no mercy. Weiwei, I don't want what happened at the last banquet to happen again, and I don't want it to happen again. …I’ll embarrass you again, huh?”

After saying that, Pei Munian straightened up, walked straight past her, and walked toward the elevator.

Assistant Wu glanced at Xi Zhiwei. She stood there blankly, tears falling, but her face was full of reluctance. Her red lips were pursed tightly, and her eyes were full of haze. His eyebrows could not help but frown.

For such a long time, the big boss has always been polite to her. Even if he treats her well, he has clearly distinguished himself. But why doesn't Miss Xi understand? He just didn't know why, but seeing her like this, he felt a little uneasy. He hoped it was just an illusion.


inside the car.

Assistant Wu sat in the passenger seat and said to the driver: Drive. Then he raised his eyes and looked in the rear mirror, looking at Pei Munian's expressionless face, with a deep gloom between his eyebrows, and remembered what Xi Zhiwei said just now. If so, I couldn’t help but sigh.

The relationship between the big boss and the young lady is really like the weather in June. It's sunny when it's sunny and cloudy when it's cloudy. Yesterday, they sweetly showed off their affection in front of the female staff. Hey Everyone’s dog food, today again...

But also, when the big boss asked him to investigate the young master's life experience, he knew that this day would definitely come. He had also thought about reminding the young lady, but he could not betray the big boss.

I thought it would be a safe transition, but who knew... it broke out after all.

Assistant Wu frowned and thought for a moment. He cleared his voice and said casually, Mr. Pei, let me tell you about tomorrow's schedule. There is a regular meeting at nine o'clock in the morning. It's just an ordinary meeting. It's nothing important. , Mr. Li made an appointment with you to play golf at 10:30, but Mr. Li, you only met last week, in fact, it’s okay to meet once again, at 12 o’clock...

Pei Munian lazily raised his eyebrows, and his voice was low and deep, with a hint of coldness, What do you want to say?

...No, I don't want to say anything. Assistant Wu felt a chill go down his spine and immediately stopped the topic wisely. He could only help the young lady here.

When the car arrived at the hotel, there was no movement from Pei Munian. Assistant Wu did not dare to rush him and sat there quietly, waiting for his instructions.

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